--TEST-- Test mb_strrpos() function : usage variations - pass encoding as third argument (deprecated behaviour) --SKIPIF-- <?php extension_loaded('mbstring') or die('skip'); function_exists('mb_strrpos') or die("skip mb_strrpos() is not available in this build"); ?> --FILE-- <?php /* Prototype : int mb_strrpos(string $haystack, string $needle [, int $offset [, string $encoding]]) * Description: Find position of last occurrence of a string within another * Source code: ext/mbstring/mbstring.c */ /* * Testing deprecated behaviour where third argument can be $encoding */ echo "*** Testing mb_strrpos() : usage variations ***\n"; $string_mb = base64_decode('5pel5pys6Kqe44OG44Kt44K544OI44Gn44GZ44CCMDEyMzTvvJXvvJbvvJfvvJjvvJnjgII='); $needle_mb = base64_decode('44CC'); $stringh = <<<END utf-8 END; $inputs = array('Double Quoted String' => "utf-8", 'Single Quoted String' => 'utf-8', 'Heredoc' => $stringh); foreach ($inputs as $type => $input) { echo "\n-- $type --\n"; echo "-- With fourth encoding argument --\n"; var_dump(mb_strrpos($string_mb, $needle_mb, $input, 'utf-8')); echo "-- Without fourth encoding argument --\n"; var_dump(mb_strrpos($string_mb, $needle_mb, $input)); } echo "Done"; ?> --EXPECTF-- *** Testing mb_strrpos() : usage variations *** -- Double Quoted String -- -- With fourth encoding argument -- int(20) -- Without fourth encoding argument -- int(20) -- Single Quoted String -- -- With fourth encoding argument -- int(20) -- Without fourth encoding argument -- int(20) -- Heredoc -- -- With fourth encoding argument -- int(20) -- Without fourth encoding argument -- int(20) Done