--TEST-- fgets() over a socket with more than a buffer's worth of data --CREDITS-- Dave Kelsey <d_kelsey@uk.ibm.com> --FILE-- <?php // create a file $filename = __FILE__ . ".tmp"; $fd = fopen($filename, "w+"); // populate the file with lines of data define("LINE_OF_DATA", "12345678\n"); for ($i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++) { fwrite($fd, LINE_OF_DATA); } fclose($fd); for ($i=0; $i<100; $i++) { $port = rand(10000, 65000); /* Setup socket server */ $server = @stream_socket_server("tcp://$port"); if ($server) { break; } } /* Connect to it */ $client = fsockopen("tcp://$port"); if (!$client) { die("Unable to create socket"); } /* Accept that connection */ $socket = stream_socket_accept($server); echo "Write data from the file:\n"; $data = file_get_contents($filename); unlink($filename); var_dump(fwrite($socket, $data)); fclose($socket); echo "\nRead lines from the client\n"; while ($line = fgets($client,256)) { if (strcmp($line, LINE_OF_DATA) != 0) { echo "Error - $line does not match " . LINE_OF_DATA; break; } } echo "\nClose the server side socket and read the remaining data from the client\n"; fclose($server); while(!feof($client)) { fread($client, 1); } echo "done\n"; ?> --EXPECT-- Write data from the file: int(9000) Read lines from the client Close the server side socket and read the remaining data from the client done