--TEST-- Test readfile() function : variation --CREDITS-- Dave Kelsey <d_kelsey@uk.ibm.com> --FILE-- <?php /* Prototype : int readfile(string filename [, bool use_include_path[, resource context]]) * Description: Output a file or a URL * Source code: ext/standard/file.c * Alias to functions: */ require_once('fopen_include_path.inc'); echo "*** Testing readfile() : variation ***\n"; // this doesn't create the include dirs in this directory // we change to this to ensure we are not part of the // include paths. $thisTestDir = "readfileVar7.dir"; mkdir($thisTestDir); chdir($thisTestDir); $filename = "readFileVar7.tmp"; $scriptLocFile = dirname(__FILE__)."/".$filename; $newpath = create_include_path(); set_include_path($newpath); runtest(); teardown_include_path(); restore_include_path(); chdir(".."); rmdir($thisTestDir); function runtest() { global $scriptLocFile, $filename; $h = fopen($scriptLocFile, "w"); fwrite($h, "File in script location"); fclose($h); readfile($filename, true); echo "\n"; unlink($scriptLocFile); } ?> ===DONE=== --EXPECT-- *** Testing readfile() : variation *** File in script location ===DONE===