--TEST-- SPL: Attempt to corrupt the heap while iterating --CREDITS-- Lukasz Andrzejak meltir@meltir.com #testfest London 2009-05-09 --FILE-- <?php class ext_heap extends SplMaxHeap { public $fail = false; public function compare($val1,$val2) { if ($this->fail) throw new Exception('Corrupting heap',99); return 0; } } $h = new ext_heap(); $h->insert(array('foobar')); $h->insert(array('foobar1')); $h->insert(array('foobar2')); try { $h->fail=true; foreach ($h as $value) {}; echo "I should have raised an exception here"; } catch (Exception $e) { if ($e->getCode()!=99) echo "Unexpected exception"; } var_dump($h); ?> --EXPECTF-- object(ext_heap)#%d (4) { [%u|b%"fail"]=> bool(true) [%u|b%"flags":%u|b%"SplHeap":private]=> int(0) [%u|b%"isCorrupted":%u|b%"SplHeap":private]=> bool(true) [%u|b%"heap":%u|b%"SplHeap":private]=> array(2) { [0]=> array(1) { [0]=> %unicode|string%(7) "foobar2" } [1]=> array(1) { [0]=> %unicode|string%(7) "foobar1" } } }