--TEST-- Verify that the Driver Name attribute is set --SKIPIF-- = 0 && $matches[4] >= 2) || ($matches[1] == 12 && $matches[2] > 1))) { die("skip test expected to work only with Oracle database or its later patchsets"); } preg_match('/^([[:digit:]]+)\.([[:digit:]]+)\.([[:digit:]]+)\.([[:digit:]]+)\.([[:digit:]]+)/', oci_client_version(), $matches); if (!(isset($matches[0]) && ($matches[1] == 11 && $matches[2] >= 2) || ($matches[1] > 11))) { die("skip test expected to work only with Oracle 11.2 or greater version of client"); } ?> --FILE-- --EXPECT-- **Test 1.1 - Default values for the attribute ************** The value of DRIVER_NAME is PHP OCI8 : 2.1.3 ***Test 1.2 - Get the values from different connections ************** Testing with oci_pconnect() The value of DRIVER_NAME is PHP OCI8 : 2.1.3 Testing with oci_new_connect() The value of DRIVER_NAME is PHP OCI8 : 2.1.3 Done