# vim:set ft= ts=4 sw=4 et fdm=marker: use lib 'lib'; use Test::Nginx::Socket::Lua; use Cwd qw(cwd); #worker_connections(1014); #master_process_enabled(1); #log_level('warn'); #repeat_each(2); plan tests => repeat_each() * (blocks() * 6 + 9); my $pwd = cwd(); our $HttpConfig = <<_EOC_; lua_socket_log_errors off; lua_package_path "$pwd/../lua-resty-lock/?.lua;$pwd/lib/?.lua;$pwd/t/lib/?.lua;;"; _EOC_ #no_diff(); no_long_string(); run_tests(); __DATA__ === TEST 1: health check (good case), status ignored by default --- http_config eval "$::HttpConfig" . q{ upstream foo.com { server; server; server backup; } server { listen 12354; location = /status { return 200; } } server { listen 12355; location = /status { return 404; } } server { listen 12356; location = /status { return 503; } } lua_shared_dict healthcheck 1m; init_worker_by_lua ' ngx.shared.healthcheck:flush_all() local hc = require "resty.upstream.healthcheck" local ok, err = hc.spawn_checker{ shm = "healthcheck", upstream = "foo.com", type = "http", http_req = "GET /status HTTP/1.0\\\\r\\\\nHost: localhost\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n", interval = 100, -- 100ms fall = 2, } if not ok then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to spawn health checker: ", err) return end '; } --- config location = /t { access_log off; content_by_lua ' ngx.sleep(0.52) local hc = require "resty.upstream.healthcheck" ngx.print(hc.status_page()) for i = 1, 2 do local res = ngx.location.capture("/proxy") ngx.say("upstream addr: ", res.header["X-Foo"]) end '; } location = /proxy { proxy_pass http://foo.com/; header_filter_by_lua ' ngx.header["X-Foo"] = ngx.var.upstream_addr; '; } --- request GET /t --- response_body Upstream foo.com Primary Peers up up Backup Peers up upstream addr: upstream addr: --- no_error_log [error] [alert] [warn] was checked to be not ok failed to run healthcheck cycle --- grep_error_log eval: qr/healthcheck: .*? was checked .*|publishing peers version \d+|upgrading peers version to \d+/ --- grep_error_log_out eval qr/^healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12354 was checked to be ok healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12355 was checked to be ok healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12356 was checked to be ok (?:healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12354 was checked to be ok healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12355 was checked to be ok healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12356 was checked to be ok ){3,5}$/ --- timeout: 6 === TEST 2: health check (bad case), no listening port in the backup peer --- http_config eval "$::HttpConfig" . q{ upstream foo.com { server; server; server backup; } server { listen 12354; location = /status { return 200; } } server { listen 12355; location = /status { return 404; } } lua_shared_dict healthcheck 1m; init_worker_by_lua ' ngx.shared.healthcheck:flush_all() local hc = require "resty.upstream.healthcheck" local ok, err = hc.spawn_checker{ shm = "healthcheck", upstream = "foo.com", type = "http", http_req = "GET /status HTTP/1.0\\\\r\\\\nHost: localhost\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n", interval = 100, -- 100ms fall = 2, } if not ok then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to spawn health checker: ", err) return end '; } --- config location = /t { access_log off; content_by_lua ' ngx.sleep(0.52) local hc = require "resty.upstream.healthcheck" ngx.print(hc.status_page()) for i = 1, 2 do local res = ngx.location.capture("/proxy") ngx.say("upstream addr: ", res.header["X-Foo"]) end '; } location = /proxy { proxy_pass http://foo.com/; header_filter_by_lua ' ngx.header["X-Foo"] = ngx.var.upstream_addr; '; } --- request GET /t --- response_body Upstream foo.com Primary Peers up up Backup Peers DOWN upstream addr: upstream addr: --- no_error_log [alert] failed to run healthcheck cycle --- error_log healthcheck: failed to connect to connection refused --- grep_error_log eval: qr/healthcheck: .*? was checked .*|warn\(\): .*(?