# vim:set ft= ts=4 sw=4 et fdm=marker: use Test::Nginx::Socket::Lua; #worker_connections(1014); #master_process_enabled(1); #log_level('warn'); repeat_each(2); plan tests => repeat_each() * (blocks() * 3 + 38); #no_diff(); no_long_string(); run_tests(); __DATA__ === TEST 1: set response content-type header --- config location /read { content_by_lua ' ngx.header.content_type = "text/my-plain"; ngx.say("Hi"); '; } --- request GET /read --- response_headers Content-Type: text/my-plain --- response_body Hi === TEST 2: set response content-type header --- config location /read { content_by_lua ' ngx.header.content_length = "text/my-plain"; ngx.say("Hi"); '; } --- request GET /read --- response_body_like: 500 Internal Server Error --- response_headers Content-Type: text/html --- error_code: 500 === TEST 3: set response content-type header --- config location /read { content_by_lua ' ngx.header.content_length = 3 ngx.say("Hello") '; } --- request GET /read --- response_headers Content-Length: 3 --- response_body chop Hel === TEST 4: set response content-type header --- config location /read { content_by_lua ' ngx.status = 302; ngx.header["Location"] = "http://agentzh.org/foo"; '; } --- request GET /read --- response_headers Location: http://agentzh.org/foo --- response_body --- error_code: 302 === TEST 5: set response content-type header --- config location /read { content_by_lua ' ngx.header.content_length = 3 ngx.header.content_length = nil ngx.say("Hello") '; } --- request GET /read --- response_headers !Content-Length --- response_body Hello === TEST 6: set multi response content-type header --- config location /read { content_by_lua ' ngx.header["X-Foo"] = {"a", "bc"} ngx.say("Hello") '; } --- request GET /read --- raw_response_headers_like chomp X-Foo: a\r\n.*?X-Foo: bc\r\n --- response_body Hello === TEST 7: set response content-type header --- config location /read { content_by_lua ' ngx.header.content_type = {"a", "bc"} ngx.say("Hello") '; } --- request GET /read --- response_headers Content-Type: bc --- response_body Hello === TEST 8: set multi response content-type header and clears it --- config location /read { content_by_lua ' ngx.header["X-Foo"] = {"a", "bc"} ngx.header["X-Foo"] = {} ngx.say("Hello") '; } --- request GET /read --- response_headers !X-Foo --- response_body Hello === TEST 9: set multi response content-type header and clears it --- config location /read { content_by_lua ' ngx.header["X-Foo"] = {"a", "bc"} ngx.header["X-Foo"] = nil ngx.say("Hello") '; } --- request GET /read --- response_headers !X-Foo --- response_body Hello === TEST 10: set multi response content-type header (multiple times) --- config location /read { content_by_lua ' ngx.header["X-Foo"] = {"a", "bc"} ngx.header["X-Foo"] = {"a", "abc"} ngx.say("Hello") '; } --- request GET /read --- raw_response_headers_like chomp X-Foo: a\r\n.*?X-Foo: abc\r\n --- response_body Hello === TEST 11: clear first, then add --- config location /lua { content_by_lua ' ngx.header["Foo"] = {} ngx.header["Foo"] = {"a", "b"} ngx.send_headers() '; } --- request GET /lua --- raw_response_headers_like eval ".*Foo: a\r Foo: b.*" --- response_body === TEST 12: first add, then clear, then add again --- config location /lua { content_by_lua ' ngx.header["Foo"] = {"c", "d"} ngx.header["Foo"] = {} ngx.header["Foo"] = {"a", "b"} ngx.send_headers() '; } --- request GET /lua --- raw_response_headers_like eval ".*Foo: a\r Foo: b.*" --- response_body === TEST 13: names are the same in the beginning (one value per key) --- config location /lua { content_by_lua ' ngx.header["Foox"] = "barx" ngx.header["Fooy"] = "bary" ngx.send_headers() '; } --- request GET /lua --- response_headers Foox: barx Fooy: bary === TEST 14: names are the same in the beginning (multiple values per key) --- config location /lua { content_by_lua ' ngx.header["Foox"] = {"conx1", "conx2" } ngx.header["Fooy"] = {"cony1", "cony2" } ngx.send_headers() '; } --- request GET /lua --- response_headers Foox: conx1, conx2 Fooy: cony1, cony2 === TEST 15: set header after ngx.print --- config location /lua { default_type "text/plain"; content_by_lua ' ngx.print("hello") ngx.header.content_type = "text/foo" '; } --- request GET /lua --- response_body chop hello --- error_log attempt to set ngx.header.HEADER after sending out response headers --- no_error_log eval ["alert", "warn"] === TEST 16: get content-type header after ngx.print --- config location /lua { default_type "text/my-plain"; content_by_lua ' ngx.print("hello, ") ngx.say(ngx.header.content_type) '; } --- request GET /lua --- response_headers Content-Type: text/my-plain --- response_body hello, text/my-plain === TEST 17: get content-length header --- config location /lua { content_by_lua ' ngx.header.content_length = 2; ngx.say(ngx.header.content_length); '; } --- request GET /lua --- response_headers Content-Length: 2 --- response_body 2 === TEST 18: get content-length header --- config location /lua { content_by_lua ' ngx.header.foo = "bar"; ngx.say(ngx.header.foo); '; } --- request GET /lua --- response_headers foo: bar --- response_body bar === TEST 19: get content-length header (proxy) --- config location /main { set $footer ''; proxy_pass$server_port/echo; header_filter_by_lua ' ngx.var.footer = ngx.header.content_length '; echo_after_body $footer; } location /echo { content_by_lua 'ngx.print("Hello")'; } --- request GET /main --- response_headers !Content-Length --- response_body Hello5 === TEST 20: set and get content-length header (proxy) --- config location /main { set $footer ''; proxy_pass$server_port/echo; header_filter_by_lua ' ngx.header.content_length = 27 ngx.var.footer = ngx.header.content_length '; echo_after_body $footer; } location /echo { content_by_lua 'ngx.print("Hello")'; } --- request GET /main --- response_headers !Content-Length --- response_body Hello27 === TEST 21: get content-type header (proxy) --- config location /main { set $footer ''; proxy_pass$server_port/echo; header_filter_by_lua ' ngx.var.footer = ngx.header.content_type '; echo_after_body $footer; } location /echo { default_type 'abc/foo'; content_by_lua 'ngx.print("Hello")'; } --- request GET /main --- response_headers Content-Type: abc/foo --- response_body Helloabc/foo === TEST 22: set and get content-type header (proxy) --- config location /main { set $footer ''; proxy_pass$server_port/echo; header_filter_by_lua ' ngx.header.content_type = "text/blah" ngx.var.footer = ngx.header.content_type '; echo_after_body $footer; } location /echo { default_type 'abc/foo'; content_by_lua 'ngx.print("Hello")'; } --- request GET /main --- response_headers Content-Type: text/blah --- response_body Hellotext/blah === TEST 23: get user header (proxy) --- config location /main { set $footer ''; proxy_pass$server_port/echo; header_filter_by_lua ' ngx.var.footer = ngx.header.baz '; echo_after_body $footer; } location /echo { content_by_lua ' ngx.header.baz = "bah" ngx.print("Hello") '; } --- request GET /main --- response_headers baz: bah --- response_body Hellobah === TEST 24: set and get user header (proxy) --- config location /main { set $footer ''; proxy_pass$server_port/echo; header_filter_by_lua ' ngx.header.baz = "foo" ngx.var.footer = ngx.header.baz '; echo_after_body $footer; } location /echo { content_by_lua ' ngx.header.baz = "bah" ngx.print("Hello") '; } --- request GET /main --- response_headers baz: foo --- response_body Hellofoo === TEST 25: get multiple user header (proxy) --- config location /main { set $footer ''; proxy_pass$server_port/echo; header_filter_by_lua ' ngx.var.footer = table.concat(ngx.header.baz, ", ") '; echo_after_body $footer; } location /echo { content_by_lua ' ngx.header.baz = {"bah", "blah"} ngx.print("Hello") '; } --- request GET /main --- raw_response_headers_like eval "baz: bah\r .*?baz: blah" --- response_body Hellobah, blah === TEST 26: set and get multiple user header (proxy) --- config location /main { set $footer ''; proxy_pass$server_port/echo; header_filter_by_lua ' ngx.header.baz = {"foo", "baz"} ngx.var.footer = table.concat(ngx.header.baz, ", ") '; echo_after_body $footer; } location /echo { content_by_lua ' ngx.header.baz = {"bah", "hah"} ngx.print("Hello") '; } --- request GET /main --- raw_response_headers_like eval "baz: foo\r .