# vim:set ft= ts=4 sw=4 et: my $skip; BEGIN { if ($ENV{TEST_NGINX_CHECK_LEAK}) { $skip = "skipped in check leak mode"; } } use lib 't'; use TestDNS (defined $skip ? (skip_all => $skip) : ()); use Cwd qw(cwd); repeat_each(2); plan tests => repeat_each() * (3 * blocks() + 16); my $pwd = cwd(); our $HttpConfig = qq{ lua_package_path "$pwd/lib/?.lua;$pwd/t/lib/?.lua;;"; lua_package_cpath "/usr/local/openresty-debug/lualib/?.so;/usr/local/openresty/lualib/?.so;;"; }; $ENV{TEST_NGINX_RESOLVER} ||= ''; log_level('notice'); no_long_string(); run_tests(); __DATA__ === TEST 1: single answer reply, good A answer --- http_config eval: $::HttpConfig --- config location /t { content_by_lua ' local resolver = require "resty.dns.resolver" local r, err = resolver:new{ nameservers = { {"", 1953} } } if not r then ngx.say("failed to instantiate resolver: ", err) return end r._id = 125 local ans, err = r:query("www.google.com", { qtype = r.TYPE_A }) if not ans then ngx.say("failed to query: ", err) return end local cjson = require "cjson" ngx.say("records: ", cjson.encode(ans)) '; } --- udp_listen: 1953 --- udp_reply dns { id => 125, opcode => 0, qname => 'www.google.com', answer => [{ name => "www.google.com", ipv4 => "", ttl => 123456 }], } --- request GET /t --- udp_query eval "\x{00}}\x{01}\x{00}\x{00}\x{01}\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{03}www\x{06}google\x{03}com\x{00}\x{00}\x{01}\x{00}\x{01}" --- response_body records: [{"address":"","section":1,"type":1,"class":1,"name":"www.google.com","ttl":123456}] --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 2: empty answer reply --- http_config eval: $::HttpConfig --- config location /t { content_by_lua ' local resolver = require "resty.dns.resolver" local r, err = resolver:new{ nameservers = { {"", 1953} } } if not r then ngx.say("failed to instantiate resolver: ", err) return end r._id = 125 local ans, err = r:query("www.google.com", { qtype = r.TYPE_A }) if not ans then ngx.say("failed to query: ", err) return end local cjson = require "cjson" ngx.say("records: ", cjson.encode(ans)) '; } --- udp_listen: 1953 --- udp_reply dns { id => 125, qname => 'www.google.com', opcode => 0, } --- request GET /t --- response_body records: {} --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 3: one byte reply, truncated, without TCP server --- http_config eval: $::HttpConfig --- config location /t { content_by_lua ' local resolver = require "resty.dns.resolver" local r, err = resolver:new{ nameservers = { {"", 1953} } } if not r then ngx.say("failed to instantiate resolver: ", err) return end local ans, err = r:query("www.google.com", { qtype = r.TYPE_A }) if not ans then ngx.say("failed to query: ", err) return end local cjson = require "cjson" ngx.say("records: ", cjson.encode(ans)) '; } --- udp_listen: 1953 --- udp_reply: a --- request GET /t --- response_body failed to query: failed to connect to TCP server connection refused --- error_log connect() failed === TEST 4: empty reply --- http_config eval: $::HttpConfig --- config location /t { content_by_lua ' local resolver = require "resty.dns.resolver" local r, err = resolver:new{ nameservers = { {"", 1953} } } if not r then ngx.say("failed to instantiate resolver: ", err) return end r._id = 125 local ans, err = r:query("www.google.com", { qtype = r.TYPE_A }) if not ans then ngx.say("failed to query: ", err) return end local cjson = require "cjson" ngx.say("records: ", cjson.encode(ans)) '; } --- udp_listen: 1953 --- udp_reply: --- request GET /t --- response_body failed to query: failed to connect to TCP server connection refused --- error_log connect() failed === TEST 5: two answers reply that contains AAAA records --- http_config eval: $::HttpConfig --- config location /t { content_by_lua ' local resolver = require "resty.dns.resolver" local r, err = resolver:new{ nameservers = { {"", 1953} } } if not r then ngx.say("failed to instantiate resolver: ", err) return end r._id = 125 local ans, err = r:query("www.google.com", { qtype = r.TYPE_A }) if not ans then ngx.say("failed to query: ", err) return end local cjson = require "cjson" ngx.say("records: ", cjson.encode(ans)) '; } --- udp_listen: 1953 --- udp_reply dns { id => 125, opcode => 0, qname => 'www.google.com', answer => [ { name => "www.google.com", ipv4 => "", ttl => 123456 }, { name => "l.www.google.com", ipv6 => "::1", ttl => 0 }, ], } --- request GET /t --- response_body records: [{"address":"","section":1,"type":1,"class":1,"name":"www.google.com","ttl":123456},{"address":"0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1","section":1,"type":28,"class":1,"name":"l.www.google.com","ttl":0}] --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 6: good CNAME answer --- http_config eval: $::HttpConfig --- config location /t { content_by_lua ' local resolver = require "resty.dns.resolver" local r, err = resolver:new{ nameservers = { {"", 1953} } } if not r then ngx.say("failed to instantiate resolver: ", err) return end r._id = 125 local ans, err = r:query("www.google.com", { qtype = r.TYPE_A }) if not ans then ngx.say("failed to query: ", err) return end local cjson = require "cjson" ngx.say("records: ", cjson.encode(ans)) '; } --- udp_listen: 1953 --- udp_reply dns { id => 125, opcode => 0, qname => 'www.google.com', answer => [ { name => "www.google.com", cname => "blah.google.com", ttl => 125 }, ], } --- request GET /t --- response_body records: [{"section":1,"ttl":125,"type":5,"class":1,"name":"www.google.com","cname":"blah.google.com"}] --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 7: CNAME answer with bad rd length --- http_config eval: $::HttpConfig --- config location /t { content_by_lua ' local resolver = require "resty.dns.resolver" local r, err = resolver:new{ nameservers = { {"", 1953} } } if not r then ngx.say("failed to instantiate resolver: ", err) return end r._id = 125 local ans, err = r:query("www.google.com", { qtype = r.TYPE_A }) if not ans then ngx.say("failed to query: ", err) return end local cjson = require "cjson" ngx.say("records: ", cjson.encode(ans)) '; } --- udp_listen: 1953 --- udp_reply dns { id => 125, opcode => 0, qname => 'www.google.com', answer => [ { name => "www.google.com", cname => "blah.google.com", ttl => 125, rdlength => 3 }, ], } --- request GET /t --- response_body failed to query: bad cname record length: 17 ~= 3 --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 8: single answer reply, bad A answer, wrong record length --- http_config eval: $::HttpConfig --- config location /t { content_by_lua ' local resolver = require "resty.dns.resolver" local r, err = resolver:new{ nameservers = { {"", 1953} } } if not r then ngx.say("failed to instantiate resolver: ", err) return end r._id = 125 local ans, err = r:query("www.google.com", { qtype = r.TYPE_A }) if not ans then ngx.say("failed to query: ", err) return end local cjson = require "cjson" ngx.say("records: ", cjson.encode(ans)) '; } --- udp_listen: 1953 --- udp_reply dns { id => 125, opcode => 0, qname => 'www.google.com', answer => [{ name => "www.google.com", ipv4 => "", ttl => 123456, rdlength => 1 }], } --- request GET /t --- response_body failed to query: bad A record value length: 1 --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 9: bad AAAA record, wrong len --- http_config eval: $::HttpConfig --- config location /t { content_by_lua ' local resolver = require "resty.dns.resolver" local r, err = resolver:new{ nameservers = { {"", 1953} } } if not r then ngx.say("failed to instantiate resolver: ", err) return end r._id = 125 local ans, err = r:query("www.google.com", { qtype = r.TYPE_A }) if not ans then ngx.say("failed to query: ", err) return end local cjson = require "cjson" ngx.say("records: ", cjson.encode(ans)) '; } --- udp_listen: 1953 --- udp_reply dns { id => 125, opcode => 0, qname => 'www.google.com', answer => [ { name => "l.www.google.com", ipv6 => "::1", ttl => 0, rdlength => 21 }, ], } --- request GET /t --- response_body failed to query: bad AAAA record value length: 21 --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 10: timeout --- http_config eval: $::HttpConfig --- config location /t { content_by_lua ' local resolver = require "resty.dns.resolver" local r, err = resolver:new{ nameservers = { {"", 1953} }, retrans = 1, } if not r then ngx.say("failed to instantiate resolver: ", err) return end r:set_timeout(100) -- in ms r._id = 125 local ans, err = r:query("www.google.com", { qtype = r.TYPE_A }) if not ans then ngx.say("failed to query: ", err) return end local cjson = require "cjson" ngx.say("records: ", cjson.encode(ans)) '; } --- udp_listen: 1953 --- udp_reply_delay: 200ms --- udp_reply dns { id => 125, opcode => 0, qname => 'www.google.com', answer => [ { name => "l.www.google.com", ipv6 => "::1", ttl => 0 }, ], } --- request GET /t --- response_body failed to query: failed to receive reply from UDP server timeout --- error_log lua udp socket read timed out --- timeout: 3 === TEST 11: not timeout finally (re-transmission works) --- http_config eval: $::HttpConfig --- config location /t { content_by_lua ' local resolver = require "resty.dns.resolver" local r, err = resolver:new{ nameservers = { {"", 1953} }, retrans = 3, } if not r then ngx.say("failed to instantiate resolver: ", err) return end r:set_timeout(200) -- in ms r._id = 125 local ans, err = r:query("www.google.com", { qtype = r.TYPE_A }) if not ans then ngx.say("failed to query: ", err) return end local cjson = require "cjson" ngx.say("records: ", cjson.encode(ans)) '; } --- udp_listen: 1953 --- udp_reply_delay: 500ms --- udp_reply dns { id => 125, opcode => 0, qname => 'www.google.com', answer => [ { name => "l.www.google.com", ipv6 => "FF01::101", ttl => 0 }, ], } --- request GET /t --- response_body records: [{"address":"ff01:0:0:0:0:0:0:101","section":1,"type":28,"class":1,"name":"l.www.google.com","ttl":0}] --- error_log lua udp socket read timed out --- timeout: 3 === TEST 12: timeout finally (re-transmission works but not enough retrans times) --- http_config eval: $::HttpConfig --- config location /t { content_by_lua ' local resolver = require "resty.dns.resolver" local r, err = resolver:new{ nameservers = { {"", 1953} }, retrans = 2, } if not r then ngx.say("failed to instantiate resolver: ", err) return end r:set_timeout(200) -- in ms r._id = 125 local ans, err = r:query("www.google.com", { qtype = r.TYPE_A }) if not ans then ngx.say("failed to query: ", err) return end local cjson = require "cjson" ngx.say("records: ", cjson.encode(ans)) '; } --- udp_listen: 1953 --- udp_reply_delay: 500ms --- udp_reply dns { id => 125, opcode => 0, qname => 'www.google.com', answer => [ { name => "l.www.google.com", ipv6 => "FF01::101", ttl => 0 }, ], } --- request GET /t --- response_body failed to query: failed to receive reply from UDP server timeout --- error_log lua udp socket read timed out --- timeout: 3 === TEST 13: RCODE - format error --- http_config eval: $::HttpConfig --- config location /t { content_by_lua ' local resolver = require "resty.dns.resolver" local r, err = resolver:new{ nameservers = { {"", 1953} }, retrans = 3, } if not r then ngx.say("failed to instantiate resolver: ", err) return end r:set_timeout(200) -- in ms r._id = 125 local ans, err = r:query("www.google.com", { qtype = r.TYPE_A }) if not ans then ngx.say("failed to query: ", err) return end local cjson = require "cjson" ngx.say("records: ", cjson.encode(ans)) '; } --- udp_listen: 1953 --- udp_reply dns { id => 125, rcode => 1, opcode => 0, qname => 'www.google.com', } --- request GET /t --- response_body records: {"errcode":1,"errstr":"format error"} --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 14: RCODE - server failure --- http_config eval: $::HttpConfig --- config location /t { content_by_lua ' local resolver = require "resty.dns.resolver" local r, err = resolver:new{ nameservers = { {"", 1953} }, retrans = 3, } if not r then ngx.say("failed to instantiate resolver: ", err) return end r:set_timeout(200) -- in ms r._id = 125 local ans, err = r:query("www.google.com", { qtype = r.TYPE_A }) if not ans then ngx.say("failed to query: ", err) return end local cjson = require "cjson" if ans.errcode then ngx.say("error code: ", ans.errcode, ": ", ans.errstr) end for i, rec in ipairs(ans) do ngx.say("record: ", cjson.encode(rec)) end '; } --- udp_listen: 1953 --- udp_reply dns { id => 125, rcode => 2, opcode => 0, qname => 'www.google.com', answer => [{ name => "www.google.com", ipv4 => "", ttl => 123456 }], } --- request GET /t --- response_body error code: 2: server failure record: {"address":"","section":1,"type":1,"class":1,"name":"www.google.com","ttl":123456} --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 15: RCODE - name error --- http_config eval: $::HttpConfig --- config location /t { content_by_lua ' local resolver = require "resty.dns.resolver" local r, err = resolver:new{ nameservers = { {"", 1953} }, retrans = 3, } if not r then ngx.say("failed to instantiate resolver: ", err) return end r:set_timeout(200) -- in ms r._id = 125 local ans, err = r:query("www.google.com", { qtype = r.TYPE_A }) if not ans then ngx.say("failed to query: ", err) return end local cjson = require "cjson" ngx.say("records: ", cjson.encode(ans)) '; } --- udp_listen: 1953 --- udp_reply dns { id => 125, rcode => 3, opcode => 0, qname => 'www.google.com', } --- request GET /t --- response_body records: {"errcode":3,"errstr":"name error"} --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 16: RCODE - not implemented --- http_config eval: $::HttpConfig --- config location /t { content_by_lua ' local resolver = require "resty.dns.resolver" local r, err = resolver:new{ nameservers = { {"", 1953} }, retrans = 3, } if not r then ngx.say("failed to instantiate resolver: ", err) return end r:set_timeout(200) -- in ms r._id = 125 local ans, err = r:query("www.google.com", { qtype = r.TYPE_A }) if not ans then ngx.say("failed to query: ", err) return end local cjson = require "cjson" ngx.say("records: ", cjson.encode(ans)) '; } --- udp_listen: 1953 --- udp_reply dns { id => 125, rcode => 4, opcode => 0, qname => 'www.google.com', } --- request GET /t --- response_body records: {"errcode":4,"errstr":"not implemented"} --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 17: RCODE - refused --- http_config eval: $::HttpConfig --- config location /t { content_by_lua ' local resolver = require "resty.dns.resolver" local r, err = resolver:new{ nameservers = { {"", 1953} }, retrans = 3, } if not r then ngx.say("failed to instantiate resolver: ", err) return end r:set_timeout(200) -- in ms r._id = 125 local ans, err = r:query("www.google.com", { qtype = r.TYPE_A }) if not ans then ngx.say("failed to query: ", err) return end local cjson = require "cjson" ngx.say("records: ", cjson.encode(ans)) '; } --- udp_listen: 1953 --- udp_reply dns { id => 125, rcode => 5, opcode => 0, qname => 'www.google.com', } --- request GET /t --- response_body records: {"errcode":5,"errstr":"refused"} --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 18: RCODE - unknown --- http_config eval: $::HttpConfig --- config location /t { content_by_lua ' local resolver = require "resty.dns.resolver" local r, err = resolver:new{ nameservers = { {"", 1953} }, retrans = 3, } if not r then ngx.say("failed to instantiate resolver: ", err) return end r:set_timeout(200) -- in ms r._id = 125 local ans, err = r:query("www.google.com", { qtype = r.TYPE_A }) if not ans then ngx.say("failed to query: ", err) return end local cjson = require "cjson" ngx.say("records: ", cjson.encode(ans)) '; } --- udp_listen: 1953 --- udp_reply dns { id => 125, rcode => 6, opcode => 0, qname => 'www.google.com', } --- request GET /t --- response_body records: {"errcode":6,"errstr":"unknown"} --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 19: TC (TrunCation) = 1, no TCP server --- http_config eval: $::HttpConfig --- config location /t { content_by_lua ' local resolver = require "resty.dns.resolver" local r, err = resolver:new{ nameservers = { {"", 1953} }, retrans = 3, } if not r then ngx.say("failed to instantiate resolver: ", err) return end r:set_timeout(1000) -- in ms r._id = 125 local ans, err = r:query("www.google.com", { qtype = r.TYPE_A }) if not ans then ngx.say("failed to query: ", err) return end local cjson = require "cjson" ngx.say("records: ", cjson.encode(ans)) '; } --- udp_listen: 1953 --- udp_reply dns { id => 125, tc => 1, qname => 'www.google.com', } --- request GET /t --- response_body failed to query: failed to connect to TCP server connection refused --- error_log connect() failed === TEST 20: bad QR flag (0) --- http_config eval: $::HttpConfig --- config location /t { content_by_lua ' local resolver = require "resty.dns.resolver" local r, err = resolver:new{ nameservers = { {"", 1953} }, retrans = 3, } if not r then