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PHP Credits
PHP Credits
PHP Group Language Design & Concept Language Design & Concept PHP Authors Authors Contribution Extension Module API UNIX Build and Modularization Windows Support Wez Furlong, Sara Golemon Streams Abstraction Layer PHP Data Objects Layer Output Handler Consistent 64 bit support SAPI Modules Apache 2.0 Handler CGI / FastCGI CLI Edin Kadribasic Embed FastCGI Process Manager George Wang litespeed phpdbg Module Authors Module Andi Gutmans BC Math Sterling Hughes Bzip2 Calendar Wez Furlong COM and .Net Hartmut Holzgraefe ctype cURL Derick Rethans Date/Time Support DBA Wez Furlong, Frank M. Kromann DB-LIB (MS SQL, Sybase) DOM enchant EXIF fileinfo Ard Biesheuvel Firebird driver for PDO Stefan Esser, Andrew Skalski FTP GD imaging Alex Plotnick GetText Stanislav Malyshev GNU GMP support Iconv IMAP Input Filter InterBase Internationalization JSON LDAP LIBXML mcrypt Tsukada Takuya, Rui Hirokawa Multibyte String Functions MySQL driver for PDO MySQLi MySQLnd OCI8 ODBC driver for PDO ODBC Opcache OpenSSL Oracle (OCI) driver for PDO Jason Greene, Arnaud Le Blanc pcntl Andrei Zmievski Perl Compatible Regexps PHP Archive PHP Data Objects PHP hash Kristian Koehntopp Posix PostgreSQL driver for PDO PostgreSQL Vlad Krupin Pspell Thies C. Arntzen Readline Recode Reflection Sessions Shared Memory Operations SimpleXML SNMP SOAP Sockets SPL SQLite3 SQLite 3.x driver for PDO System V Message based IPC Tom May System V Semaphores Christian Cartus System V Shared Memory tidy tokenizer WDDX Rob Richards XMLReader Dan Libby xmlrpc XML XMLWriter XSL Zip Zlib PHP Documentation Peter Cowburn Editor User Note Maintainers Other Contributors PHP Quality Assurance Team PHP Websites Team Damien Seguy, Daniel P. Brown Event Maintainers Daniel P. Brown Network Infrastructure Alex Schoenmaker Windows Infrastructure