--TEST-- User-space streams: stream_truncate() --FILE-- <?php class test_wrapper_base { public $mode; function stream_open($path, $mode, $openedpath) { return true; } function stream_eof() { return false; } } class test_wrapper extends test_wrapper_base { function stream_truncate($new_size) { echo "truncation with new_size=$new_size\n"; return true; } } class test_wrapper_bad extends test_wrapper_base { function stream_truncate($new_size) { echo "truncation with new_size=$new_size\n"; return "kkk"; } } function test($name, $fd, $dest_size) { echo "------ $name: -------\n"; var_dump(ftruncate($fd, $dest_size)); } var_dump(stream_wrapper_register('test', 'test_wrapper')); var_dump(stream_wrapper_register('test2', 'test_wrapper_base')); var_dump(stream_wrapper_register('test3', 'test_wrapper_bad')); $fd = fopen("test://foo","r"); $fd2 = fopen("test2://foo","r"); $fd3 = fopen("test3://foo","r"); test("stream_truncate not implemented", $fd2, 0); test("stream_truncate size 0", $fd, 0); test("stream_truncate size 10", $fd, 10); test("stream_truncate negative size", $fd, -1); test("stream_truncate bad return", $fd3, 0); --EXPECTF-- bool(true) bool(true) bool(true) ------ stream_truncate not implemented: ------- Warning: ftruncate(): Can't truncate this stream! in %s on line %d bool(false) ------ stream_truncate size 0: ------- truncation with new_size=0 bool(true) ------ stream_truncate size 10: ------- truncation with new_size=10 bool(true) ------ stream_truncate negative size: ------- bool(false) ------ stream_truncate bad return: ------- truncation with new_size=0 Warning: ftruncate(): test_wrapper_bad::stream_truncate did not return a boolean! in %s on line %d bool(false)