#!/bin/bash if [ "x$1" == "x" ] then echo "Usage: $0 [email]" echo "Generate the tarball verification info suitable to put into an announcement." echo echo "Examples" echo " $0 7.0.0beta3" exit 0 fi RELEASE_VER=$1 GPG_USER= if [ "x$2" != "x" ] then GPG_USER=$2 fi if test "x$PHPROOT" == "x"; then PHPROOT=. fi for TARBALL in "$PHPROOT/php-$RELEASE_VER.tar.bz2" "$PHPROOT/php-$RELEASE_VER.tar.gz" "$PHPROOT/php-$RELEASE_VER.tar.xz" do if ! [ -e $TARBALL ] then echo "$TARBALL doesn't exist" exit 3 fi if [ -n $GPG_USER ] then gpg --armor --detach-sign $TARBALL else gpg -u $GPG_USER --armor --detach-sign $TARBALL fi done for TARBALL in "$PHPROOT/php-$RELEASE_VER.tar.bz2" "$PHPROOT/php-$RELEASE_VER.tar.gz" "$PHPROOT/php-$RELEASE_VER.tar.xz" do basename $TARBALL echo "SHA256 hash: `sha256sum $TARBALL | cut -d' ' -f1`"; echo PGP signature: cat $TARBALL.asc echo -e "\n" done exit 0