/* * Copyright (C) Yichun Zhang (agentzh) */ #ifndef DDEBUG #define DDEBUG 0 #endif #include "ddebug.h" #include "ngx_http_srcache_fetch.h" #include "ngx_http_srcache_store.h" #include "ngx_http_srcache_util.h" #include static ngx_int_t ngx_http_srcache_fetch_subrequest(ngx_http_request_t *r, ngx_http_srcache_loc_conf_t *conf, ngx_http_srcache_ctx_t *ctx); static void ngx_http_srcache_post_read_body(ngx_http_request_t *r); ngx_int_t ngx_http_srcache_access_handler(ngx_http_request_t *r) { ngx_str_t skip; ngx_int_t rc; ngx_http_srcache_loc_conf_t *conf; ngx_http_srcache_main_conf_t *smcf; ngx_http_srcache_ctx_t *ctx; ngx_chain_t *cl; size_t len; unsigned no_store; /* access phase handlers are skipped in subrequests, * so the current request must be a main request */ conf = ngx_http_get_module_loc_conf(r, ngx_http_srcache_filter_module); if (conf->fetch == NULL && conf->store == NULL) { dd("bypass: %.*s", (int) r->uri.len, r->uri.data); return NGX_DECLINED; } dd("store defined? %p", conf->store); dd("req method: %lu", (unsigned long) r->method); dd("cache methods: %lu", (unsigned long) conf->cache_methods); if (!(r->method & conf->cache_methods)) { ngx_log_debug1(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, r->connection->log, 0, "srcache_fetch and srcache_store skipped due to request " "method %V", &r->method_name); return NGX_DECLINED; } if (conf->req_cache_control && ngx_http_srcache_request_no_cache(r, &no_store) == NGX_OK) { ngx_log_debug0(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, r->connection->log, 0, "srcache_fetch skipped due to request headers " "\"Cache-Control: no-cache\" or \"Pragma: no-cache\""); if (!no_store) { /* register a ctx to give a chance to srcache_store to run */ ctx = ngx_pcalloc(r->pool, sizeof(ngx_http_srcache_filter_module)); if (ctx == NULL) { return NGX_ERROR; } ngx_http_set_ctx(r, ctx, ngx_http_srcache_filter_module); } else { ngx_log_debug0(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, r->connection->log, 0, "srcache_store skipped due to request header " "\"Cache-Control: no-store\""); } return NGX_DECLINED; } if (conf->fetch_skip != NULL && ngx_http_complex_value(r, conf->fetch_skip, &skip) == NGX_OK && skip.len && (skip.len != 1 || skip.data[0] != '0')) { ngx_log_debug1(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, r->connection->log, 0, "srcache_fetch skipped due to the true value fed into " "srcache_fetch_skip: \"%V\"", &skip); /* register a ctx to give a chance to srcache_store to run */ ctx = ngx_pcalloc(r->pool, sizeof(ngx_http_srcache_filter_module)); if (ctx == NULL) { return NGX_ERROR; } ngx_http_set_ctx(r, ctx, ngx_http_srcache_filter_module); return NGX_DECLINED; } ctx = ngx_http_get_module_ctx(r, ngx_http_srcache_filter_module); if (ctx != NULL) { /* if (ctx->fetch_error) { return NGX_DECLINED; } */ if (ctx->waiting_subrequest) { dd("waiting subrequest"); return NGX_AGAIN; } if (ctx->waiting_request_body) { return NGX_AGAIN; } if (ctx->request_body_done == 1) { ctx->request_body_done = 0; goto do_fetch_subrequest; } if (ctx->request_done) { dd("request done"); if (ngx_http_post_request(r, NULL) != NGX_OK) { return NGX_ERROR; } if (!ctx->from_cache) { return NGX_DECLINED; } dd("sending header"); if (ctx->body_from_cache) { len = 0; for (cl = ctx->body_from_cache; cl->next; cl = cl->next) { len += ngx_buf_size(cl->buf); } len += ngx_buf_size(cl->buf); cl->buf->last_buf = 1; r->headers_out.content_length_n = len; rc = ngx_http_send_header(r); dd("srcache fetch header returned %d", (int) rc); if (rc == NGX_ERROR || rc > NGX_OK) { return rc; } #if 1 if (r->header_only) { return NGX_HTTP_OK; } #endif if (!r->filter_finalize) { rc = ngx_http_output_filter(r, ctx->body_from_cache); if (rc == NGX_ERROR || rc > NGX_OK) { return rc; } } dd("sent body from cache: %d", (int) rc); dd("finalize from here..."); ngx_http_finalize_request(r, rc); /* dd("r->main->count (post): %d", (int) r->main->count); */ return NGX_DONE; } return NGX_DECLINED; } } else { ctx = ngx_pcalloc(r->pool, sizeof(ngx_http_srcache_filter_module)); if (ctx == NULL) { return NGX_ERROR; } ngx_http_set_ctx(r, ctx, ngx_http_srcache_filter_module); } smcf = ngx_http_get_module_main_conf(r, ngx_http_srcache_filter_module); if (!smcf->postponed_to_access_phase_end) { ngx_http_core_main_conf_t *cmcf; ngx_http_phase_handler_t tmp; ngx_http_phase_handler_t *ph; ngx_http_phase_handler_t *cur_ph; ngx_http_phase_handler_t *last_ph; smcf->postponed_to_access_phase_end = 1; cmcf = ngx_http_get_module_main_conf(r, ngx_http_core_module); ph = cmcf->phase_engine.handlers; cur_ph = &ph[r->phase_handler]; /* we should skip the post_access phase handler here too */ last_ph = &ph[cur_ph->next - 2]; if (cur_ph < last_ph) { dd("swaping the contents of cur_ph and last_ph..."); tmp = *cur_ph; memmove(cur_ph, cur_ph + 1, (last_ph - cur_ph) * sizeof (ngx_http_phase_handler_t)); *last_ph = tmp; r->phase_handler--; /* redo the current ph */ return NGX_DECLINED; } } if (conf->fetch == NULL) { dd("fetch is not defined"); return NGX_DECLINED; } dd("running phase handler..."); if (!r->request_body) { dd("reading request body: ctx = %p", ctx); rc = ngx_http_read_client_request_body(r, ngx_http_srcache_post_read_body); if (rc == NGX_ERROR || rc > NGX_OK) { #if (nginx_version < 1002006) \ || (nginx_version >= 1003000 && nginx_version < 1003009) r->main->count--; #endif return rc; } if (rc == NGX_AGAIN) { ctx->waiting_request_body = 1; return NGX_AGAIN; } /* rc == NGX_OK */ } do_fetch_subrequest: /* issue a subrequest to fetch cached stuff (if any) */ rc = ngx_http_srcache_fetch_subrequest(r, conf, ctx); if (rc != NGX_OK) { return rc; } ctx->waiting_subrequest = 1; dd("quit"); return NGX_AGAIN; } ngx_int_t ngx_http_srcache_fetch_post_subrequest(ngx_http_request_t *r, void *data, ngx_int_t rc) { ngx_http_srcache_ctx_t *ctx = data; ngx_http_srcache_ctx_t *pr_ctx; ngx_http_request_t *pr; dd_enter(); if (r != r->connection->data) { dd("waited: %d, rc: %d", (int) r->waited, (int) rc); } pr = r->parent; pr_ctx = ngx_http_get_module_ctx(pr, ngx_http_srcache_filter_module); if (pr_ctx == NULL) { return NGX_ERROR; } if (ctx == NULL) { return NGX_OK; } if (ctx->parsing_cached_headers) { ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, r->connection->log, 0, "srcache_fetch: cache sent truncated status line " "or