=,)|publishing peers version \d+|upgrading peers version to \d+/ --- grep_error_log_out eval qr/^healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12354 was checked to be ok healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12355 was checked to be ok healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12356 was checked to be not ok healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12354 was checked to be ok healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12355 was checked to be ok healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12356 was checked to be not ok warn\(\): healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12356 is turned down after 2 failure\(s\) publishing peers version 1 (?:healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12354 was checked to be ok healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12355 was checked to be ok healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12356 was checked to be not ok ){2,4}$/ --- timeout: 6 === TEST 3: health check (bad case), no listening port in a primary peer --- http_config eval "$::HttpConfig" . q{ upstream foo.com { server; server; server backup; } server { listen 12354; location = /status { return 200; } } server { listen 12356; location = /status { return 404; } } lua_shared_dict healthcheck 1m; init_worker_by_lua ' ngx.shared.healthcheck:flush_all() local hc = require "resty.upstream.healthcheck" local ok, err = hc.spawn_checker{ shm = "healthcheck", upstream = "foo.com", type = "http", http_req = "GET /status HTTP/1.0\\\\r\\\\nHost: localhost\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n", interval = 100, -- 100ms fall = 2, } if not ok then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to spawn health checker: ", err) return end '; } --- config location = /t { access_log off; content_by_lua ' ngx.sleep(0.52) local hc = require "resty.upstream.healthcheck" ngx.print(hc.status_page()) for i = 1, 2 do local res = ngx.location.capture("/proxy") ngx.say("upstream addr: ", res.header["X-Foo"]) end '; } location = /proxy { proxy_pass http://foo.com/; header_filter_by_lua ' ngx.header["X-Foo"] = ngx.var.upstream_addr; '; } --- request GET /t --- response_body Upstream foo.com Primary Peers up DOWN Backup Peers up upstream addr: upstream addr: --- no_error_log [alert] failed to run healthcheck cycle --- error_log healthcheck: failed to connect to connection refused --- grep_error_log eval: qr/healthcheck: .*? was checked .*|warn\(\): .*(?=,)|upgrading peers version to \d+/ --- grep_error_log_out eval qr/^healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12354 was checked to be ok healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12355 was checked to be not ok healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12356 was checked to be ok healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12354 was checked to be ok healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12355 was checked to be not ok warn\(\): healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12355 is turned down after 2 failure\(s\) healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12356 was checked to be ok (?:healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12354 was checked to be ok healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12355 was checked to be not ok healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12356 was checked to be ok ){2,4}$/ --- timeout: 6 === TEST 4: health check (bad case), bad status --- http_config eval "$::HttpConfig" . q{ upstream foo.com { server; server; server backup; } server { listen 12354; location = /status { return 200; } } server { listen 12355; location = /status { return 404; } } server { listen 12356; location = /status { return 503; } } lua_shared_dict healthcheck 1m; init_worker_by_lua ' ngx.shared.healthcheck:flush_all() local hc = require "resty.upstream.healthcheck" local ok, err = hc.spawn_checker{ shm = "healthcheck", upstream = "foo.com", type = "http", http_req = "GET /status HTTP/1.0\\\\r\\\\nHost: localhost\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n", interval = 100, -- 100ms fall = 2, valid_statuses = {200, 503}, } if not ok then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to spawn health checker: ", err) return end '; } --- config location = /t { access_log off; content_by_lua ' ngx.sleep(0.52) local hc = require "resty.upstream.healthcheck" ngx.print(hc.status_page()) for i = 1, 2 do local res = ngx.location.capture("/proxy") ngx.say("upstream addr: ", res.header["X-Foo"]) end '; } location = /proxy { proxy_pass http://foo.com/; header_filter_by_lua ' ngx.header["X-Foo"] = ngx.var.upstream_addr; '; } --- request GET /t --- response_body Upstream foo.com Primary Peers up DOWN Backup Peers up upstream addr: upstream addr: --- no_error_log [alert] failed to run healthcheck cycle --- grep_error_log eval: qr/healthcheck: .