--TEST-- Test variations in usage of deg2rad() --INI-- precision = 10 --FILE-- <?php /* * proto float deg2rad(float number) * Function is implemented in ext/standard/math.c */ //Test deg2rad with a different input values $values = array(23, -23, 2.345e1, -2.345e1, 0x17, 027, "23", "23.45", "2.345e1", "nonsense", "1000", "1000ABC", null, true, false); for ($i = 0; $i < count($values); $i++) { $res = deg2rad($values[$i]); var_dump($res); } ?> --EXPECTF-- float(0.401425728) float(-0.401425728) float(0.4092797096) float(-0.4092797096) float(0.401425728) float(0.401425728) float(0.401425728) float(0.4092797096) float(0.4092797096) Warning: deg2rad() expects parameter 1 to be float, string given in %s on line %d NULL float(17.45329252) Notice: A non well formed numeric value encountered in %s on line %d float(17.45329252) float(0) float(0.01745329252) float(0)