# vim:set ft= ts=4 sw=4 et fdm=marker: use Test::Nginx::Socket::Lua; repeat_each(2); plan tests => repeat_each() * (blocks() * 3 + 4); #log_level("warn"); no_long_string(); run_tests(); __DATA__ === TEST 1: simple set (integer) --- config location /lua { set_by_lua $res "return 1+1"; echo $res; } --- request GET /lua --- response_body 2 --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 2: simple set (string) --- config location /lua { set_by_lua $res "return 'hello' .. 'world'"; echo $res; } --- request GET /lua --- response_body helloworld --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 3: internal only --- config location /lua { set_by_lua $res "function fib(n) if n > 2 then return fib(n-1)+fib(n-2) else return 1 end end return fib(10)"; echo $res; } --- request GET /lua --- response_body 55 --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 4: inlined script with arguments --- config location /lua { set_by_lua $res "return ngx.arg[1] + ngx.arg[2]" $arg_a $arg_b; echo $res; } --- request GET /lua?a=1&b=2 --- response_body 3 --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 5: fib by arg --- config location /fib { set_by_lua $res "function fib(n) if n > 2 then return fib(n-1)+fib(n-2) else return 1 end end return fib(tonumber(ngx.arg[1]))" $arg_n; echo $res; } --- request GET /fib?n=10 --- response_body 55 --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 6: adder --- config location = /adder { set_by_lua $res "local a = tonumber(ngx.arg[1]) local b = tonumber(ngx.arg[2]) return a + b" $arg_a $arg_b; echo $res; } --- request GET /adder?a=25&b=75 --- response_body 100 --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 7: read nginx variables directly from within Lua --- config location = /set-both { set $b 32; set_by_lua $a "return tonumber(ngx.var.b) + 1"; echo "a = $a"; } --- request GET /set-both --- response_body a = 33 --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 8: set nginx variables directly from within Lua --- config location = /set-both { set $b ""; set_by_lua $a "ngx.var.b = 32; return 7"; echo "a = $a"; echo "b = $b"; } --- request GET /set-both --- response_body a = 7 b = 32 --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 9: set non-existent nginx variables --- config location = /set-both { #set $b ""; set_by_lua $a "ngx.var.b = 32; return 7"; echo "a = $a"; } --- request GET /set-both --- response_body_like: 500 Internal Server Error --- error_code: 500 --- error_log variable "b" not found for writing; maybe it is a built-in variable that is not changeable or you forgot to use "set $b '';" in the config file to define it first === TEST 10: set quote sql str --- config location = /set { set $a ""; set_by_lua $a "return ngx.quote_sql_str(ngx.var.a)"; echo $a; } --- request GET /set --- response_body '' --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 11: set md5 --- config location = /md5 { set_by_lua $a 'return ngx.md5("hello")'; echo $a; } --- request GET /md5 --- response_body 5d41402abc4b2a76b9719d911017c592 --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 12: no ngx.print --- config location /lua { set_by_lua $res "ngx.print(32) return 1"; echo $res; } --- request GET /lua --- response_body_like: 500 Internal Server Error --- error_code: 500 --- error_log API disabled in the context of set_by_lua* === TEST 13: no ngx.say --- config location /lua { set_by_lua $res "ngx.say(32) return 1"; echo $res; } --- request GET /lua --- response_body_like: 500 Internal Server Error --- error_code: 500 --- error_log API disabled in the context of set_by_lua* === TEST 14: no ngx.flush --- config location /lua { set_by_lua $res "ngx.flush()"; echo $res; } --- request GET /lua --- response_body_like: 500 Internal Server Error --- error_code: 500 --- error_log API disabled in the context of set_by_lua* === TEST 15: no ngx.eof --- config location /lua { set_by_lua $res "ngx.eof()"; echo $res; } --- request GET /lua --- response_body_like: 500 Internal Server Error --- error_code: 500 --- error_log API disabled in the context of set_by_lua* === TEST 16: no ngx.send_headers --- config location /lua { set_by_lua $res "ngx.send_headers()"; echo $res; } --- request GET /lua --- response_body_like: 500 Internal Server Error --- error_code: 500 --- error_log API disabled in the context of set_by_lua* === TEST 17: no ngx.location.capture --- config location /lua { set_by_lua $res 'ngx.location.capture("/sub")'; echo $res; } location /sub { echo sub; } --- request GET /lua --- response_body_like: 500 Internal Server Error --- error_code: 500 --- error_log API disabled in the context of set_by_lua* === TEST 18: no ngx.location.capture_multi --- config location /lua { set_by_lua $res 'ngx.location.capture_multi{{"/sub"}}'; echo $res; } location /sub { echo sub; } --- request GET /lua --- response_body_like: 500 Internal Server Error --- error_code: 500 --- error_log API disabled in the context of set_by_lua* === TEST 19: no ngx.exit --- config location /lua { set_by_lua $res 'ngx.exit(0)'; echo $res; } --- request GET /lua --- response_body_like: 500 Internal Server Error --- error_code: 500 --- error_log API disabled in the context of set_by_lua* === TEST 20: no ngx.redirect --- config location /lua { set_by_lua $res 'ngx.redirect("/blah")'; echo $res; } --- request GET /lua --- response_body_like: 500 Internal Server Error --- error_code: 500 --- error_log API disabled in the context of set_by_lua* === TEST 21: no ngx.exec --- config location /lua { set_by_lua $res 'ngx.exec("/blah")'; echo $res; } --- request GET /lua --- response_body_like: 500 Internal Server Error --- error_code: 500 --- error_log API disabled in the context of set_by_lua* === TEST 22: no ngx.req.set_uri(uri, true) --- config location /lua { set_by_lua $res 'ngx.req.set_uri("/blah", true)'; echo $res; } --- request GET /lua --- response_body_like: 500 Internal Server Error --- error_code: 500 --- error_log API disabled in the context of set_by_lua* === TEST 23: ngx.req.set_uri(uri) exists --- config location /lua { set_by_lua $res 'ngx.req.set_uri("/blah") return 1'; echo $uri; } --- request GET /lua --- response_body /blah --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 24: no ngx.req.read_body() --- config location /lua { set_by_lua $res 'ngx.req.read_body()'; echo $res; } --- request GET /lua --- response_body_like: 500 Internal Server Error --- error_code: 500 --- error_log API disabled in the context of set_by_lua* === TEST 25: no ngx.req.socket() --- config location /lua { set_by_lua $res 'return ngx.req.socket()'; echo $res; } --- request GET /lua --- response_body_like: 500 Internal Server Error --- error_code: 500 --- error_log API disabled in the context of set_by_lua* === TEST 26: no ngx.socket.tcp() --- config location /lua { set_by_lua $res 'return ngx.socket.tcp()'; echo $res; } --- request GET /lua --- response_body_like: 500 Internal Server Error --- error_code: 500 --- error_log API disabled in the context of set_by_lua* === TEST 27: no ngx.socket.connect() --- config location /lua { set_by_lua $res 'return ngx.socket.connect("", 80)'; echo $res; } --- request GET /lua --- response_body_like: 500 Internal Server Error --- error_code: 500 --- error_log API disabled in the context of set_by_lua* === TEST 28: set $limit_rate (variables with set_handler) --- config location /lua { set $limit_rate 1000; rewrite_by_lua ' ngx.var.limit_rate = 180; '; echo "limit rate = $limit_rate"; } --- request GET /lua --- response_body limit rate = 180 --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 29: set $args and read $query_string --- config location /lua { set $args 'hello'; rewrite_by_lua ' ngx.var.args = "world"; '; echo $query_string; } --- request GET /lua --- response_body world --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 30: set $arg_xxx --- config location /lua { rewrite_by_lua ' ngx.var.arg_foo = "world"; '; echo $arg_foo; } --- request GET /lua?foo=3 --- response_body_like: 500 Internal Server Error --- error_code: 500 --- error_log variable "arg_foo" not found for writing; maybe it is a built-in variable that is not changeable or you forgot to use "set $arg_foo '';" in the config file to define it first === TEST 31: symbol $ in lua code of set_by_lua --- config location /lua { set_by_lua $res 'return "$unknown"'; echo $res; } --- request GET /lua --- response_body $unknown --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 32: symbol $ in lua code of set_by_lua_file --- config location /lua { set_by_lua_file $res html/a.lua; echo $res; } --- user_files >>> a.lua return "$unknown" --- request GET /lua --- response_body $unknown --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 33: external script files with arguments --- config location /lua { set_by_lua_file $res html/a.lua $arg_a $arg_b; echo $res; } --- user_files >>> a.lua return ngx.arg[1] + ngx.arg[2] --- request GET /lua?a=5&b=2 --- response_body 7 --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 34: variables in set_by_lua_file's file path --- config location /lua { set $path "html/a.lua"; set_by_lua_file $res $path $arg_a $arg_b; echo $res; } --- user_files >>> a.lua return ngx.arg[1] + ngx.arg[2] --- request GET /lua?a=5&b=2 --- response_body 7 --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 35: lua error (string) --- config location /lua { set_by_lua $res 'error("Bad")'; echo $res; } --- request GET /lua --- response_body_like: 500 Internal Server Error --- error_code: 500 --- error_log failed to run set_by_lua*: set_by_lua:1: Bad === TEST 36: lua error (nil) --- config location /lua { set_by_lua $res 'error(nil)'; echo $res; } --- request GET /lua --- response_body_like: 500 Internal Server Error --- error_code: 500 --- error_log failed to run set_by_lua*: unknown reason === TEST 37: globals get cleared for every single request --- config location /lua { set_by_lua $res ' if not foo then foo = 1 else foo = foo + 1 end return foo '; echo $res; } --- request GET /lua --- response_body 1 --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 38: user modules using ngx.arg --- http_config lua_package_path "$prefix/html/?.lua;;"; --- config location /lua { set_by_lua $res 'local foo = require "foo" return foo.go()' $arg_a $arg_b; echo $res; } --- user_files >>> foo.lua module("foo", package.seeall) function go() return ngx.arg[1] + ngx.arg[2] end --- request GET /lua?a=1&b=2 --- response_body 3 --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 39: server scope (inline) --- config location /lua { set $a "[$res]"; echo $a; } set_by_lua $res "return 1+1"; --- request GET /lua --- response_body [2] --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 40: server if scope (inline) --- config location /lua { set $a "[$res]"; echo $a; } if ($arg_name = "jim") { set_by_lua $res "return 1+1"; } --- request GET /lua?name=jim --- response_body [2] --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 41: location if scope (inline) --- config location /lua { if ($arg_name = "jim") { set_by_lua $res "return 1+1"; set $a "[$res]"; echo $a; } } --- request GET /lua?name=jim --- response_body [2] --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 42: server scope (file) --- config location /lua { set $a "[$res]"; echo $a; } set_by_lua_file $res html/a.lua; --- user_files >>> a.lua return 1+1 --- request GET /lua --- response_body [2] --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 43: server if scope (file) --- config location /lua { set $a "[$res]"; echo $a; } if ($arg_name = "jim") { set_by_lua_file $res html/a.lua; } --- request GET /lua?name=jim --- user_files >>> a.lua return 1+1 --- response_body [2] --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 44: location if scope (file) --- config location /lua { if ($arg_name = "jim") { set_by_lua_file $res html/a.lua; set $a "[$res]"; echo $a; } } --- user_files >>> a.lua return 1+1 --- request GET /lua?name=jim --- response_body [2] --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 45: backtrace --- config location /t { set_by_lua $a ' function foo() bar() end function bar() error("something bad happened") end foo() '; echo ok; } --- request GET /t --- response_body_like: 500 Internal Server Error --- error_code: 500 --- error_log something bad happened stack traceback: in function 'error' in function 'bar' in function 'foo' === TEST 46: Lua file does not exist --- config location /lua { set_by_lua_file $a html/test2.lua; } --- user_files >>> test.lua v = ngx.var["request_uri"] ngx.print("request_uri: ", v, "\n") --- request GET /lua?a=1&b=2 --- response_body_like: 500 Internal Server Error --- error_code: 500 --- error_log eval qr/failed to load external Lua file ".*?test2\.lua": cannot open .*? No such file or directory/