/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Zend OPcache | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (c) 1998-2016 The PHP Group | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This source file is subject to version 3.01 of the PHP license, | | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is | | available through the world-wide-web at the following url: | | http://www.php.net/license/3_01.txt | | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to | | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to | | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Authors: Andi Gutmans | | Zeev Suraski | | Stanislav Malyshev | | Dmitry Stogov | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ #include "zend.h" #include "ZendAccelerator.h" #include "zend_persist.h" #include "zend_extensions.h" #include "zend_shared_alloc.h" #include "zend_operators.h" #define ADD_DUP_SIZE(m,s) ZCG(current_persistent_script)->size += zend_shared_memdup_size((void*)m, s) #define ADD_SIZE(m) ZCG(current_persistent_script)->size += ZEND_ALIGNED_SIZE(m) #define ADD_ARENA_SIZE(m) ZCG(current_persistent_script)->arena_size += ZEND_ALIGNED_SIZE(m) # define ADD_STRING(str) ADD_DUP_SIZE((str), _ZSTR_STRUCT_SIZE(ZSTR_LEN(str))) # define ADD_INTERNED_STRING(str, do_free) do { \ if (ZCG(current_persistent_script)->corrupted) { \ ADD_STRING(str); \ } else if (!IS_ACCEL_INTERNED(str)) { \ zend_string *tmp = accel_new_interned_string(str); \ if (tmp != (str)) { \ if (do_free) { \ /*zend_string_release(str);*/ \ } \ (str) = tmp; \ } else { \ ADD_STRING(str); \ } \ } \ } while (0) static void zend_persist_zval_calc(zval *z); static void zend_hash_persist_calc(HashTable *ht, void (*pPersistElement)(zval *pElement)) { uint idx; Bucket *p; if (!(ht->u.flags & HASH_FLAG_INITIALIZED) || ht->nNumUsed == 0) { return; } if (!(ht->u.flags & HASH_FLAG_PACKED) && ht->nNumUsed < -(int32_t)ht->nTableMask / 2) { /* compact table */ int32_t hash_size; if (ht->nNumUsed <= HT_MIN_SIZE) { hash_size = HT_MIN_SIZE; } else { hash_size = -(int32_t)ht->nTableMask; while (hash_size >> 1 > ht->nNumUsed) { hash_size >>= 1; } } ADD_SIZE(hash_size * sizeof(uint32_t) + ht->nNumUsed * sizeof(Bucket)); } else { ADD_SIZE(HT_USED_SIZE(ht)); } for (idx = 0; idx < ht->nNumUsed; idx++) { p = ht->arData + idx; if (Z_TYPE(p->val) == IS_UNDEF) continue; /* persist bucket and key */ if (p->key) { zend_uchar flags = GC_FLAGS(p->key) & ~ (IS_STR_PERSISTENT | IS_STR_INTERNED | IS_STR_PERMANENT); ADD_INTERNED_STRING(p->key, 1); GC_FLAGS(p->key) |= flags; } pPersistElement(&p->val); } } static void zend_persist_ast_calc(zend_ast *ast) { uint32_t i; if (ast->kind == ZEND_AST_ZVAL) { ADD_SIZE(sizeof(zend_ast_zval)); zend_persist_zval_calc(zend_ast_get_zval(ast)); } else if (zend_ast_is_list(ast)) { zend_ast_list *list = zend_ast_get_list(ast); ADD_SIZE(sizeof(zend_ast_list) - sizeof(zend_ast *) + sizeof(zend_ast *) * list->children); for (i = 0; i < list->children; i++) { if (list->child[i]) { zend_persist_ast_calc(list->child[i]); } } } else { uint32_t children = zend_ast_get_num_children(ast); ADD_SIZE(sizeof(zend_ast) - sizeof(zend_ast *) + sizeof(zend_ast *) * children); for (i = 0; i < children; i++) { if (ast->child[i]) { zend_persist_ast_calc(ast->child[i]); } } } } static void zend_persist_zval_calc(zval *z) { zend_uchar flags; uint size; switch (Z_TYPE_P(z)) { case IS_STRING: case IS_CONSTANT: flags = Z_GC_FLAGS_P(z) & ~ (IS_STR_PERSISTENT | IS_STR_INTERNED | IS_STR_PERMANENT); ADD_INTERNED_STRING(Z_STR_P(z), 0); if (ZSTR_IS_INTERNED(Z_STR_P(z))) { Z_TYPE_FLAGS_P(z) &= ~ (IS_TYPE_REFCOUNTED | IS_TYPE_COPYABLE); } Z_GC_FLAGS_P(z) |= flags; break; case IS_ARRAY: size = zend_shared_memdup_size(Z_ARR_P(z), sizeof(zend_array)); if (size) { ADD_SIZE(size); zend_hash_persist_calc(Z_ARRVAL_P(z), zend_persist_zval_calc); } break; case