--TEST-- ReflectionObject::IsInstantiable() - invalid params --FILE-- <?php class privateCtorOld { private function privateCtorOld() {} public static function reflectionObjectFactory() { return new ReflectionObject(new self); } } $reflectionObject = privateCtorOld::reflectionObjectFactory(); var_dump($reflectionObject->IsInstantiable('X')); var_dump($reflectionObject->IsInstantiable(0, null)); ?> --EXPECTF-- Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; privateCtorOld has a deprecated constructor in %s on line %d Warning: ReflectionClass::isInstantiable() expects exactly 0 parameters, 1 given in %s on line %d NULL Warning: ReflectionClass::isInstantiable() expects exactly 0 parameters, 2 given in %s on line %d NULL