*? was checked .*|warn\(\): .*(?=,)|healthcheck: bad status code from .*(?=,)|upgrading peers version to \d+/ --- grep_error_log_out eval qr/^healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12354 was checked to be ok healthcheck: bad status code from 127\.0\.0\.1:12355: 404 healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12355 was checked to be not ok healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12356 was checked to be ok healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12354 was checked to be ok healthcheck: bad status code from 127\.0\.0\.1:12355: 404 healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12355 was checked to be not ok warn\(\): healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12355 is turned down after 2 failure\(s\) healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12356 was checked to be ok (?:healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12354 was checked to be ok healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12355 was checked to be not ok healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12356 was checked to be ok ){1,4}$/ --- timeout: 6 === TEST 5: health check (bad case), timed out --- http_config eval "$::HttpConfig" . q{ upstream foo.com { server; server; server backup; } server { listen 12354; location = /status { echo_sleep 0.5; echo ok; } } server { listen 12355; location = /status { return 404; } } server { listen 12356; location = /status { return 503; } } lua_shared_dict healthcheck 1m; init_worker_by_lua ' ngx.shared.healthcheck:flush_all() local hc = require "resty.upstream.healthcheck" local ok, err = hc.spawn_checker{ shm = "healthcheck", upstream = "foo.com", type = "http", http_req = "GET /status HTTP/1.0\\\\r\\\\nHost: localhost\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n", interval = 100, -- 100ms timeout = 100, -- 100ms fall = 2, } if not ok then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to spawn health checker: ", err) return end '; } --- config location = /t { access_log off; content_by_lua ' ngx.sleep(0.52) local hc = require "resty.upstream.healthcheck" ngx.print(hc.status_page()) for i = 1, 2 do local res = ngx.location.capture("/proxy") ngx.say("upstream addr: ", res.header["X-Foo"]) end '; } location = /proxy { proxy_pass http://foo.com/; header_filter_by_lua ' ngx.header["X-Foo"] = ngx.var.upstream_addr; '; } --- request GET /t --- response_body Upstream foo.com Primary Peers DOWN up Backup Peers up upstream addr: upstream addr: --- no_error_log [alert] failed to run healthcheck cycle --- error_log healthcheck: failed to receive status line from timeout --- grep_error_log eval: qr/healthcheck: .*? was checked .*|warn\(\): .*(?=,)|healthcheck: bad status code from .*(?=,)|upgrading peers version to \d+/ --- grep_error_log_out eval qr/^healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12354 was checked to be not ok healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12355 was checked to be ok healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12356 was checked to be ok healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12354 was checked to be not ok warn\(\): healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12354 is turned down after 2 failure\(s\) healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12355 was checked to be ok healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12356 was checked to be ok (?:healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12354 was checked to be not ok healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12355 was checked to be ok healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12356 was checked to be ok ){0,2}$/ === TEST 6: health check (bad case), bad status, and then rise again --- http_config eval "$::HttpConfig" . q{ upstream foo.com { server; server; server backup; } server { listen 12354; location = /status { return 200; } } server { listen 12355; location = /status { content_by_lua ' local cnt = package.loaded.cnt