--TEST-- Test filegroup() function: basic functionality --SKIPIF-- <?php if( substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') { die('skip Not valid for Windows'); } ?> --FILE-- <?php /* Prototype: int filegroup ( string $filename ) * Description: Returns the group ID of the file, or FALSE in case of an error. */ echo "*** Testing filegroup(): basic functionality ***\n"; echo "-- Testing with the file or directory created by owner --\n"; $file_path = dirname(__FILE__); var_dump( filegroup(__FILE__) ); var_dump( filegroup(".") ); var_dump( filegroup("./..") ); /* Newly created files and dirs */ $file_name = $file_path."/filegroup_basic.tmp"; $file_handle = fopen($file_name, "w"); $string = "Hello, world\n1234\n123Hello"; fwrite($file_handle, $string); var_dump( filegroup($file_name) ); fclose($file_handle); $dir_name = $file_path."/filegroup_basic"; mkdir($dir_name); var_dump( filegroup($dir_name) ); echo "\n-- Testing with the standard file or directory --\n"; var_dump( filegroup("/etc/passwd") ); var_dump( filegroup("/etc") ); var_dump( filegroup("/") ); echo "\n*** Done ***\n"; ?> --CLEAN-- <?php $file_path = dirname(__FILE__); $file_name = $file_path."/filegroup_basic.tmp"; $dir_name = $file_path."/filegroup_basic"; unlink($file_name); rmdir($dir_name); ?> --EXPECTF-- *** Testing filegroup(): basic functionality *** -- Testing with the file or directory created by owner -- int(%d) int(%d) int(%d) int(%d) int(%d) -- Testing with the standard file or directory -- int(%d) int(%d) int(%d) *** Done ***