# vim:set ft= ts=4 sw=4 et fdm=marker: BEGIN { if (!defined $ENV{LD_PRELOAD}) { $ENV{LD_PRELOAD} = ''; } if ($ENV{LD_PRELOAD} !~ /\bmockeagain\.so\b/) { $ENV{LD_PRELOAD} = "mockeagain.so $ENV{LD_PRELOAD}"; } if (defined $ENV{MOCKEAGAIN} && $ENV{MOCKEAGAIN} eq 'r') { $ENV{MOCKEAGAIN} = 'rw'; } else { $ENV{MOCKEAGAIN} = 'w'; } $ENV{TEST_NGINX_EVENT_TYPE} = 'poll'; $ENV{TEST_NGINX_POSTPONE_OUTPUT} = 1; } use Test::Nginx::Socket::Lua; use Cwd qw(cwd); #worker_connections(1014); #master_on(); #workers(2); #log_level('warn'); repeat_each(2); plan tests => repeat_each() * (blocks() * 4); $ENV{TEST_NGINX_CWD} = cwd(); #worker_connections(1024); #no_diff(); no_long_string(); run_tests(); __DATA__ === TEST 1: set_timeouts --- http_config lua_package_path "$TEST_NGINX_CWD/lib/?.lua;;"; upstream backend { server; balancer_by_lua_block { local b = require "ngx.balancer" assert(b.set_timeouts(1.234, 5.678, 7.689)) assert(b.set_current_peer("", tonumber(ngx.var.server_port))) } } --- config location = /t { proxy_pass http://backend/back; } location = /back { echo "fake origin"; } --- request GET /t --- response_body fake origin --- grep_error_log eval: qr/event timer add: \d+: (?:1234|5678|7689):/ --- grep_error_log_out eval qr/\Aevent timer add: \d+: 1234: event timer add: \d+: 5678: event timer add: \d+: 7689: \z/ --- no_error_log [warn] === TEST 2: set_timeouts (nil connect timeout) --- http_config lua_package_path "$TEST_NGINX_CWD/lib/?.lua;;"; proxy_connect_timeout 1234ms; upstream backend { server; balancer_by_lua_block { local b = require "ngx.balancer" assert(b.set_timeouts(nil, 5.678, 7.689)) assert(b.set_current_peer("", tonumber(ngx.var.server_port))) } } --- config location = /t { proxy_pass http://backend/back; } location = /back { echo "fake origin"; } --- request GET /t --- response_body fake origin --- grep_error_log eval: qr/event timer add: \d+: (?:1234|5678|7689):/ --- grep_error_log_out eval qr/\Aevent timer add: \d+: 1234: event timer add: \d+: 5678: event timer add: \d+: 7689: \z/ --- no_error_log [warn] === TEST 3: set_timeouts (nil send timeout) --- http_config lua_package_path "$TEST_NGINX_CWD/lib/?.lua;;"; proxy_send_timeout 5678ms; upstream backend { server; balancer_by_lua_block { local b = require "ngx.balancer" assert(b.set_timeouts(1.234, nil, 7.689)) assert(b.set_current_peer("", tonumber(ngx.var.server_port))) } } --- config location = /t { proxy_pass http://backend/back; } location = /back { echo "fake origin"; } --- request GET /t --- response_body fake origin --- grep_error_log eval: qr/event timer add: \d+: (?:1234|5678|7689):/ --- grep_error_log_out eval qr/\Aevent timer add: \d+: 1234: event timer add: \d+: 5678: event timer add: \d+: 7689: \z/ --- no_error_log [warn] === TEST 4: set_timeouts (nil read timeout) --- http_config lua_package_path "$TEST_NGINX_CWD/lib/?.lua;;"; proxy_read_timeout 7689ms; upstream backend { server; balancer_by_lua_block { local b = require "ngx.balancer" assert(b.set_timeouts(1.234, 5.678, nil)) assert(b.set_current_peer("", tonumber(ngx.var.server_port))) } } --- config location = /t { proxy_pass http://backend/back; } location = /back { echo "fake origin"; } --- request GET /t --- response_body fake origin --- grep_error_log eval: qr/event timer add: \d+: (?:1234|5678|7689):/ --- grep_error_log_out eval qr/\Aevent timer add: \d+: 1234: event timer add: \d+: 5678: event timer add: \d+: 7689: \z/ --- no_error_log [warn] === TEST 5: set connect timeout to 0 --- http_config lua_package_path "$TEST_NGINX_CWD/lib/?.lua;;"; upstream backend { server; balancer_by_lua_block { print("hello from balancer by lua!") local b = require "ngx.balancer" assert(b.set_timeouts(0, 1.234, 5.678)) assert(b.set_current_peer("", tonumber(ngx.var.server_port))) } } --- config location = /t { proxy_pass http://backend/back; } location = /back { echo "fake origin"; } --- request GET /t --- response_body_like: 500 Internal Server Error --- error_code: 500 --- error_log eval qr/\[error\] .