--TEST-- ldap_connect() - Variation --CREDITS-- Patrick Allaert <patrickallaert@php.net> # Belgian PHP Testfest 2009 --SKIPIF-- <?php require_once('skipif.inc'); ?> --FILE-- <?php require "connect.inc"; // no hostname, no port $link = ldap_connect(); var_dump($link); // no port $link = ldap_connect($host); var_dump($link); // URI $link = ldap_connect("ldap://$host:$port"); var_dump($link); // URI no port $link = ldap_connect("ldap://$host"); var_dump($link); // bad hostname (connect should work, not bind) $link = ldap_connect("nonexistent" . $host); var_dump($link); ?> ===DONE=== --EXPECTF-- resource(%d) of type (ldap link) resource(%d) of type (ldap link) resource(%d) of type (ldap link) resource(%d) of type (ldap link) resource(%d) of type (ldap link) ===DONE===