--TEST-- Test setlocale() function : error condition --INI-- error_reporting=E_ALL --SKIPIF-- <?php if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') { die('skip Not valid for windows'); } ?> --FILE-- <?php /* Prototype : string setlocale (int $category , string $locale [,string $..] ) : string setlocale(int $category , array $locale); * Description: Sets locale information.Returns the new current locale , or FALSE if locale functionality is not implemented in this platform. * Source code: ext/standard/string.c */ echo "*** Testing setlocale() : error conditions ***\n"; // Zero argument echo "\n-- Testing setlocale() function with Zero arguments --"; var_dump( setlocale()); // One argument echo "\n-- Testing setlocale() function with One argument, 'category' = LC_ALL --"; var_dump( setlocale(LC_ALL) ); echo "\n-- Testing setlocale() function with invalid locale array, 'category' = LC_ALL --\n"; //Invalid array of locales $invalid_locales = array("en_US.invalid", "en_AU.invalid", "ko_KR.invalid"); var_dump( setlocale(LC_ALL,$invalid_locales) ); echo "\n-- Testing setlocale() function with invalid multiple locales, 'category' = LC_ALL --\n"; //Invalid array of locales var_dump( setlocale(LC_ALL,"en_US.invalid", "en_AU.invalid", "ko_KR.invalid") ); echo "\n-- Testing setlocale() function with locale name too long, 'category' = LC_ALL --"; //Invalid locale - locale name too long var_dump(setlocale(LC_ALL,str_pad('',255,'A'))); echo "\nDone"; ?> --EXPECTF-- *** Testing setlocale() : error conditions *** -- Testing setlocale() function with Zero arguments -- Warning: setlocale() expects at least 2 parameters, 0 given in %s on line %d NULL -- Testing setlocale() function with One argument, 'category' = LC_ALL -- Warning: setlocale() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given in %s on line %d NULL -- Testing setlocale() function with invalid locale array, 'category' = LC_ALL -- bool(false) -- Testing setlocale() function with invalid multiple locales, 'category' = LC_ALL -- bool(false) -- Testing setlocale() function with locale name too long, 'category' = LC_ALL -- Warning: setlocale(): Specified locale name is too long in %s on line %d bool(false) Done