# vi:filetype= use lib 'lib'; use Test::Nginx::Socket; plan tests => repeat_each() * (2 * blocks() + 3); $ENV{TEST_NGINX_MEMCACHED_PORT} ||= 11211; #no_diff; run_tests(); __DATA__ === TEST 1: bad cmd --- config location /foo { set $memc_cmd blah; set $memc_key foo; memc_pass$TEST_NGINX_MEMCACHED_PORT; } --- request GET /foo --- response_body_like: 400 Bad Request --- error_code: 400 --- error_log ngx_memc: unknown $memc_cmd "blah" === TEST 2: no default value for $memc_cmd for method COPY --- config location /foo { set $memc_key foo; memc_pass$TEST_NGINX_MEMCACHED_PORT; } --- request COPY /foo --- response_body_like: 400 Bad Request --- error_code: 400 --- error_log ngx_memc: $memc_cmd variable not found for HTTP COPY requests === TEST 3: bad cmd (case sensitive) --- config location /foo { set $memc_cmd GET; set $memc_key foo; memc_pass$TEST_NGINX_MEMCACHED_PORT; } --- request GET /foo --- response_body_like: 400 Bad Request --- error_code: 400 === TEST 4: explicit $memc_cmd in non-empty cmds_allowed list --- config location /allow { set $memc_cmd version; memc_cmds_allowed get version; memc_pass$TEST_NGINX_MEMCACHED_PORT; } --- request GET /allow --- response_body_like: ^VERSION \d+(\.\d+)+\S*?\r\n$ === TEST 5: explicit $memc_cmd in non-empty cmds_allowed list (in first) --- config location /allow { set $memc_cmd version; memc_cmds_allowed version get; memc_pass$TEST_NGINX_MEMCACHED_PORT; } --- request GET /allow --- response_body_like: ^VERSION \d+(\.\d+)+\S*?\r\n$ === TEST 6: explicit $memc_cmd NOT in non-empty cmds_allowed list --- config location /allow { set $memc_cmd version; memc_cmds_allowed set get add delete; memc_pass$TEST_NGINX_MEMCACHED_PORT; } --- request GET /allow --- response_body_like: 403 Forbidden --- error_code: 403 --- error_log ngx_memc: memcached command "version" not allowed === TEST 7: implicit $memc_cmd NOT in non-empty cmds_allowed list --- config location /allow { memc_cmds_allowed set add delete version; set $memcached_key foo; memc_pass$TEST_NGINX_MEMCACHED_PORT; } --- request GET /allow --- response_body_like: 403 Forbidden --- error_code: 403 === TEST 8: $memc_cmd has its default values when it's an empty string --- config location /main { echo_read_request_body; echo 'set big2'; echo_subrequest PUT '/memc?key=big2'; echo 'get big2'; echo_location '/memc?key=big2&cmd=get'; } location /memc { set $memc_cmd $arg_cmd; set $memc_key $arg_key; memc_pass$TEST_NGINX_MEMCACHED_PORT; } --- request POST /main nice to meet you! --- response_body eval "set big2 STORED\r get big2 nice to meet you!"