--TEST-- Test copy() function: usage variations - dir as source (Bug #42111) --SKIPIF-- <?php if(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == "WIN") die("skip Do not run on Windows"); ?> --FILE-- <?php /* Prototype: bool copy ( string $source, string $dest ); Description: Makes a copy of the file source to dest. Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ /* Test copy(): Trying to create a copy of an existing dir */ $file_path = dirname(__FILE__); echo "*** Test copy() function: Trying to create a copy of an existing dir ***\n"; $src_dir = $file_path."/copy_variation12"; mkdir($src_dir); $dest = $file_path."/copy_copy_variation12"; var_dump( copy($src_dir, $dest) ); var_dump( file_exists($dest) ); var_dump( filesize($src_dir) ); var_dump( filesize($dest) ); echo "*** Done ***\n"; ?> --CLEAN-- <?php rmdir(dirname(__FILE__)."/copy_variation12"); ?> --EXPECTF-- *** Test copy() function: Trying to create a copy of an existing dir *** Warning: copy(): The first argument to copy() function cannot be a directory in %scopy_variation12.php on line %d bool(false) bool(false) int(%d) Warning: filesize(): stat failed for %scopy_copy_variation12 in %scopy_variation12.php on line %d bool(false) *** Done ***