ngx.say("failed to instantiate resolver: ", err) return end r:set_timeout(1000) -- in ms r._id = 125 local ans, err = r:query("www.google.com", { qtype = r.TYPE_A }) if not ans then ngx.say("failed to query: ", err) return end local cjson = require "cjson" ngx.say("records: ", cjson.encode(ans)) '; } --- udp_listen: 1953 --- udp_reply dns { id => 125, qr => 0, qname => 'www.google.com', } --- request GET /t --- response_body failed to query: bad QR flag in the DNS response --- no_error_log [error] --- no_check_leak === TEST 21: Recursion Desired off --- http_config eval: $::HttpConfig --- config location /t { content_by_lua ' local resolver = require "resty.dns.resolver" local r, err = resolver:new{ nameservers = { {"", 1953} }, retrans = 3, no_recurse = true, } if not r then ngx.say("failed to instantiate resolver: ", err) return end r:set_timeout(200) -- in ms r._id = 125 local ans, err = r:query("www.google.com", { qtype = r.TYPE_A }) if not ans then ngx.say("failed to query: ", err) return end local cjson = require "cjson" ngx.say("records: ", cjson.encode(ans)) '; } --- udp_listen: 1953 --- udp_query eval "\x{00}}\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{01}\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{03}www\x{06}google\x{03}com\x{00}\x{00}\x{01}\x{00}\x{01}" --- udp_reply dns { id => 125, qname => 'www.google.com', } --- request GET /t --- response_body records: {} --- no_error_log [error] --- no_check_leak === TEST 22: id mismatch (timeout) --- http_config eval: $::HttpConfig --- config location /t { content_by_lua ' local resolver = require "resty.dns.resolver" local r, err = resolver:new{ nameservers = { {"", 1953} }, timeout = 10, retrans = 2, } if not r then ngx.say("failed to instantiate resolver: ", err) return end r._id = 125 local ans, err = r:query("www.google.com", { qtype = r.TYPE_A }) if not ans then ngx.say("failed to query: ", err) return end local cjson = require "cjson" ngx.say("records: ", cjson.encode(ans)) '; } --- udp_listen: 1953 --- udp_reply dns { id => 126, opcode => 0, qname => 'www.google.com', answer => [{ name => "www.google.com", ipv4 => "", ttl => 123456 }], } --- request GET /t --- udp_query eval "\x{00}}\x{01}\x{00}\x{00}\x{01}\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{03}www\x{06}google\x{03}com\x{00}\x{00}\x{01}\x{00}\x{01}" --- response_body failed to query: failed to receive reply from UDP server timeout --- error_log id mismatch in the DNS reply: 126 ~= 125 --- log_level: debug === TEST 23: id mismatch (and then match) --- http_config eval: $::HttpConfig --- config location /t { content_by_lua ' local resolver = require "resty.dns.resolver" local r, err = resolver:new{ nameservers = { {"", 1953} }, timeout = 10, retrans = 2, } if not r then ngx.say("failed to instantiate resolver: ", err) return end r._id = 125 local ans, err = r:query("www.google.com", { qtype = r.TYPE_A }) if not ans then ngx.say("failed to query: ", err) return end local cjson = require "cjson" ngx.say("records: ", cjson.encode(ans)) '; } --- udp_listen: 1953 --- udp_reply dns [ { id => 126, opcode => 0, qname => 'www.google.com', answer => [{ name => "www.google.com", ipv4 => "", ttl => 123456 }], }, { id => 127, opcode => 0, qname => 'www.google.com', answer => [{ name => "www.google.com", ipv4 => "", ttl => 123456 }], }, { id => 120, opcode => 0, qname => 'www.google.com', answer => [{ name => "www.google.com", ipv4 => "", ttl => 123456 }], }, { id => 125, opcode => 0, qname => 'www.google.com', answer => [{ name => "www.google.com", ipv4 => "", ttl => 123456 }], }, ] --- request GET /t --- udp_query eval "\x{00}}\x{01}\x{00}\x{00}\x{01}\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{03}www\x{06}google\x{03}com\x{00}\x{00}\x{01}\x{00}\x{01}" --- response_body records: [{"address":"","section":1,"type":1,"class":1,"name":"www.google.com","ttl":123456}] --- error_log id mismatch in the DNS reply: 126 ~= 125 id mismatch in the DNS reply: 120 ~= 125 id mismatch in the DNS reply: 127 ~= 125 --- log_level: debug === TEST 24: TC (TrunCation) = 1, with TCP server --- http_config eval: $::HttpConfig --- config location /t { content_by_lua ' local resolver = require "resty.dns.resolver" local