# vi:filetype= use lib 'lib'; use Test::Nginx::Socket; repeat_each(2); plan tests => repeat_each() * 2 * blocks(); #no_long_string(); run_tests(); #no_diff(); __DATA__ === TEST 1: basic convertion --- config location /foo { set $src '你好'; set_iconv $dst $src from=utf-8 to=gbk; echo $dst; } --- request GET /foo --- charset: gbk --- response_body 你好 === TEST 2: more complex convertion --- config location /foo { set $src '淘宝网 - 亚洲最大、最安全的网上交易平台,提供各类服饰、美容、家居、数码、话费/点卡充值… 2亿优质特价商品,同时提供担保交易(先收货后付款)、先行赔付、假一赔三、七天无理由退换货、数码免费维修等安全交易保障服务,让你全面安心享受网上购物乐趣!'; set_iconv $dst $src from=UTF-8 to=gbk; echo $dst; } --- request GET /foo --- charset: gbk --- response_body 淘宝网 - 亚洲最大、最安全的网上交易平台,提供各类服饰、美容、家居、数码、话费/点卡充值… 2亿优质特价商品,同时提供担保交易(先收货后付款)、先行赔付、假一赔三、七天无理由退换货、数码免费维修等安全交易保障服务,让你全面安心享受网上购物乐趣! === TEST 3: large iconv_buffer_size --- config location /foo { set $src '你好'; iconv_buffer_size 1M; set_iconv $dst $src from=utf-8 to=GBK; echo $dst; } --- request GET /foo --- charset: gbk --- response_body 你好 === TEST 4: iconv content filter --- config location /foo { iconv_filter from=utf-8 to=GBK; echo '你好'; } --- request GET /foo --- charset: gbk --- response_body 你好 === TEST 5: content in multi buf --- config location /foo { iconv_filter from=utf-8 to=GBK; #set_unescape_uri $a $arg_a; #set_unescape_uri $b $arg_b; #set_unescape_uri $c $arg_c; #set_unescape_uri $d $arg_d; echo -n $arg_a; echo -n $arg_b; echo -n $arg_c; echo $arg_d; } --- request GET /foo?a=你&b=好&c=世&d=界 --- charset: gbk --- response_body 你好世界 === TEST 6: content in multi buf --- config location /foo { iconv_filter from=utf-8 to=GBK; set_unescape_uri $a $arg_a; set_unescape_uri $b $arg_b; set_unescape_uri $c $arg_c; set_unescape_uri $d $arg_d; set_unescape_uri $e $arg_e; set_unescape_uri $f $arg_f; echo -n $a; echo -n $b; echo -n $c; echo -n $d; echo -n $e; echo $f; } --- request GET /foo?a=%e4&b=%bd&c=%a0&d=%e5&e=%a5&f=%bd --- charset: gbk --- response_body 你好 === TEST 7: content in multi buf --- config location /foo { iconv_filter from=utf-8 to=GBK; iconv_buffer_size 1k; set_unescape_uri $a $arg_a; set_unescape_uri $b $arg_b; set_unescape_uri $c $arg_c; set_unescape_uri $d $arg_d; set_unescape_uri $e $arg_e; set_unescape_uri $f $arg_f; echo -n $a; echo -n $b; echo -n $c; echo -n $d; echo -n $e; echo $f; } --- request GET /foo?a=%e4&b=%bd&c=%a0&d=%e5&e=%a5&f=%bd --- charset: gbk --- response_body 你好 === TEST 8: some complex text --- config location /foo { iconv_filter from=utf-8 to=gbk; iconv_buffer_size 2; echo '106,纪梵希 蜜粉,8,4.5,62.5% 107,时空胶囊,8,3.2857142857143,42.86% 108,雅顿 vc 美白 胶囊,8,7,14.29% 109,水磁场,8,5,14.29% 110,GEL,8,1,100% 111,雅顿 润唇膏 正品,8,8,20% 112,玫瑰面膜,8,1.5,87.5% 113,露得清 祛痘,8,5.1428571428571,42.86% 114,美白水,8,4.75,50% 115,ë,8,1.875,87.5% 