array('pipe', 'w')]; } /* Since it's not possible to spawn a process under linux without using a * shell in php (why?!?) we need a little shell trickery, so that we can * actually kill php-fpm */ $fpm = proc_open('killit () { kill $child; }; trap killit TERM; '.get_fpm_path().' -F -O -y '.$cfg.' '.$extra_args.' 2>&1 & child=$!; wait', $desc, $pipes); register_shutdown_function( function($fpm) use($cfg) { @unlink($cfg); if (is_resource($fpm)) { @proc_terminate($fpm); while (proc_get_status($fpm)['running']) { usleep(10000); } } }, $fpm ); if ($out !== false) { $out = $pipes[1]; } return $fpm; } /* }}} */ function test_fpm_conf($config, &$msg = NULL) { /* {{{ */ $cfg = dirname(__FILE__).'/test-fpm-config.tmp'; file_put_contents($cfg, $config); exec(get_fpm_path() . ' -t -y ' . $cfg . ' 2>&1', $output, $code); if ($code) { $msg = preg_replace("/\[.+?\]/", "", $output[0]); return false; } return true; } /* }}} */ function run_fpm_till($needle, $config, $max = 10) /* {{{ */ { $i = 0; $fpm = run_fpm($config, $tail); if (is_resource($fpm)) { while($i < $max) { $i++; $line = fgets($tail); if(preg_match($needle, $line) === 1) { break; } } if ($i >= $max) { $line = false; } proc_terminate($fpm); stream_get_contents($tail); fclose($tail); proc_close($fpm); } return $line; } /* }}} */ function fpm_display_log($tail, $n=1, $ignore='systemd') { /* {{{ */ while ($n) { $a = fgets($tail); if (empty($ignore) || !strpos($a, $ignore)) { echo $a; $n--; } } } /* }}} */ function run_request($host, $port, $uri='/ping', $query='', $headers=array()) { /* {{{ */ require_once ''; $client = new Adoy\FastCGI\Client($host, $port); $params = array_merge(array( 'GATEWAY_INTERFACE' => 'FastCGI/1.0', 'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'GET', 'SCRIPT_FILENAME' => $uri, 'SCRIPT_NAME' => $uri, 'QUERY_STRING' => $query, 'REQUEST_URI' => $uri . ($query ? '?'.$query : ""), 'DOCUMENT_URI' => $uri, 'SERVER_SOFTWARE' => 'php/fcgiclient', 'REMOTE_ADDR' => '', 'REMOTE_PORT' => '9985', 'SERVER_ADDR' => '', 'SERVER_PORT' => '80', 'SERVER_NAME' => php_uname('n'), 'SERVER_PROTOCOL' => 'HTTP/1.1', 'CONTENT_TYPE' => '', 'CONTENT_LENGTH' => 0 ), $headers); return $client->request($params, false)."\n"; } /* }}} */