r, err = resolver:new{ nameservers = { {"", 1953} }, retrans = 3, } if not r then ngx.say("failed to instantiate resolver: ", err) return end r:set_timeout(1000) -- in ms r._id = 125 local ans, err = r:query("www.google.com", { qtype = r.TYPE_A }) if not ans then ngx.say("failed to query: ", err) return end local cjson = require "cjson" ngx.say("records: ", cjson.encode(ans)) '; } --- udp_listen: 1953 --- udp_reply dns { id => 125, tc => 1, qname => 'www.google.com', } --- tcp_listen: 1953 --- tcp_query_len: 34 --- tcp_reply dns=tcp { id => 125, opcode => 0, qname => 'www.google.com', answer => [ { name => "www.google.com", ipv4 => "", ttl => 123456 }, { name => "l.www.google.com", ipv6 => "::1", ttl => 0 }, ], } --- request GET /t --- response_body records: [{"address":"","section":1,"type":1,"class":1,"name":"www.google.com","ttl":123456},{"address":"0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1","section":1,"type":28,"class":1,"name":"l.www.google.com","ttl":0}] --- no_error_log [error] --- error_log query the TCP server due to reply truncation --- log_level: debug === TEST 25: one byte reply, truncated, with TCP server --- http_config eval: $::HttpConfig --- config location /t { content_by_lua ' local resolver = require "resty.dns.resolver" local r, err = resolver:new{ nameservers = { {"", 1953} } } if not r then ngx.say("failed to instantiate resolver: ", err) return end r._id = 125 local ans, err = r:query("www.google.com", { qtype = r.TYPE_A }) if not ans then ngx.say("failed to query: ", err) return end local cjson = require "cjson" ngx.say("records: ", cjson.encode(ans)) '; } --- udp_listen: 1953 --- udp_reply: a --- tcp_listen: 1953 --- tcp_query_len: 34 --- tcp_reply dns=tcp { id => 125, opcode => 0, qname => 'www.google.com', answer => [ { name => "www.google.com", ipv4 => "", ttl => 123456 }, { name => "l.www.google.com", ipv6 => "::1", ttl => 0 }, ], } --- request GET /t --- response_body records: [{"address":"","section":1,"type":1,"class":1,"name":"www.google.com","ttl":123456},{"address":"0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1","section":1,"type":28,"class":1,"name":"l.www.google.com","ttl":0}] --- no_error_log [error] --- error_log query the TCP server due to reply truncation --- log_level: debug === TEST 26: single answer reply, TXT answer with a single char string --- http_config eval: $::HttpConfig --- config location /t { content_by_lua ' local resolver = require "resty.dns.resolver" local r, err = resolver:new{ nameservers = { {"", 1953} } } if not r then ngx.say("failed to instantiate resolver: ", err) return end r._id = 125 local ans, err = r:query("www.google.com", { qtype = r.TYPE_TXT }) if not ans then ngx.say("failed to query: ", err) return end local ljson = require "ljson" ngx.say("records: ", ljson.encode(ans)) '; } --- udp_listen: 1953 --- udp_reply dns { id => 125, opcode => 0, qtype => 16, # TXT qname => 'www.google.com', answer => [{ name => "www.google.com", txt => "\5hello", ttl => 123456 }], } --- request GET /t --- udp_query eval "\x{00}}\x{01}\x{00}\x{00}\x{01}\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{03}www\x{06}google\x{03}com\x{00}\x{00}\x{10}\x{00}\x{01}" --- response_body records: [{"class":1,"name":"www.google.com","section":1,"ttl":123456,"txt":"hello","type":16}] --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 27: single answer reply, TXT answer with a null char string --- http_config eval: $::HttpConfig --- config location /t { content_by_lua ' local resolver = require "resty.dns.resolver" local r, err = resolver:new{ nameservers = { {"", 1953} } } if not r then ngx.say("failed to instantiate resolver: ", err) return end r._id = 125 local ans, err = r:query("www.google.com", { qtype = r.TYPE_TXT }) if not ans then ngx.say("failed to query: ", err) return end local ljson = require "ljson" ngx.say("records: ", ljson.encode(ans)) '; } --- udp_listen: 1953 --- udp_reply dns { id => 125, opcode => 0, qtype => 16, # TXT qname => 'www.google.com', answer => [{ name => "www.google.com", txt => "\0", ttl => 123456 }], } --- request GET /t --- udp_query eval "\x{00}}\x{01}\x{00}\x{00}\x{01}\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{03}www\x{06}google\x{03}com\x{00}\x{00}\x{10}\x{00}\x{01}" --- response_body