--TEST-- Test gmmktime() function : usage variation - Passing octal and hexadecimal values to arguments. --FILE-- <?php /* Prototype : int gmmktime([int hour [, int min [, int sec [, int mon [, int day [, int year]]]]]]) * Description: Get UNIX timestamp for a GMT date * Source code: ext/date/php_date.c * Alias to functions: */ echo "*** Testing gmmktime() : usage variation ***\n"; // Initialise all required variables $hour = 010; $min = 010; $sec = 010; $mon = 010; $day = 010; $year = 03730; echo "\n-- Testing gmmktime() function with supplying octal values to arguments --\n"; var_dump( gmmktime($hour, $min, $sec, $mon, $day, $year) ); // Initialise all required variables $hour = 0x8; $min = 0x8; $sec = 0x8; $mon = 0x8; $day = 0x8; $year = 0x7D8; echo "\n-- Testing gmmktime() function with supplying hexa decimal values to arguments --\n"; var_dump( gmmktime($hour, $min, $sec, $mon, $day, $year) ); ?> ===DONE=== --EXPECTF-- *** Testing gmmktime() : usage variation *** -- Testing gmmktime() function with supplying octal values to arguments -- int(1218182888) -- Testing gmmktime() function with supplying hexa decimal values to arguments -- int(1218182888) ===DONE===