Bug#60106 (stream_socket_server silently truncates long unix socket paths)
if( substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == "WIN" )
  die("skip. Do not run on Windows");
error_reporting(E_ALL | E_NOTICE);
$socket_file = "/tmp/" . str_repeat("a", 512);
function get_truncated_socket_filename($errno, $errmsg, $file, $line) {
    global $socket_file;
    print_r ($errmsg);
    preg_match("#maximum allowed length of (\d+) bytes#", $errmsg, $matches);
    $socket_file = substr($socket_file, 0, intval($matches[1]) - 1);
set_error_handler("get_truncated_socket_filename", E_NOTICE);
stream_socket_server("unix://" . $socket_file);
stream_socket_server(): socket path exceeded the maximum allowed length of %d bytes and was truncated