Conf command macros ------------------- The build script generates a large number of macros for reducing the code required for command definitions. There are basically three types of macros : - combination bitmasks e.g. NDK_HTTP_MAIN_SRV_CONF = (NGX_HTTP_MAIN_CONF | NGX_HTTP_SRV_CONF) - base command structures e.g. NDK_HTTP_MAIN_CONF_TAKE1 - conf-set command structures e.g. NDK_HTTP_CONF_STR Combination bitmasks -------------------- Basically combinations of existing bitmasks for locations, with general > specific order NDK_HTTP_CONF = (NGX_HTTP_MAIN_CONF | NGX_HTTP_SVR_CONF | NGX_HTTP_SIF_CONF | NGX_HTTP_LOC_CONF | NGX_HTTP_LIF_CONF) Base command structures ----------------------- These macros are basically there as wrappers for the conf-set command structures, and but incorporate the bitmask element into the name of the macro. Conf-set command structures --------------------------- These macros simplify creating commands that use any of the build-in conf-set functions or any of those added by the NDK. e.g. NGX_HTTP_MAIN_SRV_STR ("name", prop, NULL) where prop is the name of the property that is a ngx_str_t. Whether this is in the loc conf, main conf or svr conf is generated automatically in by the macro. NOTE : you need to set the following if they will be used (using macro definitions) : ndk_module_main_conf_t ndk_module_srv_conf_t ndk_module_loc_conf_t e.g #define ndk_module_loc_conf_t ngx_http_my_module_loc_conf_t TODO ---- Much better documentation for this