--TEST-- mb_http_input() --SKIPIF-- <?php extension_loaded('mbstring') or die('skip mbstring not available'); (php_sapi_name()=='cgi') or die("skip sapi is not a cgi version"); die("skip disabled temporarily"); ?> --POST-- a=日本語0123456789日本語カタカナひらがな --GET-- b=日本語0123456789日本語カタカナひらがな --FILE-- <?php // TODO: This is not a real test.... Need to change so that it does real testing //$debug = true; ini_set('include_path', dirname(__FILE__)); include_once('common.inc'); $ini = ini_get('mbstring.http_input'); // It must be url encoded.... // echo vars echo $_POST['a']."\n"; echo $_GET['b']."\n"; // Get encoding $enc = mb_http_input('P'); // check if (empty($ini)) { // Must be pass if ($enc === 'pass') { echo "OK\n"; } else { echo "NG\n"; } } else { // Some encoding echo "This heppens when php.ini-dist is not used\n"; } ?> --EXPECT-- 日本語0123456789日本語カタカナひらがな 日本語0123456789日本語カタカナひらがな OK