IS_REFERENCE: size = zend_shared_memdup_size(Z_REF_P(z), sizeof(zend_reference)); if (size) { ADD_SIZE(size); zend_persist_zval_calc(Z_REFVAL_P(z)); } break; case IS_CONSTANT_AST: size = zend_shared_memdup_size(Z_AST_P(z), sizeof(zend_ast_ref)); if (size) { ADD_SIZE(size); zend_persist_ast_calc(Z_ASTVAL_P(z)); } break; } } static void zend_persist_op_array_calc_ex(zend_op_array *op_array) { if (op_array->type != ZEND_USER_FUNCTION) { return; } if (op_array->static_variables) { if (!zend_shared_alloc_get_xlat_entry(op_array->static_variables)) { HashTable *old = op_array->static_variables; ADD_DUP_SIZE(op_array->static_variables, sizeof(HashTable)); zend_hash_persist_calc(op_array->static_variables, zend_persist_zval_calc); zend_shared_alloc_register_xlat_entry(old, op_array->static_variables); } } if (zend_shared_alloc_get_xlat_entry(op_array->opcodes)) { /* already stored */ if (op_array->function_name) { zend_string *new_name = zend_shared_alloc_get_xlat_entry(op_array->function_name); if (IS_ACCEL_INTERNED(new_name)) { op_array->function_name = new_name; } } return; } if (op_array->literals) { zval *p = op_array->literals; zval *end = p + op_array->last_literal; ADD_DUP_SIZE(op_array->literals, sizeof(zval) * op_array->last_literal); while (p < end) { zend_persist_zval_calc(p); p++; } } ADD_DUP_SIZE(op_array->opcodes, sizeof(zend_op) * op_array->last); if (op_array->function_name) { zend_string *old_name = op_array->function_name; zend_string *new_name = zend_shared_alloc_get_xlat_entry(old_name); if (new_name) { op_array->function_name = new_name; } else { ADD_INTERNED_STRING(op_array->function_name, 0); zend_shared_alloc_register_xlat_entry(old_name, op_array->function_name); } } if (op_array->filename) { ADD_STRING(op_array->filename); } if (op_array->arg_info) { zend_arg_info *arg_info = op_array->arg_info; uint32_t num_args = op_array->num_args; uint32_t i; num_args = op_array->num_args; if (op_array->fn_flags & ZEND_ACC_VARIADIC) { num_args++; } if (op_array->fn_flags & ZEND_ACC_HAS_RETURN_TYPE) { arg_info--; num_args++; } ADD_DUP_SIZE(arg_info, sizeof(zend_arg_info) * num_args); for (i = 0; i < num_args; i++) { if (arg_info[i].name) { ADD_INTERNED_STRING(arg_info[i].name, 1); } if (arg_info[i].class_name) { ADD_INTERNED_STRING(arg_info[i].class_name, 1); } } } if (op_array->brk_cont_array) { ADD_DUP_SIZE(op_array->brk_cont_array, sizeof(zend_brk_cont_element) * op_array->last_brk_cont); } if (ZCG(accel_directives).save_comments && op_array->doc_comment) { ADD_STRING(op_array->doc_comment); } if (op_array->try_catch_array) { ADD_DUP_SIZE(op_array->try_catch_array, sizeof(zend_try_catch_element) * op_array->last_try_catch); } if (op_array->vars) { int i; ADD_DUP_SIZE(op_array->vars, sizeof(zend_string*) * op_array->last_var); for (i = 0; i < op_array->last_var; i++) { ADD_INTERNED_STRING(op_array->vars[i], 0); } } ADD_SIZE(ZEND_ALIGNED_SIZE(zend_extensions_op_array_persist_calc(op_array))); } static void zend_persist_op_array_calc(zval *zv) { zend_op_array *op_array = Z_PTR_P(zv); if (op_array->type == ZEND_USER_FUNCTION/* && (!op_array->refcount || *(op_array->refcount) > 1)*/) { zend_op_array *old_op_array = zend_shared_alloc_get_xlat_entry(op_array); if (old_op_array) { Z_PTR_P(zv) = old_op_array; } else { ADD_ARENA_SIZE(sizeof(zend_op_array)); zend_persist_op_array_calc_ex(Z_PTR_P(zv)); zend_shared_alloc_register_xlat_entry(op_array, Z_PTR_P(zv)); } } else { ADD_ARENA_SIZE(sizeof(zend_op_array)); zend_persist_op_array_calc_ex(Z_PTR_P(zv)); } } static void zend_persist_property_info_calc(zval *zv) { zend_property_info *prop = Z_PTR_P(zv); if (!zend_shared_alloc_get_xlat_entry(prop)) { zend_shared_alloc_register_xlat_entry(prop, prop); ADD_ARENA_SIZE(sizeof(zend_property_info)); ADD_INTERNED_STRING(prop->name, 0); if (ZCG(accel_directives).save_comments && prop->doc_comment) { ADD_STRING(prop->doc_comment); } } } static void zend_persist_class_entry_calc(zval *zv) { zend_class_entry *ce = Z_PTR_P(zv); if (ce->type == ZEND_USER_CLASS) { ADD_ARENA_SIZE(sizeof(zend_class_entry)); ADD_INTERNED_STRING(ce->name, 0); zend_hash_persist_calc(&ce->function_table, zend_persist_op_array_calc); if (ce->default_properties_table) { int i; ADD_SIZE(sizeof(zval) * ce->default_properties_count); for (i = 0; i < ce->default_properties_count; i++) { zend_persist_zval_calc(&ce->default_properties_table[i]); } } if (ce->default_static_members_table) { int i; ADD_SIZE(sizeof(zval) * ce->default_static_members_count); for (i = 0; i < ce->default_static_members_count; i++) { zend_persist_zval_calc(&ce->default_static_members_table[i]); } } zend_hash_persist_calc(&ce->constants_table, zend_persist_zval_calc); if (ZEND_CE_FILENAME(ce)) { ADD_STRING(ZEND_CE_FILENAME(ce)); } if (ZCG(accel_directives).save_comments && ZEND_CE_DOC_COMMENT(ce)) { ADD_STRING(ZEND_CE_DOC_COMMENT(ce)); } zend_hash_persist_calc(&ce->properties_info, zend_persist_property_info_calc); if (ce->trait_aliases) { int i = 0; while (ce->trait_aliases[i]) { if (ce->trait_aliases[i]->trait_method) { if (ce->trait_aliases[i]->trait_method->method_name) { ADD_INTERNED_STRING(ce->trait_aliases[i]->trait_method->method_name, 0); } if (ce->trait_aliases[i]->trait_method->class_name) { ADD_INTERNED_STRING(ce->trait_aliases[i]->trait_method->class_name, 0); } ADD_SIZE(sizeof(zend_trait_method_reference)); } if (ce->trait_aliases[i]->alias) { ADD_INTERNED_STRING(ce->trait_aliases[i]->alias, 0); } ADD_SIZE(sizeof(zend_trait_alias)); i++; } ADD_SIZE(sizeof(zend_trait_alias*) * (i + 1)); } if (ce->trait_precedences) { int i = 0; while (ce->trait_precedences[i]) { ADD_INTERNED_STRING(ce->trait_precedences[i]->trait_method->method_name, 0); ADD_INTERNED_STRING(ce->trait_precedences[i]->trait_method->class_name, 0); ADD_SIZE(sizeof(zend_trait_method_reference)); if (ce->trait_precedences[i]->exclude_from_classes) { int j = 0; while (ce->trait_precedences[i]->exclude_from_classes[j].class_name) { ADD_INTERNED_STRING(ce->trait_precedences[i]->exclude_from_classes[j].class_name, 0); j++; } ADD_SIZE(sizeof(zend_class_entry*) * (j + 1)); } ADD_SIZE(sizeof(zend_trait_precedence)); i++; } ADD_SIZE(sizeof(zend_trait_precedence*) * (i + 1)); } } } static void zend_accel_persist_class_table_calc(HashTable *class_table) { zend_hash_persist_calc(class_table, zend_persist_class_entry_calc); } uint zend_accel_script_persist_calc(zend_persistent_script *new_persistent_script, char *key, unsigned int key_length) { new_persistent_script->mem = NULL; new_persistent_script->size = 0; new_persistent_script->arena_mem = NULL; new_persistent_script->arena_size = 0; new_persistent_script->corrupted = 0; ZCG(current_persistent_script) = new_persistent_script; ADD_DUP_SIZE(new_persistent_script, sizeof(zend_persistent_script)); if (key) { ADD_DUP_SIZE(key, key_length + 1); } else { /* script is not going to be saved in SHM */ new_persistent_script->corrupted = 1; } ADD_STRING(new_persistent_script->full_path); #ifdef __SSE2__ /* Align size to 64-byte boundary */ new_persistent_script->size = (new_persistent_script->size + 63) & ~63; #endif zend_accel_persist_class_table_calc(&new_persistent_script->class_table); zend_hash_persist_calc(&new_persistent_script->function_table, zend_persist_op_array_calc); zend_persist_op_array_calc_ex(&new_persistent_script->main_op_array); #ifdef __SSE2__ /* Align size to 64-byte boundary */ new_persistent_script->arena_size = (new_persistent_script->arena_size + 63) & ~63; #endif new_persistent_script->size += new_persistent_script->arena_size; new_persistent_script->corrupted = 0; ZCG(current_persistent_script) = NULL; return new_persistent_script->size; }