--TEST-- Test function posix_ttyname() by substituting argument 1 with string values. --CREDITS-- Marco Fabbri mrfabbri@gmail.com Francesco Fullone ff@ideato.it #PHPTestFest Cesena Italia on 2009-06-20 --SKIPIF-- <?php if (!extension_loaded('posix')) { die('SKIP The posix extension is not loaded.'); } ?> --FILE-- <?php echo "*** Test substituting argument 1 with string values ***\n"; $heredoc = <<<EOT hello world EOT; $variation_array = array( 'string DQ' => "string", 'string SQ' => 'string', 'mixed case string' => "sTrInG", 'heredoc' => $heredoc, ); foreach ( $variation_array as $var ) { var_dump(posix_ttyname( $var ) ); } ?> --EXPECTF-- *** Test substituting argument 1 with string values *** bool(false) bool(false) bool(false) bool(false)