if not cnt then cnt = 0 end cnt = cnt + 1 package.loaded.cnt = cnt if cnt >= 3 then return ngx.exit(200) end return ngx.exit(403) '; } } server { listen 12356; location = /status { return 503; } } lua_shared_dict healthcheck 1m; init_worker_by_lua ' ngx.shared.healthcheck:flush_all() local hc = require "resty.upstream.healthcheck" local ok, err = hc.spawn_checker{ shm = "healthcheck", upstream = "foo.com", type = "http", http_req = "GET /status HTTP/1.0\\\\r\\\\nHost: localhost\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n", interval = 100, -- 100ms fall = 1, rise = 2, valid_statuses = {200, 503}, } if not ok then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to spawn health checker: ", err) return end '; } --- config location = /t { access_log off; content_by_lua ' ngx.sleep(0.52) local hc = require "resty.upstream.healthcheck" ngx.print(hc.status_page()) for i = 1, 2 do local res = ngx.location.capture("/proxy") ngx.say("upstream addr: ", res.header["X-Foo"]) end '; } location = /proxy { proxy_pass http://foo.com/; header_filter_by_lua ' ngx.header["X-Foo"] = ngx.var.upstream_addr; '; } --- request GET /t --- response_body Upstream foo.com Primary Peers up up Backup Peers up upstream addr: upstream addr: --- no_error_log [alert] failed to run healthcheck cycle --- grep_error_log eval: qr/healthcheck: .*? was checked .*|warn\(\): .*(?=,)|healthcheck: bad status code from .*(?=,)|publishing peers version \d+|upgrading peers version to \d+/ --- grep_error_log_out eval qr/^healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12354 was checked to be ok healthcheck: bad status code from 127\.0\.0\.1:12355: 403 healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12355 was checked to be not ok warn\(\): healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12355 is turned down after 1 failure\(s\) healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12356 was checked to be ok publishing peers version 1 healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12354 was checked to be ok healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12355 was checked to be not ok healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12356 was checked to be ok healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12354 was checked to be ok healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12355 was checked to be ok healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12356 was checked to be ok healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12354 was checked to be ok healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12355 was checked to be ok warn\(\): healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12355 is turned up after 2 success\(es\) healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12356 was checked to be ok publishing peers version 2 (?:healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12354 was checked to be ok healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12355 was checked to be ok healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12356 was checked to be ok ){1,3}$/ --- timeout: 6 === TEST 7: peers version upgrade (make up peers down) --- http_config eval "$::HttpConfig" . q{ upstream foo.com { server; server; server backup; } server { listen 12354; location = /status { return 200; } } server { listen 12355; location = /status { return 404; } } server { listen 12356; location = /status { return 503; } } lua_shared_dict healthcheck 1m; init_worker_by_lua ' local dict = ngx.shared.healthcheck dict:flush_all() assert(dict:set("v:foo.com", 1)) assert(dict:set("d:foo.com:b0", true)) assert(dict:set("d:foo.com:p1", true)) local hc = require "resty.upstream.healthcheck" local ok, err = hc.spawn_checker{ shm = "healthcheck", upstream = "foo.com", type = "http", http_req = "GET /status HTTP/1.0\\\\r\\\\nHost: localhost\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n", interval = 100, -- 100ms fall = 2, } if not ok then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to spawn health checker: ", err) return end '; } --- config location = /t { access_log off; content_by_lua ' ngx.sleep(0.52) local hc = require "resty.upstream.healthcheck" ngx.print(hc.status_page()) for i = 1, 2 do local res = ngx.location.capture("/proxy") ngx.say("upstream addr: ", res.header["X-Foo"]) end '; } location = /proxy { proxy_pass http://foo.com/; header_filter_by_lua ' ngx.header["X-Foo"] = ngx.var.upstream_addr; '; } --- request GET /t --- response_body Upstream foo.com Primary Peers up up Backup Peers up upstream addr: upstream addr: --- no_error_log [error] [alert] was checked to be not ok failed to run healthcheck cycle --- grep_error_log eval: qr/healthcheck: .