records: [{"class":1,"name":"www.google.com","section":1,"ttl":123456,"txt":"","type":16}] --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 28: single answer reply, TXT answer with a multiple char strings --- http_config eval: $::HttpConfig --- config location /t { content_by_lua ' local resolver = require "resty.dns.resolver" local r, err = resolver:new{ nameservers = { {"", 1953} } } if not r then ngx.say("failed to instantiate resolver: ", err) return end r._id = 125 local ans, err = r:query("www.google.com", { qtype = r.TYPE_TXT }) if not ans then ngx.say("failed to query: ", err) return end local ljson = require "ljson" ngx.say("records: ", ljson.encode(ans)) '; } --- udp_listen: 1953 --- udp_reply dns { id => 125, opcode => 0, qtype => 16, # TXT qname => 'www.google.com', answer => [{ name => "www.google.com", txt => "\5hello\5world", ttl => 123456 }], } --- request GET /t --- udp_query eval "\x{00}}\x{01}\x{00}\x{00}\x{01}\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{03}www\x{06}google\x{03}com\x{00}\x{00}\x{10}\x{00}\x{01}" --- response_body records: [{"class":1,"name":"www.google.com","section":1,"ttl":123456,"txt":["hello","world"],"type":16}] --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 29: single answer reply, multiple TXT answers --- http_config eval: $::HttpConfig --- config location /t { content_by_lua ' local resolver = require "resty.dns.resolver" local r, err = resolver:new{ nameservers = { {"", 1953} } } if not r then ngx.say("failed to instantiate resolver: ", err) return end r._id = 125 local ans, err = r:query("www.google.com", { qtype = r.TYPE_TXT }) if not ans then ngx.say("failed to query: ", err) return end local ljson = require "ljson" ngx.say("records: ", ljson.encode(ans)) '; } --- udp_listen: 1953 --- udp_reply dns { id => 125, opcode => 0, qtype => 16, # TXT qname => 'www.google.com', answer => [{ name => "www.google.com", txt => "\5hello\6world!", ttl => 123456 }, { name => "www.google.com", txt => "\4blah", ttl => 123456 }], } --- request GET /t --- udp_query eval "\x{00}}\x{01}\x{00}\x{00}\x{01}\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{03}www\x{06}google\x{03}com\x{00}\x{00}\x{10}\x{00}\x{01}" --- response_body records: [{"class":1,"name":"www.google.com","section":1,"ttl":123456,"txt":["hello","world!"],"type":16},{"class":1,"name":"www.google.com","section":1,"ttl":123456,"txt":"blah","type":16}] --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 30: reply with authority section --- http_config eval: $::HttpConfig --- config location /t { content_by_lua_block { local resolver = require "resty.dns.resolver" local r, err = resolver:new{ nameservers = { {"", 1953} } } if not r then ngx.say("failed to instantiate resolver: ", err) return end r._id = 125 local ans, err = r:query("www.google.com", { qtype = r.SRV, authority_section = true }) if not ans then ngx.say("failed to query: ", err) return end local ljson = require "ljson" ngx.say("records: ", ljson.encode(ans)) } } --- udp_listen: 1953 --- udp_reply dns { id => 125, opcode => 0, qname => "www.google.com", answer => [ { name => "www.google.com", srv => "test_service.www.google.com", weight => 0, port => 8080, priority => 1, qtypt => 33, ttl => 0 } ], authority => [ { name => "test_service.www.google.com", ipv4 => "", ttl => 0 } ] } --- request GET /t --- response_body records: [{"class":1,"name":"www.google.com","port":8080,"priority":1,"section":1,"target":"test_service.www.google.com","ttl":0,"type":33,"weight":0},{"address":"","class":1,"name":"test_service.www.google.com","section":2,"ttl":0,"type":1}] --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 31: reply with additional section --- http_config eval: $::HttpConfig --- config location /t { content_by_lua_block { local resolver = require "resty.dns.resolver" local r, err = resolver:new{ nameservers = { {"", 1953} } } if not r then ngx.say("failed to instantiate resolver: ", err) return end r._id = 125 local ans, err = r:query("www.google.com", { qtype = r.SRV, additional_section = true }) if not ans then ngx.say("failed to query: ", err) return end local ljson = require "ljson" ngx.say("records: ", ljson.encode(ans)) } } --- udp_listen: 1953 --- udp_reply dns { id => 125, opcode => 0, qname => "www.google.com", answer => [ { name => "www.google.com", srv => "test_service.www.google.com", weight => 0, port => 8080, priority => 1, qtypt => 33, ttl => 0 } ], authority => [ { name => "test_service.www.google.com", ipv4 => "", ttl => 0 } ], additional => [ { name => "test_service.www.google.com", ipv4 => "", ttl => 0 } ] } --- request GET /t --- response_body records: [{"class":1,"name":"www.google.com","port":8080,"priority":1,"section":1,"target":"test_service.www.google.com","ttl":0,"type":33,"weight":0},{"address":"","class":1,"name":"test_service.www.google.com","section":3,"ttl":0,"type":1}] --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 32: reply all sections --- http_config eval: $::HttpConfig --- config location /t { content_by_lua_block { local resolver = require "resty.dns.resolver" local r, err = resolver:new{ nameservers = { {"", 1953} } } if not r then ngx.say("failed to instantiate resolver: ", err) return end r._id = 125 local ans, err = r:query("www.google.com", { qtype = r.SRV, additional_section = true, authority_section = true }) if not ans then ngx.say("failed to query: ", err) return end local ljson = require "ljson" ngx.say("records: ", ljson.encode(ans)) } } --- udp_listen: 1953 --- udp_reply dns { id => 125, opcode => 0, qname => "www.google.com", answer => [ { name => "www.google.com", srv => "test_service.www.google.com", weight => 0, port => 8080, priority => 1, qtypt => 33, ttl => 0 } ], authority => [ { name => "test_service.www.google.com", ipv4 => "", ttl => 0 } ], additional => [ { name => "test_service.www.google.com", ipv4 => "", ttl => 0 } ] } --- request GET /t --- response_body records: [{"class":1,"name":"www.google.com","port":8080,"priority":1,"section":1,"target":"test_service.www.google.com","ttl":0,"type":33,"weight":0},{"address":"","class":1,"name":"test_service.www.google.com","section":2,"ttl":0,"type":1},{"address":"","class":1,"name":"test_service.www.google.com","section":3,"ttl":0,"type":1}] --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 33: single answer reply, good A answer (AD is set) --- http_config eval: $::HttpConfig --- config location /t { content_by_lua ' local resolver = require "resty.dns.resolver" local r, err = resolver:new{ nameservers = { {"", 1953} } } if not r then ngx.say("failed to instantiate resolver: ", err) return end r._id = 125 local ans, err = r:query("www.google.com", { qtype = r.TYPE_A }) if not ans then ngx.say("failed to query: ", err) return end local cjson = require "cjson" ngx.say("records: ", cjson.encode(ans)) '; } --- udp_listen: 1953 --- udp_reply dns { id => 125, opcode => 0, qname => 'www.google.com', ad => 1, answer => [{ name => "www.google.com", ipv4 => "", ttl => 123456 }], } --- request GET /t --- udp_query eval "\x{00}}\x{01}\x{00}\x{00}\x{01}\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{03}www\x{06}google\x{03}com\x{00}\x{00}\x{01}\x{00}\x{01}" --- response_body records: [{"address":"","section":1,"type":1,"class":1,"name":"www.google.com","ttl":123456}] --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 34: single answer reply, good A answer (CD is set) --- http_config eval: $::HttpConfig --- config location /t { content_by_lua ' local resolver = require "resty.dns.resolver" local r, err = resolver:new{ nameservers = { {"", 1953} } } if not r then ngx.say("failed to instantiate resolver: ", err) return end r._id = 125 local ans, err = r:query("www.google.com", { qtype = r.TYPE_A }) if not ans then ngx.say("failed to query: ", err) return end local cjson = require "cjson" ngx.say("records: ", cjson.encode(ans)) '; } --- udp_listen: 1953 --- udp_reply dns { id => 125, opcode => 0, qname => 'www.google.com', cd => 1, answer => [{ name => "www.google.com", ipv4 => "", ttl => 123456 }], } --- request GET /t --- udp_query eval "\x{00}}\x{01}\x{00}\x{00}\x{01}\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{03}www\x{06}google\x{03}com\x{00}\x{00}\x{01}\x{00}\x{01}" --- response_body records: [{"address":"","section":1,"type":1,"class":1,"name":"www.google.com","ttl":123456}] --- no_error_log [error]