# gendoc.rb -- Converts the top-comments inside module.c to modules API # reference documentaiton in markdown format. # Convert the C comment to markdown def markdown(s) s = s.gsub(/\*\/$/,"") s = s.gsub(/^ \* {0,1}/,"") s = s.gsub(/^\/\* /,"") s.chop! while s[-1] == "\n" || s[-1] == " " lines = s.split("\n") newlines = [] lines.each{|l| if l[0] != ' ' l = l.gsub(/RM_[A-z()]+/){|x| "`#{x}`"} l = l.gsub(/RedisModule_[A-z()]+/){|x| "`#{x}`"} l = l.gsub(/REDISMODULE_[A-z]+/){|x| "`#{x}`"} end newlines << l } return newlines.join("\n") end # Given the source code array and the index at which an exported symbol was # detected, extracts and outputs the documentation. def docufy(src,i) m = /RM_[A-z0-9]+/.match(src[i]) name = m[0] name = name.sub("RM_","RedisModule_") proto = src[i].sub("{","").strip+";\n" proto = proto.sub("RM_","RedisModule_") puts "## `#{name}`\n\n" puts " #{proto}\n" comment = "" while true i = i-1 comment = src[i]+comment break if src[i] =~ /\/\*/ end comment = markdown(comment) puts comment+"\n\n" end puts "# Modules API reference\n\n" src = File.open("../module.c").to_a src.each_with_index{|line,i| if line =~ /RM_/ && line[0] != ' ' && line[0] != '#' && line[0] != '/' if src[i-1] =~ /\*\// docufy(src,i) end end }