--TEST-- Test vsprintf() function : usage variations - hexa formats with hexa values --SKIPIF-- <?php if (PHP_INT_SIZE != 4) die("skip this test is for 32bit platform only"); ?> --FILE-- <?php /* Prototype : string vsprintf(string format, array args) * Description: Return a formatted string * Source code: ext/standard/formatted_print.c */ /* * Test vsprintf() when different hexa formats and hexa values are passed to * the '$format' and '$args' arguments of the function */ echo "*** Testing vsprintf() : hexa formats with hexa values ***\n"; // defining array of different hexa formats $formats = array( "%x", "%+x %-x %X", "%lx %Lx, %4x %-4x", "%10.4x %-10.4x %04x %04.4x", "%'#2x %'2x %'$2x %'_2x", "%x %x %x %x", "% %%x x%", '%3$x %4$x %1$x %2$x' ); // Arrays of hexa values for the format defined in $format. // Each sub array contains hexa values which correspond to each format string in $format $args_array = array( array(0x0), array(-0x1, 0x1, +0x22), array(0x7FFFFFFF, -0x7fffffff, +0x7000000, -0x80000000), array(123456, 12345678, -1234567, 1234567), array(1, 0x2222, 0333333, -0x44444444), array(0x123b, 0xfAb, "0xaxz", 012), array(0x1234, 0x34, 0x2ff), array(0x3, 0x4, 0x1, 0x2) ); // looping to test vsprintf() with different char octal from the above $format array // and with octal values from the above $args_array array $counter = 1; foreach($formats as $format) { echo "\n-- Iteration $counter --\n"; var_dump( vsprintf($format, $args_array[$counter-1]) ); $counter++; } echo "Done"; ?> --EXPECTF-- *** Testing vsprintf() : hexa formats with hexa values *** -- Iteration 1 -- string(1) "0" -- Iteration 2 -- string(13) "ffffffff 1 22" -- Iteration 3 -- string(28) "7fffffff x, 7000000 80000000" -- Iteration 4 -- string(35) " ffed2979 0000" -- Iteration 5 -- string(22) "#1 2222 1b6db bbbbbbbc" -- Iteration 6 -- string(12) "123b fab 0 a" -- Iteration 7 -- string(5) "%34 x" -- Iteration 8 -- string(7) "1 2 3 4" Done