*? balancer_by_lua:4: bad connect timeout/ --- no_error_log [warn] === TEST 6: set connect timeout to -1 --- http_config lua_package_path "$TEST_NGINX_CWD/lib/?.lua;;"; upstream backend { server; balancer_by_lua_block { print("hello from balancer by lua!") local b = require "ngx.balancer" assert(b.set_timeouts(-1, 1.234, 5.678)) assert(b.set_current_peer("", tonumber(ngx.var.server_port))) } } --- config location = /t { proxy_pass http://backend/back; } location = /back { echo "fake origin"; } --- request GET /t --- response_body_like: 500 Internal Server Error --- error_code: 500 --- error_log eval qr/\[error\] .*? balancer_by_lua:4: bad connect timeout/ --- no_error_log [warn] === TEST 7: set send timeout to 0 --- http_config lua_package_path "$TEST_NGINX_CWD/lib/?.lua;;"; upstream backend { server; balancer_by_lua_block { print("hello from balancer by lua!") local b = require "ngx.balancer" assert(b.set_timeouts(1.234, 0, 5.678)) assert(b.set_current_peer("", tonumber(ngx.var.server_port))) } } --- config location = /t { proxy_pass http://backend/back; } location = /back { echo "fake origin"; } --- request GET /t --- response_body_like: 500 Internal Server Error --- error_code: 500 --- error_log eval qr/\[error\] .*? balancer_by_lua:4: bad send timeout/ --- no_error_log [warn] === TEST 8: set send timeout to -1 --- http_config lua_package_path "$TEST_NGINX_CWD/lib/?.lua;;"; upstream backend { server; balancer_by_lua_block { print("hello from balancer by lua!") local b = require "ngx.balancer" assert(b.set_timeouts(1.234, -1, 5.678)) assert(b.set_current_peer("", tonumber(ngx.var.server_port))) } } --- config location = /t { proxy_pass http://backend/back; } location = /back { echo "fake origin"; } --- request GET /t --- response_body_like: 500 Internal Server Error --- error_code: 500 --- error_log eval qr/\[error\] .*? balancer_by_lua:4: bad send timeout/ --- no_error_log [warn] === TEST 9: set read timeout to -1 --- http_config lua_package_path "$TEST_NGINX_CWD/lib/?.lua;;"; upstream backend { server; balancer_by_lua_block { print("hello from balancer by lua!") local b = require "ngx.balancer" assert(b.set_timeouts(1.234, 5.678, -1)) assert(b.set_current_peer("", tonumber(ngx.var.server_port))) } } --- config location = /t { proxy_pass http://backend/back; } location = /back { echo "fake origin"; } --- request GET /t --- response_body_like: 500 Internal Server Error --- error_code: 500 --- error_log eval qr/\[error\] .*? balancer_by_lua:4: bad read timeout/ --- no_error_log [warn] === TEST 10: set_timeouts called in a wrong context --- http_config lua_package_path "$TEST_NGINX_CWD/lib/?.lua;;"; --- config location = /t { content_by_lua_block { local balancer = require "ngx.balancer" local ok, err = balancer.set_timeouts(1, 1, 1) if not ok then ngx.say("failed to call: ", err) return end ngx.say("unexpected success!") } } --- request GET /t --- response_body failed to call: no upstream found --- no_error_log [error] [alert] === TEST 11: set_timeouts called with a non-numerical parameter --- http_config lua_package_path "$TEST_NGINX_CWD/lib/?.lua;;"; upstream backend { server; balancer_by_lua_block { local balancer = require "ngx.balancer" local ok, err = balancer.set_timeouts("1.234", 1, 1) if not ok then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to call: ", err) end } } --- config location = /t { proxy_pass http://backend; } --- request GET /t --- response_body_like: 500 Internal Server Error --- error_code: 500 --- error_log eval qr/\[error\] .*? bad connect timeout/ --- no_error_log [alert]