-- Copyright (C) Yichun Zhang (agentzh) -- FIXME: this library is very rough and is currently just for testing -- the websocket server. local wbproto = require "resty.websocket.protocol" local bit = require "bit" local _recv_frame = wbproto.recv_frame local _send_frame = wbproto.send_frame local new_tab = wbproto.new_tab local tcp = ngx.socket.tcp local re_match = ngx.re.match local encode_base64 = ngx.encode_base64 local concat = table.concat local char = string.char local str_find = string.find local rand = math.random local rshift = bit.rshift local band = bit.band local setmetatable = setmetatable local type = type local debug = ngx.config.debug local ngx_log = ngx.log local ngx_DEBUG = ngx.DEBUG local ssl_support = true if not ngx.config or not ngx.config.ngx_lua_version or ngx.config.ngx_lua_version < 9011 then ssl_support = false end local _M = new_tab(0, 13) _M._VERSION = '0.05' local mt = { __index = _M } function _M.new(self, opts) local sock, err = tcp() if not sock then return nil, err end local max_payload_len, send_unmasked, timeout if opts then max_payload_len = opts.max_payload_len send_unmasked = opts.send_unmasked timeout = opts.timeout if timeout then sock:settimeout(timeout) end end return setmetatable({ sock = sock, max_payload_len = max_payload_len or 65535, send_unmasked = send_unmasked, }, mt) end function _M.connect(self, uri, opts) local sock = self.sock if not sock then return nil, "not initialized" end local m, err = re_match(uri, [[^(wss?)://([^:/]+)(?::(\d+))?(.*)]], "jo") if not m then if err then return nil, "failed to match the uri: " .. err end return nil, "bad websocket uri" end local scheme = m[1] local host = m[2] local port = m[3] local path = m[4] -- ngx.say("host: ", host) -- ngx.say("port: ", port) if not port then port = 80 end if path == "" then path = "/" end local ssl_verify, proto_header, origin_header, sock_opts = false if opts then local protos = opts.protocols if protos then if type(protos) == "table" then proto_header = "\r\nSec-WebSocket-Protocol: " .. concat(protos, ",") else proto_header = "\r\nSec-WebSocket-Protocol: " .. protos end end local origin = opts.origin if origin then origin_header = "\r\nOrigin: " .. origin end local pool = opts.pool if pool then sock_opts = { pool = pool } end if opts.ssl_verify then if not ssl_support then return nil, "ngx_lua 0.9.11+ required for SSL sockets" end ssl_verify = true end end local ok, err if sock_opts then ok, err = sock:connect(host, port, sock_opts) else ok, err = sock:connect(host, port) end if not ok then return nil, "failed to connect: " .. err end if scheme == "wss" then if not ssl_support then return nil, "ngx_lua 0.9.11+ required for SSL sockets" end ok, err = sock:sslhandshake(false, host, ssl_verify) if not ok then return nil, "ssl handshake failed: " .. err end end -- check for connections from pool: local count,err = sock:getreusedtimes() if not count then return nil, "failed to get reused times: " .. err end if count > 0 then -- being a reused connection (must have done handshake) return 1 end -- do the websocket handshake: local bytes = char(rand(256) - 1, rand(256) - 1, rand(256) - 1, rand(256) - 1, rand(256) - 1, rand(256) - 1, rand(256) - 1, rand(256) - 1, rand(256) - 1, rand(256) - 1, rand(256) - 1, rand(256) - 1, rand(256) - 1, rand(256) - 1, rand(256) - 1, rand(256) - 1) local key = encode_base64(bytes) local req = "GET " .. path .. " HTTP/1.1\r\nUpgrade: websocket\r\nHost: " .. host .. ":" .. port .. "\r\nSec-WebSocket-Key: " .. key .. (proto_header or "") .. "\r\nSec-WebSocket-Version: 13" .. (origin_header or "") .. "\r\nConnection: Upgrade\r\n\r\n" local bytes, err = sock:send(req) if not bytes then return nil, "failed to send the handshake request: " .. err end local header_reader = sock:receiveuntil("\r\n\r\n") -- FIXME: check for too big response headers local header, err, partial = header_reader() if not header then return nil, "failed to receive response header: " .. err end -- FIXME: verify the response headers m, err = re_match(header, [[^\s*HTTP/1\.1\s+]], "jo") if not m then return nil, "bad HTTP response status line: " .. header end return 1 end function _M.set_timeout(self, time) local sock = self.sock if not sock then return nil, nil, "not initialized yet" end return sock:settimeout(time) end function _M.recv_frame(self) if self.fatal then return nil, nil, "fatal error already happened" end local sock = self.sock if not sock then return nil, nil, "not initialized yet" end local data, typ, err = _recv_frame(sock, self.max_payload_len, false) if not data and not str_find(err, ": timeout", 1, true) then self.fatal = true end return data, typ, err end local function send_frame(self, fin, opcode, payload, max_payload_len) if self.fatal then return nil, "fatal error already happened" end if self.closed then return nil, "already closed" end local sock = self.sock if not sock then return nil, "not initialized yet" end local bytes, err = _send_frame(sock, fin, opcode, payload, self.max_payload_len, not self.send_unmasked) if not bytes then self.fatal = true end return bytes, err end _M.send_frame = send_frame function _M.send_text(self, data) return send_frame(self, true, 0x1, data) end function _M.send_binary(self, data) return send_frame(self, true, 0x2, data) end local function send_close(self, code, msg) local payload if code then if type(code) ~= "number" or code > 0x7fff then return nil, "bad status code" end payload = char(band(rshift(code, 8), 0xff), band(code, 0xff)) .. (msg or "") end if debug then ngx_log(ngx_DEBUG, "sending the close frame") end local bytes, err = send_frame(self, true, 0x8, payload) if not bytes then self.fatal = true end self.closed = true return bytes, err end _M.send_close = send_close function _M.send_ping(self, data) return send_frame(self, true, 0x9, data) end function _M.send_pong(self, data) return send_frame(self, true, 0xa, data) end function _M.close(self) if self.fatal then return nil, "fatal error already happened" end local sock = self.sock if not sock then return nil, "not initialized" end if not self.closed then local bytes, err = send_close(self) if not bytes then return nil, "failed to send close frame: " .. err end end return sock:close() end function _M.set_keepalive(self, ...) local sock = self.sock if not sock then return nil, "not initialized" end return sock:setkeepalive(...) end return _M