headers"); pr_ctx->from_cache = 0; } else if (r->headers_out.status >= NGX_HTTP_SPECIAL_RESPONSE || rc == NGX_ERROR || rc >= NGX_HTTP_SPECIAL_RESPONSE) { dd("HERE"); pr_ctx->from_cache = 0; } else if (!ctx->seen_subreq_eof) { #if 1 ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, r->connection->log, 0, "srcache_fetch: cache sent truncated " "response body"); pr_ctx->from_cache = 0; #endif } pr_ctx->waiting_subrequest = 0; pr_ctx->request_done = 1; return NGX_OK; } static ngx_int_t ngx_http_srcache_fetch_subrequest(ngx_http_request_t *r, ngx_http_srcache_loc_conf_t *conf, ngx_http_srcache_ctx_t *ctx) { ngx_http_srcache_ctx_t *sr_ctx; ngx_http_post_subrequest_t *psr; ngx_str_t args; ngx_uint_t flags = 0; ngx_http_request_t *sr; ngx_int_t rc; ngx_http_srcache_parsed_request_t *parsed_sr; dd_enter(); parsed_sr = ngx_palloc(r->pool, sizeof(ngx_http_srcache_parsed_request_t)); if (parsed_sr == NULL) { return NGX_ERROR; } if (conf->fetch == NULL) { return NGX_ERROR; } parsed_sr->method = conf->fetch->method; parsed_sr->method_name = conf->fetch->method_name; parsed_sr->request_body = NULL; parsed_sr->content_length_n = -1; if (ngx_http_complex_value(r, &conf->fetch->location, &parsed_sr->location) != NGX_OK) { return NGX_ERROR; } if (parsed_sr->location.len == 0) { return NGX_ERROR; } if (ngx_http_complex_value(r, &conf->fetch->args, &parsed_sr->args) != NGX_OK) { return NGX_ERROR; } args.data = NULL; args.len = 0; if (ngx_http_parse_unsafe_uri(r, &parsed_sr->location, &args, &flags) != NGX_OK) { return NGX_ERROR; } if (args.len > 0 && parsed_sr->args.len == 0) { parsed_sr->args = args; } sr_ctx = ngx_pcalloc(r->pool, sizeof(ngx_http_srcache_ctx_t)); if (sr_ctx == NULL) { return NGX_ERROR; } sr_ctx->in_fetch_subrequest = 1; psr = ngx_palloc(r->pool, sizeof(ngx_http_post_subrequest_t)); if (psr == NULL) { return NGX_ERROR; } psr->handler = ngx_http_srcache_fetch_post_subrequest; psr->data = sr_ctx; dd("firing the fetch subrequest"); dd("fetch location: %.*s", (int) parsed_sr->location.len, parsed_sr->location.data); dd("fetch args: %.*s", (int) parsed_sr->args.len, parsed_sr->args.data); rc = ngx_http_subrequest(r, &parsed_sr->location, &parsed_sr->args, &sr, psr, flags); if (rc != NGX_OK) { return NGX_ERROR; } rc = ngx_http_srcache_adjust_subrequest(sr, parsed_sr); if (rc != NGX_OK) { return NGX_ERROR; } ngx_http_set_ctx(sr, sr_ctx, ngx_http_srcache_filter_module); ctx->issued_fetch_subrequest = 1; return NGX_OK; } static void ngx_http_srcache_post_read_body(ngx_http_request_t *r) { ngx_http_srcache_ctx_t *ctx; ctx = ngx_http_get_module_ctx(r, ngx_http_srcache_filter_module); dd("post read: ctx=%p", ctx); ngx_log_debug2(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_HTTP, r->connection->log, 0, "srcache post read for the access phase: wait:%ud c:%ud", (unsigned) ctx->waiting_request_body, r->main->count); r->write_event_handler = ngx_http_core_run_phases; #if defined(nginx_version) && nginx_version >= 8011 r->main->count--; #endif dd("c:%u", r->main->count); if (ctx->waiting_request_body) { ctx->request_body_done = 1; ctx->waiting_request_body = 0; ngx_http_core_run_phases(r); } } /* vi:set ft=c ts=4 sw=4 et fdm=marker: */