--TEST-- Test sprintf() function : basic functionality - octal format --SKIPIF-- <?php if (PHP_INT_SIZE != 8) die("skip this test is for 64bit platform only"); ?> --FILE-- <?php /* Prototype : string sprintf(string $format [, mixed $arg1 [, mixed ...]]) * Description: Return a formatted string * Source code: ext/standard/formatted_print.c */ echo "*** Testing sprintf() : basic functionality - using octal format ***\n"; // Initialise all required variables $format = "format"; $format1 = "%o"; $format2 = "%o %o"; $format3 = "%o %o %o"; $arg1 = 021; $arg2 = -0347; $arg3 = 0567; // Calling sprintf() with default arguments var_dump( sprintf($format) ); // Calling sprintf() with two arguments var_dump( sprintf($format1, $arg1) ); // Calling sprintf() with three arguments var_dump( sprintf($format2, $arg1, $arg2) ); // Calling sprintf() with four arguments var_dump( sprintf($format3, $arg1, $arg2, $arg3) ); echo "Done"; ?> --EXPECTF-- *** Testing sprintf() : basic functionality - using octal format *** string(6) "format" string(2) "21" string(25) "21 1777777777777777777431" string(29) "21 1777777777777777777431 567" Done