--TEST-- Test krsort() function : usage variations - sort strings --SKIPIF-- <?php if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') { die("skip Output tested contains chars that are not shown the same on windows concole (ESC and co)"); } --FILE-- <?php /* Prototype : bool krsort ( array &$array [, int $sort_flags] ) * Description: Sort an array by key in reverse order, maintaining key to data correlation * Source code: ext/standard/array.c */ /* * testing krsort() by providing array of string values for $array argument with * following flag values: * 1.flag value as defualt * 2.SORT_REGULAR - compare items normally * 3.SORT_STRING - compare items as strings */ echo "*** Testing krsort() : usage variations ***\n"; $various_arrays = array ( // diff. escape sequence chars with key values array ( null => null, NULL => NULL, "\a" => "\a", "\cx" => "\cx", "\e" => "\e", "\f" => "\f", "\n" =>"\n", "\r" => "\r", "\t" => "\t", "\xhh" => "\xhh", "\ddd" => "\ddd", "\v" => "\v" ), // array containing different strings with key values array ( 'Lemon' => "lemoN", 'o' => "Orange", 'B' => "banana", 'Apple' => "apple", 'te' => "Test", 't' => "TTTT", 'T' => "ttt", 'W' => "ww", 'X' => "x", 'x' => "X", 'O' => "oraNGe", 'B' => "BANANA" ) ); $flags = array("SORT_REGULAR" => SORT_REGULAR, "SORT_STRING" => SORT_STRING); $count = 1; echo "\n-- Testing krsort() by supplying various string arrays --\n"; // loop through to test krsort() with different arrays foreach ($various_arrays as $array) { echo "\n-- Iteration $count --\n"; echo "- With defualt sort flag -\n"; $temp_array = $array; var_dump(krsort($temp_array) ); // expecting : bool(true) var_dump($temp_array); // loop through $flags array and call krsort() with all possible sort flag values foreach($flags as $key => $flag){ echo "- Sort flag = $key -\n"; $temp_array = $array; var_dump(krsort($temp_array, $flag) ); // expecting : bool(true) var_dump($temp_array); } $count++; } echo "Done\n"; ?> --EXPECTF-- *** Testing krsort() : usage variations *** -- Testing krsort() by supplying various string arrays -- -- Iteration 1 -- - With defualt sort flag - bool(true) array(11) { ["\xhh"]=> string(4) "\xhh" ["\ddd"]=> string(4) "\ddd" ["\cx"]=> string(3) "\cx" ["\a"]=> string(2) "\a" [""]=> string(1) "" [" "]=> string(1) " " [""]=> string(1) "" [""]=> string(1) "" [" "]=> string(1) " " [" "]=> string(1) " " [""]=> NULL } - Sort flag = SORT_REGULAR - bool(true) array(11) { ["\xhh"]=> string(4) "\xhh" ["\ddd"]=> string(4) "\ddd" ["\cx"]=> string(3) "\cx" ["\a"]=> string(2) "\a" [""]=> string(1) "" [" "]=> string(1) " " [""]=> string(1) "" [""]=> string(1) "" [" "]=> string(1) " " [" "]=> string(1) " " [""]=> NULL } - Sort flag = SORT_STRING - bool(true) array(11) { ["\xhh"]=> string(4) "\xhh" ["\ddd"]=> string(4) "\ddd" ["\cx"]=> string(3) "\cx" ["\a"]=> string(2) "\a" [""]=> string(1) "" [" "]=> string(1) " " [""]=> string(1) "" [""]=> string(1) "" [" "]=> string(1) " " [" "]=> string(1) " " [""]=> NULL } -- Iteration 2 -- - With defualt sort flag - bool(true) array(11) { ["x"]=> string(1) "X" ["te"]=> string(4) "Test" ["t"]=> string(4) "TTTT" ["o"]=> string(6) "Orange" ["X"]=> string(1) "x" ["W"]=> string(2) "ww" ["T"]=> string(3) "ttt" ["O"]=> string(6) "oraNGe" ["Lemon"]=> string(5) "lemoN" ["B"]=> string(6) "BANANA" ["Apple"]=> string(5) "apple" } - Sort flag = SORT_REGULAR - bool(true) array(11) { ["x"]=> string(1) "X" ["te"]=> string(4) "Test" ["t"]=> string(4) "TTTT" ["o"]=> string(6) "Orange" ["X"]=> string(1) "x" ["W"]=> string(2) "ww" ["T"]=> string(3) "ttt" ["O"]=> string(6) "oraNGe" ["Lemon"]=> string(5) "lemoN" ["B"]=> string(6) "BANANA" ["Apple"]=> string(5) "apple" } - Sort flag = SORT_STRING - bool(true) array(11) { ["x"]=> string(1) "X" ["te"]=> string(4) "Test" ["t"]=> string(4) "TTTT" ["o"]=> string(6) "Orange" ["X"]=> string(1) "x" ["W"]=> string(2) "ww" ["T"]=> string(3) "ttt" ["O"]=> string(6) "oraNGe" ["Lemon"]=> string(5) "lemoN" ["B"]=> string(6) "BANANA" ["Apple"]=> string(5) "apple" } Done