*? was checked .*|publishing peers version \d+|warn\(\): .*(?=,)|upgrading peers version to \d+/ --- grep_error_log_out eval qr/^upgrading peers version to 1 healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12354 was checked to be ok healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12355 was checked to be ok healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12356 was checked to be ok healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12354 was checked to be ok healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12355 was checked to be ok warn\(\): healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12355 is turned up after 2 success\(es\) healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12356 was checked to be ok warn\(\): healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12356 is turned up after 2 success\(es\) publishing peers version 2 (?:healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12354 was checked to be ok healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12355 was checked to be ok healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12356 was checked to be ok ){2,4}$/ === TEST 8: peers version upgrade (make down peers up) --- http_config eval "$::HttpConfig" . q{ upstream foo.com { server down; server; server backup; } server { listen 12355; location = /status { return 404; } } server { listen 12356; location = /status { return 503; } } lua_shared_dict healthcheck 1m; init_worker_by_lua ' local dict = ngx.shared.healthcheck dict:flush_all() assert(dict:set("v:foo.com", 1)) -- assert(dict:set("d:foo.com:b0", true)) -- assert(dict:set("d:foo.com:p1", true)) local hc = require "resty.upstream.healthcheck" local ok, err = hc.spawn_checker{ shm = "healthcheck", upstream = "foo.com", type = "http", http_req = "GET /status HTTP/1.0\\\\r\\\\nHost: localhost\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n", interval = 100, -- 100ms fall = 2, } if not ok then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to spawn health checker: ", err) return end '; } --- config location = /t { access_log off; content_by_lua ' ngx.sleep(0.52) local hc = require "resty.upstream.healthcheck" ngx.print(hc.status_page()) for i = 1, 2 do local res = ngx.location.capture("/proxy") ngx.say("upstream addr: ", res.header["X-Foo"]) end '; } location = /proxy { proxy_pass http://foo.com/; header_filter_by_lua ' ngx.header["X-Foo"] = ngx.var.upstream_addr; '; } --- request GET /t --- response_body Upstream foo.com Primary Peers DOWN up Backup Peers up upstream addr: upstream addr: --- error_log failed to connect to connection refused --- no_error_log [alert] failed to run healthcheck cycle --- grep_error_log eval: qr/healthcheck: .*? was checked .*|publishing peers version \d+|warn\(\): .*(?=,)|upgrading peers version to \d+/ --- grep_error_log_out eval qr/^upgrading peers version to 1 healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12354 was checked to be not ok healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12355 was checked to be ok healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12356 was checked to be ok healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12354 was checked to be not ok warn\(\): healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12354 is turned down after 2 failure\(s\) healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12355 was checked to be ok healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12356 was checked to be ok publishing peers version 2 (?:healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12354 was checked to be not ok healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12355 was checked to be ok healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12356 was checked to be ok ){3,5}$/ --- timeout: 6 === TEST 9: concurrency == 2 (odd number of peers) --- http_config eval "$::HttpConfig" . q{ upstream foo.com { server; server; server; server; server; server