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unsigned intvmretwatch_HashTablessigned charMETHOD_PARAMis_variadic__blksize_textended_valuenum_argstimeout_secondsfilenamedtorcountcast_objectFILE_PARAMsi_pidzend_hash_str_find_ptruser_error_handlerzend_binary_strcasecmp_zend_trait_aliaszend_class_entry__off64_tzvalEH_SUPPRESSHashTable_sigsys_IO_read_basezend_object_unset_property_tearly_binding_offsetini_directivesnIteratorsCountcontoptionsstate_IO_buf_endget_debug_info_BucketThiszend_object_iterator_funcszend_boolwopssocket_server_fdzend_try_catch_elementZEND_HANDLE_FILENAME_modefilterfgetss_state_IO_write_basemodulefunction_phpdbg_btree_branchEMPTY_PARAMfuncht_iteratorsparser_stack_php_stream_wrapperstream_rmdirpDestructorlambda_countzend_internal_arg_info__bailoutzend_object_get_property_ptr_ptr_tseekphpdbg_do_print_classzend_serialize_dataphp_stream_statbuf_sigpolllong 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