*?baz: baz" --- response_body Hellofoo, baz === TEST 27: get non-existent header --- config location /lua { content_by_lua ' ngx.say(ngx.header.foo); '; } --- request GET /lua --- response_headers !foo --- response_body nil === TEST 28: get non-existent header --- config location /lua { content_by_lua ' ngx.header.foo = {"bah", "baz", "blah"} ngx.header.foo = nil ngx.say(ngx.header.foo); '; } --- request GET /lua --- response_headers !foo --- response_body nil === TEST 29: override domains in the cookie --- config location /foo { echo hello; add_header Set-Cookie 'foo=bar; Domain=backend.int'; add_header Set-Cookie 'baz=bah; Domain=backend.int'; } location /main { proxy_pass$server_port/foo; header_filter_by_lua ' local cookies = ngx.header.set_cookie if not cookies then return end if type(cookies) ~= "table" then cookies = {cookies} end local newcookies = {} for i, val in ipairs(cookies) do local newval = string.gsub(val, "([dD]omain)=[%w_-\\\\.]+", "%1=external.domain.com") table.insert(newcookies, newval) end ngx.header.set_cookie = newcookies '; } --- request GET /main --- response_headers Set-Cookie: foo=bar; Domain=external.domain.com, baz=bah; Domain=external.domain.com --- response_body hello === TEST 30: set single value to cache-control --- config location /lua { content_by_lua ' ngx.header.cache_control = "private" ngx.say("Cache-Control: ", ngx.var.sent_http_cache_control) '; } --- request GET /lua --- response_headers Cache-Control: private --- response_body Cache-Control: private === TEST 31: set multi values to cache-control --- config location /lua { content_by_lua ' ngx.header.cache_control = { "private", "no-store" } ngx.say("Cache-Control: ", ngx.var.sent_http_cache_control) '; } --- request GET /lua --- response_headers Cache-Control: private, no-store --- response_body_like chop ^Cache-Control: private[;,] no-store$ === TEST 32: set multi values to cache-control and override it with a single value --- config location /lua { content_by_lua ' ngx.header.cache_control = { "private", "no-store" } ngx.header.cache_control = { "no-cache" } ngx.say("Cache-Control: ", ngx.var.sent_http_cache_control) ngx.say("Cache-Control: ", ngx.header.cache_control) '; } --- request GET /lua --- response_headers Cache-Control: no-cache --- response_body Cache-Control: no-cache Cache-Control: no-cache === TEST 33: set multi values to cache-control and override it with multiple values --- config location /lua { content_by_lua ' ngx.header.cache_control = { "private", "no-store" } ngx.header.cache_control = { "no-cache", "blah", "foo" } ngx.say("Cache-Control: ", ngx.var.sent_http_cache_control) ngx.say("Cache-Control: ", table.concat(ngx.header.cache_control, ", ")) '; } --- request GET /lua --- response_headers Cache-Control: no-cache, blah, foo --- response_body_like chop ^Cache-Control: no-cache[;,] blah[;,] foo Cache-Control: no-cache[;,] blah[;,] foo$ --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 34: set the www-authenticate response header --- config location /lua { content_by_lua ' ngx.header.www_authenticate = "blah" ngx.say("WWW-Authenticate: ", ngx.var.sent_http_www_authenticate) '; } --- request GET /lua --- response_headers WWW-Authenticate: blah --- response_body WWW-Authenticate: blah === TEST 35: set and clear the www-authenticate response header --- config location /lua { content_by_lua ' ngx.header.foo = "blah" ngx.header.foo = nil ngx.say("Foo: ", ngx.var.sent_http_foo) '; } --- request GET /lua --- response_headers !Foo --- response_body Foo: nil === TEST 36: set multi values to cache-control and override it with multiple values (to reproduce a bug) --- config location /lua { content_by_lua ' ngx.header.cache_control = { "private", "no-store", "foo", "bar", "baz" } ngx.header.cache_control = {} ngx.send_headers() ngx.say("Cache-Control: ", ngx.var.sent_http_cache_control) '; add_header Cache-Control "blah"; } --- request GET /lua --- response_headers Cache-Control: blah --- response_body Cache-Control: blah === TEST 37: set last-modified and return 304 --- config location /lua { content_by_lua ' ngx.header["Last-Modified"] = ngx.http_time(1290079655) ngx.say(ngx.header["Last-Modified"]) '; } --- request GET /lua --- more_headers If-Modified-Since: Thu, 18 Nov 2010 11:27:35 GMT --- response_headers Last-Modified: Thu, 18 Nov 2010 11:27:35 GMT --- error_code: 304 === TEST 38: set last-modified and return 200 --- config location /lua { content_by_lua ' ngx.header["Last-Modified"] = ngx.http_time(1290079655) ngx.say(ngx.header["Last-Modified"]) '; } --- request GET /lua --- more_headers If-Modified-Since: Thu, 18 Nov 2010 11:27:34 GMTT --- response_headers Last-Modified: Thu, 18 Nov 2010 11:27:35 GMT --- response_body Thu, 18 Nov 2010 11:27:35 GMT === TEST 39: set response content-encoding header should bypass ngx_http_gzip_filter_module --- config default_type text/plain; gzip on; gzip_min_length 1; gzip_types text/plain; location /read { content_by_lua ' ngx.header.content_encoding = "gzip"; ngx.say("Hello, world, my dear friend!"); '; } --- request GET /read --- more_headers Accept-Encoding: gzip --- response_headers Content-Type: text/plain --- response_body Hello, world, my dear friend! === TEST 40: no transform underscores (write) --- config lua_transform_underscores_in_response_headers off; location = /t { content_by_lua ' ngx.header.foo_bar = "Hello" ngx.say(ngx.header.foo_bar) ngx.say(ngx.header["foo-bar"]) '; } --- request GET /t --- raw_response_headers_like eval "\r\nfoo_bar: Hello\r\n" --- response_body Hello nil === TEST 41: with transform underscores (write) --- config lua_transform_underscores_in_response_headers on; location = /t { content_by_lua ' ngx.header.foo_bar = "Hello" ngx.say(ngx.header.foo_bar) ngx.say(ngx.header["foo-bar"]) '; } --- request GET /t --- raw_response_headers_like eval "\r\nfoo-bar: Hello\r\n" --- response_body Hello Hello === TEST 42: github issue #199: underscores in lua variables --- config location /read { content_by_lua ' ngx.header.content_type = "text/my-plain" local results = {} results.something = "hello" results.content_type = "anything" results.somehing_else = "hi" local arr = {} for k in pairs(results) do table.insert(arr, k) end table.sort(arr) for i, k in ipairs(arr) do ngx.say(k .. ": " .. results[k]) end '; } --- request GET /read --- response_headers Content-Type: text/my-plain --- response_body content_type: anything somehing_else: hi something: hello --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 43: set multiple response header --- config location /read { content_by_lua ' for i = 1, 50 do ngx.header["X-Direct-" .. i] = "text/my-plain-" .. i; end ngx.say(ngx.header["X-Direct-50"]); '; } --- request GET /read --- response_body text/my-plain-50 --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 44: set multiple response header and then reset and then clear --- config location /read { content_by_lua ' for i = 1, 50 do ngx.header["X-Direct-" .. i] = "text/my-plain-" .. i; end for i = 1, 50 do ngx.header["X-Direct-" .. i] = "text/my-plain" end for i = 1, 50 do ngx.header["X-Direct-" .. i] = nil end ngx.say("ok"); '; } --- request GET /read --- response_body ok --- no_error_log [error] --- timeout: 10 === TEST 45: set response content-type header for multiple times --- config location /read { content_by_lua ' ngx.header.content_type = "text/my-plain"; ngx.header.content_type = "text/my-plain-2"; ngx.say("Hi"); '; } --- request GET /read --- response_headers Content-Type: text/my-plain-2 --- response_body Hi === TEST 46: set Last-Modified response header for multiple times --- config location /read { content_by_lua ' ngx.header.last_modified = ngx.http_time(1290079655) ngx.header.last_modified = ngx.http_time(1290079654) ngx.say("ok"); '; } --- request GET /read --- response_headers Last-Modified: Thu, 18 Nov 2010 11:27:34 GMT --- response_body ok === TEST 47: set Last-Modified response header and then clear --- config location /read { content_by_lua ' ngx.header.last_modified = ngx.http_time(1290079655) ngx.header.last_modified = nil ngx.say("ok"); '; } --- request GET /read --- response_headers !Last-Modified --- response_body ok === TEST 48: github #20: segfault caused by the nasty optimization in the nginx core (write) --- config location = /t/ { header_filter_by_lua ' ngx.header.foo = 1 '; proxy_pass$server_port; } --- request GET /t --- more_headers Foo: bar Bah: baz --- response_headers Location: http://localhost:$ServerPort/t/ --- response_body_like: 301 Moved Permanently --- error_code: 301 --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 49: github #20: segfault caused by the nasty optimization in the nginx core (read) --- config location = /t/ { header_filter_by_lua ' local v = ngx.header.foo '; proxy_pass$server_port; } --- request GET /t --- more_headers Foo: bar Bah: baz --- response_body_like: 301 Moved Permanently --- response_headers Location: http://localhost:$ServerPort/t/ --- error_code: 301 --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 50: github #20: segfault caused by the nasty optimization in the nginx core (read Location) --- config location = /t/ { header_filter_by_lua ' ngx.header.Foo = ngx.header.location '; proxy_pass$server_port; } --- request GET /t --- more_headers Foo: bar Bah: baz --- response_headers Location: http://localhost:$ServerPort/t/ Foo: /t/ --- response_body_like: 301 Moved Permanently --- error_code: 301 --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 51: github #20: segfault caused by the nasty optimization in the nginx core (set Foo and read Location) --- config location = /t/ { header_filter_by_lua ' ngx.header.Foo = 3 ngx.header.Foo = ngx.header.location '; proxy_pass$server_port; } --- request GET /t --- more_headers Foo: bar Bah: baz --- response_headers Location: http://localhost:$ServerPort/t/ Foo: /t/ --- response_body_like: 301 Moved Permanently --- error_code: 301 --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 52: case sensitive cache-control header --- config location /lua { content_by_lua ' ngx.header["cache-Control"] = "private" ngx.say("Cache-Control: ", ngx.var.sent_http_cache_control) '; } --- request GET /lua --- raw_response_headers_like chop cache-Control: private --- response_body Cache-Control: private === TEST 53: clear Cache-Control when there was no Cache-Control --- config location /lua { content_by_lua ' ngx.header["Cache-Control"] = nil ngx.say("Cache-Control: ", ngx.var.sent_http_cache_control) '; } --- request GET /lua --- raw_response_headers_unlike eval qr/Cache-Control/i --- response_body Cache-Control: nil === TEST 54: set response content-type header --- config location /read { content_by_lua ' local s = "content_type" local v = ngx.header[s] ngx.say("s = ", s) '; } --- request GET /read --- response_body s = content_type --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 55: set a number header name --- config location /lua { content_by_lua ' ngx.header[32] = "private" ngx.say("32: ", ngx.var.sent_http_32) '; } --- request GET /lua --- response_headers 32: private --- response_body 32: private --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 56: set a number header name (in a table value) --- config location /lua { content_by_lua ' ngx.header.foo = {32} ngx.say("foo: ", ngx.var.sent_http_foo) '; } --- request GET /lua --- response_headers foo: 32 --- response_body foo: 32 --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 57: random access resp headers --- config location /resp-header { content_by_lua ' ngx.header["Foo"] = "bar" ngx.header["Bar"] = "baz" ngx.say("Foo: ", ngx.resp.get_headers()["Foo"] or "nil") ngx.say("foo: ", ngx.resp.get_headers()["foo"] or "nil") ngx.say("Bar: ", ngx.resp.get_headers()["Bar"] or "nil") ngx.say("bar: ", ngx.resp.get_headers()["bar"] or "nil") '; } --- request GET /resp-header --- response_headers Foo: bar Bar: baz --- response_body Foo: bar foo: bar Bar: baz bar: baz === TEST 58: iterating through raw resp headers --- config location /resp-header { content_by_lua ' ngx.header["Foo"] = "bar" ngx.header["Bar"] = "baz" local h = {} for k, v in pairs(ngx.resp.get_headers(nil, true)) do h[k] = v end ngx.say("Foo: ", h["Foo"] or "nil") ngx.say("foo: ", h["foo"] or "nil") ngx.say("Bar: ", h["Bar"] or "nil") ngx.say("bar: ", h["bar"] or "nil") '; } --- request GET /resp-header --- response_headers Foo: bar Bar: baz --- response_body Foo: bar foo: nil Bar: baz bar: nil === TEST 59: removed response headers --- config location /resp-header { content_by_lua ' ngx.header["Foo"] = "bar" ngx.header["Foo"] = nil ngx.header["Bar"] = "baz" ngx.say("Foo: ", ngx.resp.get_headers()["Foo"] or "nil") ngx.say("foo: ", ngx.resp.get_headers()["foo"] or "nil") ngx.say("Bar: ", ngx.resp.get_headers()["Bar"] or "nil") ngx.say("bar: ", ngx.resp.get_headers()["bar"] or "nil") '; } --- request GET /resp-header --- response_headers !Foo Bar: baz --- response_body Foo: nil foo: nil Bar: baz bar: baz === TEST 60: built-in Content-Type header --- config location = /t { content_by_lua ' ngx.say("hi") '; header_filter_by_lua ' local hs = ngx.resp.get_headers() print("my Content-Type: ", hs["Content-Type"]) print("my content-type: ", hs["content-type"]) print("my content_type: ", hs["content_type"]) '; } --- request GET /t --- response_body hi --- no_error_log [error] [alert] --- error_log my Content-Type: text/plain my content-type: text/plain my content_type: text/plain === TEST 61: built-in Content-Length header --- config location = /t { content_by_lua ' ngx.say("hi") '; header_filter_by_lua ' local hs = ngx.resp.get_headers() print("my Content-Length: ", hs["Content-Length"]) print("my content-length: ", hs["content-length"]) print("my content_length: ", hs.content_length) '; } --- request GET /t HTTP/1.0 --- response_body hi --- no_error_log [error] [alert] --- error_log my Content-Length: 3 my content-length: 3 my content_length: 3 === TEST 62: built-in Connection header --- config location = /t { content_by_lua ' ngx.say("hi") '; header_filter_by_lua ' local hs = ngx.resp.get_headers() print("my Connection: ", hs["Connection"]) print("my connection: ", hs["connection"]) '; } --- request GET /t HTTP/1.0 --- response_body hi --- no_error_log [error] [alert] --- error_log my Connection: close my connection: close === TEST 63: built-in Transfer-Encoding header (chunked) --- config location = /t { content_by_lua ' ngx.say("hi") '; body_filter_by_lua ' local hs = ngx.resp.get_headers() print("my Transfer-Encoding: ", hs["Transfer-Encoding"]) print("my transfer-encoding: ", hs["transfer-encoding"]) print("my transfer_encoding: ", hs.transfer_encoding) '; } --- request GET /t --- response_body hi --- no_error_log [error] [alert] --- error_log my Transfer-Encoding: chunked my transfer-encoding: chunked === TEST 64: built-in Transfer-Encoding header (none) --- config location = /t { content_by_lua ' ngx.say("hi") '; body_filter_by_lua ' local hs = ngx.resp.get_headers() print("my Transfer-Encoding: ", hs["Transfer-Encoding"]) print("my transfer-encoding: ", hs["transfer-encoding"]) print("my transfer_encoding: ", hs.transfer_encoding) '; } --- request GET /t HTTP/1.0 --- response_body hi --- no_error_log [error] [alert] --- error_log my Transfer-Encoding: nil my transfer-encoding: nil my transfer_encoding: nil === TEST 65: set Location (no host) --- config location = /t { content_by_lua ' ngx.header.location = "/foo/bar" return ngx.exit(301) '; } --- request GET /t --- response_headers Location: /foo/bar --- response_body_like: 301 Moved Permanently --- error_code: 301 --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 66: set Location (with host) --- config location = /t { content_by_lua ' ngx.header.location = "http://test.com/foo/bar" return ngx.exit(301) '; } --- request GET /t --- response_headers Location: http://test.com/foo/bar --- response_body_like: 301 Moved Permanently --- error_code: 301 --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 67: ngx.header["Content-Type"] with ngx_gzip --- config gzip on; gzip_min_length 1; location = /test2 { content_by_lua ' ngx.header["Content-Type"] = "text/html; charset=utf-8" ngx.say("test") '; } --- request GET /test2 --- more_headers Accept-Encoding: gzip --- response_headers Content-Encoding: gzip Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 --- response_body_like chomp [^[:ascii:]]+ --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 68: ngx.header["Content-Type"] with "; blah" --- config location = /test2 { content_by_lua ' ngx.header["Content-Type"] = "; blah" ngx.say("test") '; } --- request GET /test2 --- response_headers !Content-Encoding Content-Type: ; blah --- response_body test --- no_error_log [error]