backup; } lua_shared_dict healthcheck 1m; init_worker_by_lua ' ngx.shared.healthcheck:flush_all() local hc = require "resty.upstream.healthcheck" local ok, err = hc.spawn_checker{ shm = "healthcheck", upstream = "foo.com", type = "http", http_req = "GET /status HTTP/1.0\\\\r\\\\nHost: localhost\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n", interval = 100, -- 100ms fall = 2, concurrency = 2, } if not ok then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to spawn health checker: ", err) return end '; } --- config location = /t { access_log off; content_by_lua ' ngx.sleep(0.52) ngx.say("ok") '; } --- request GET /t --- response_body ok --- no_error_log [alert] failed to run healthcheck cycle --- error_log healthcheck: peer is turned down after 2 failure(s) healthcheck: peer is turned down after 2 failure(s) healthcheck: peer is turned down after 2 failure(s) healthcheck: peer is turned down after 2 failure(s) healthcheck: peer is turned down after 2 failure(s) healthcheck: peer is turned down after 2 failure(s) --- grep_error_log eval: qr/spawn a thread checking .* peer.*|check .*? peer.*/ --- grep_error_log_out eval qr/^(?:spawn a thread checking primary peers 0 to 2 check primary peers 3 to 4 check backup peer 0 ){4,6}$/ === TEST 10: concurrency == 3 (odd number of peers) --- http_config eval "$::HttpConfig" . q{ upstream foo.com { server; server; server; server backup; } lua_shared_dict healthcheck 1m; init_worker_by_lua ' ngx.shared.healthcheck:flush_all() local hc = require "resty.upstream.healthcheck" local ok, err = hc.spawn_checker{ shm = "healthcheck", upstream = "foo.com", type = "http", http_req = "GET /status HTTP/1.0\\\\r\\\\nHost: localhost\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n", interval = 100, -- 100ms fall = 2, concurrency = 3, } if not ok then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to spawn health checker: ", err) return end '; } --- config location = /t { access_log off; content_by_lua ' ngx.sleep(0.52) ngx.say("ok") '; } --- request GET /t --- response_body ok --- no_error_log [alert] failed to run healthcheck cycle --- error_log healthcheck: peer is turned down after 2 failure(s) healthcheck: peer is turned down after 2 failure(s) healthcheck: peer is turned down after 2 failure(s) healthcheck: peer is turned down after 2 failure(s) --- grep_error_log eval: qr/spawn a thread checking .* peer.*|check .*? peer.*/ --- grep_error_log_out eval qr/^(?:spawn a thread checking primary peer 0 spawn a thread checking primary peer 1 check primary peer 2 check backup peer 0 ){4,6}$/ === TEST 11: health check (good case), status ignored by default --- http_config eval "$::HttpConfig" . q{ upstream foo.com { server; } server { listen 12356; location = /status { return 503; } } lua_shared_dict healthcheck 1m; init_worker_by_lua ' ngx.shared.healthcheck:flush_all() local hc = require "resty.upstream.healthcheck" local ok, err = hc.spawn_checker{ shm = "healthcheck", upstream = "foo.com", type = "http", http_req = "GET /status HTTP/1.0\\\\r\\\\nHost: localhost\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\n", interval = 100, -- 100ms fall = 1, valid_statuses = {200}, } if not ok then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to spawn health checker: ", err) return end '; } --- config location = /t { access_log off; content_by_lua ' ngx.sleep(0.12) local hc = require "resty.upstream.healthcheck" ngx.print(hc.status_page()) '; } location = /proxy { proxy_pass http://foo.com/; header_filter_by_lua ' ngx.header["X-Foo"] = ngx.var.upstream_addr; '; } --- request GET /t --- tcp_listen: 7983 --- tcp_query eval: "GET /status HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: localhost\r\n\r\n" --- tcp_reply --- response_body Upstream foo.com Primary Peers DOWN Backup Peers --- no_error_log [alert] bad argument #2 to 'sub' (number expected, got nil) === TEST 12: health check (bad case), bad status, multiple upstreams --- http_config eval "$::HttpConfig" . q{ upstream foo.com { server; server; server backup; } upstream bar.com { server; server; server; server backup; } server { listen 12354; location = /status { return 200; } } server { listen 12355; listen 12357; location = /status { return 404; } } server { listen 12356; location = /status { return 503; } } lua_shared_dict healthcheck 2m; init_worker_by_lua_block { ngx.shared.healthcheck:flush_all() local hc = require "resty.upstream.healthcheck" for i, upstream in ipairs{'foo.com', 'bar.com'} do local ok, err = hc.spawn_checker{ shm = "healthcheck", upstream = upstream, type = "http", http_req = "GET /status HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: localhost\r\n\r\n", interval = 50, -- ms fall = 1, valid_statuses = {200, 503}, } if not ok then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to spawn health checker: ", err) return end end } } --- config location = /t { access_log off; content_by_lua ' ngx.sleep(0.52) local hc = require "resty.upstream.healthcheck" ngx.print(hc.status_page()) for i = 1, 2 do local res = ngx.location.capture("/proxy") ngx.say("upstream addr: ", res.header["X-Foo"]) end '; } location = /proxy { proxy_pass http://foo.com/; header_filter_by_lua ' ngx.header["X-Foo"] = ngx.var.upstream_addr; '; } --- request GET /t --- response_body Upstream foo.com Primary Peers up DOWN Backup Peers up Upstream bar.com Primary Peers up DOWN DOWN Backup Peers up upstream addr: upstream addr: --- no_error_log [alert] failed to run healthcheck cycle --- error_log healthcheck: bad status code from healthcheck: bad status code from --- timeout: 6 === TEST 13: crashes in init_by_lua_worker* --- http_config eval "$::HttpConfig" . q{ upstream foo.com { server; server; server backup; } server { listen 12354; location = /status { return 200; } } server { listen 12355; location = /status { return 404; } } server { listen 12356; location = /status { return 503; } } lua_shared_dict healthcheck 1m; init_worker_by_lua_block { error("bad thing!") } } --- config location = /t { access_log off; content_by_lua ' ngx.sleep(0.52) local hc = require "resty.upstream.healthcheck" ngx.print(hc.status_page()) for i = 1, 2 do local res = ngx.location.capture("/proxy") ngx.say("upstream addr: ", res.header["X-Foo"]) end '; } location = /proxy { proxy_pass http://foo.com/; header_filter_by_lua ' ngx.header["X-Foo"] = ngx.var.upstream_addr; '; } --- request GET /t --- response_body Upstream foo.com (NO checkers) Primary Peers up up Backup Peers up upstream addr: upstream addr: --- no_error_log [alert] failed to run healthcheck cycle --- error_log bad thing! --- timeout: 4 === TEST 14: health check with ipv6 backend (good case), status ignored by default --- http_config eval "$::HttpConfig" . q{ upstream foo.com { server; server [::1]:12355; server [0:0::1]:12356 backup; } server { listen 12354; location = /status { return 200; } } server { listen [::1]:12355; location = /status { return 404; } } server { listen [0:0::1]:12356; location = /status { return 503; } } lua_shared_dict healthcheck 1m; init_worker_by_lua_block { ngx.shared.healthcheck:flush_all() local hc = require "resty.upstream.healthcheck" local ok, err = hc.spawn_checker{ shm = "healthcheck", upstream = "foo.com", type = "http", http_req = "GET /status HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: localhost\r\n\r\n", interval = 100, -- 100ms fall = 2, } if not ok then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to spawn health checker: ", err) return end } } --- config location = /t { access_log off; content_by_lua_block { ngx.sleep(0.52) local hc = require "resty.upstream.healthcheck" ngx.print(hc.status_page()) for i = 1, 2 do local res = ngx.location.capture("/proxy") ngx.say("upstream addr: ", res.header["X-Foo"]) end } } location = /proxy { proxy_pass http://foo.com/; header_filter_by_lua_block { ngx.header["X-Foo"] = ngx.var.upstream_addr; } } --- request GET /t --- response_body Upstream foo.com Primary Peers up [::1]:12355 up Backup Peers [0:0::1]:12356 up upstream addr: upstream addr: [::1]:12355 --- no_error_log [error] [alert] [warn] was checked to be not ok failed to run healthcheck cycle --- grep_error_log eval: qr/healthcheck: .*? was checked .*|publishing peers version \d+|upgrading peers version to \d+/ --- grep_error_log_out eval qr/^healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12354 was checked to be ok healthcheck: peer \[::1\]:12355 was checked to be ok healthcheck: peer \[0:0::1\]:12356 was checked to be ok (?:healthcheck: peer 127\.0\.0\.1:12354 was checked to be ok healthcheck: peer \[::1\]:12355 was checked to be ok healthcheck: peer \[0:0::1\]:12356 was checked to be ok ){3,7}$/ --- timeout: 6