116,大米粉,8,1.25,75% 350,薇姿油脂调护洁面啫喱,2,1,100% 475,啫喱 屈臣氏,1,1,100% 569,洗面奶啫喱,1,1,100%'; } --- request GET /foo --- charset: gbk --- response_body 106,纪梵希 蜜粉,8,4.5,62.5% 107,时空胶囊,8,3.2857142857143,42.86% 108,雅顿 vc 美白 胶囊,8,7,14.29% 109,水磁场,8,5,14.29% 110,GEL,8,1,100% 111,雅顿 润唇膏 正品,8,8,20% 112,玫瑰面膜,8,1.5,87.5% 113,露得清 祛痘,8,5.1428571428571,42.86% 114,美白水,8,4.75,50% 115,??,8,1.875,87.5% 116,大米粉,8,1.25,75% 350,薇姿油脂调护洁面啫喱,2,1,100% 475,啫喱 屈臣氏,1,1,100% 569,洗面奶啫喱,1,1,100% === TEST 9: --- config location /foo { iconv_filter from=utf-8 to=gbk; iconv_buffer_size 10; echo '106,纪梵希 蜜粉,8,4.5,62.5% 107,时空胶囊,8,3.2857142857143,42.86% 108,雅顿 vc 美白 胶囊,8,7,14.29% 109,水磁场,8,5,14.29% 110,GEL,8,1,100% 111,雅顿 润唇膏 正品,8,8,20% 112,玫瑰面膜,8,1.5,87.5% 113,露得清 祛痘,8,5.1428571428571,42.86% 114,美白水,8,4.75,50% 115,ë,8,1.875,87.5% 116,大米粉,8,1.25,75% 350,薇姿油脂调护洁面啫喱,2,1,100% 475,啫喱 屈臣氏,1,1,100% 569,洗面奶啫喱,1,1,100%'; } --- request GET /foo --- charset: gbk --- response_body 106,纪梵希 蜜粉,8,4.5,62.5% 107,时空胶囊,8,3.2857142857143,42.86% 108,雅顿 vc 美白 胶囊,8,7,14.29% 109,水磁场,8,5,14.29% 110,GEL,8,1,100% 111,雅顿 润唇膏 正品,8,8,20% 112,玫瑰面膜,8,1.5,87.5% 113,露得清 祛痘,8,5.1428571428571,42.86% 114,美白水,8,4.75,50% 115,??,8,1.875,87.5% 116,大米粉,8,1.25,75% 350,薇姿油脂调护洁面啫喱,2,1,100% 475,啫喱 屈臣氏,1,1,100% 569,洗面奶啫喱,1,1,100% === TEST 10: text that can't be converted, buffer size smaller than content --- config location /foo { iconv_filter from=utf-8 to=gbk; iconv_buffer_size 2; echo 'ë?'; } --- request GET /foo --- charset: gbk --- response_body ??? === TEST 11: text that can't be converted, buffer size smaller than content --- config location /foo { iconv_filter from=utf-8 to=gbk; iconv_buffer_size 2; echo '?ë'; } --- request GET /foo --- charset: gbk --- response_body ??? === TEST 12: text that can't be converted, buffer size smaller than content --- config location /foo { iconv_filter from=utf-8 to=gbk; iconv_buffer_size 3; echo '?ë'; } --- request GET /foo --- charset: gbk --- response_body ??? === TEST 13: text that can't be converted, buffer size equals content --- config location /foo { iconv_filter from=utf-8 to=gbk; iconv_buffer_size 4; echo '?ë'; } --- request GET /foo --- charset: gbk --- response_body ??? === TEST 14: text that can't be converted, buffer size larger than content --- config location /foo { iconv_filter from=utf-8 to=gbk; iconv_buffer_size 5; echo '?ë'; } --- request GET /foo --- charset: gbk --- response_body ??? === TEST 15: iconv_filter used with proxy_pass --- config location /foo { proxy_pass $scheme://$server_port/bar; } location /bar { content_by_lua 'ngx.print("这是一段文本")'; iconv_filter from=utf-8 to=gbk; } --- request GET /foo --- charset: gbk --- response_body chop 这是一段文本 === TEST 16: iconv content filter / HTTP 1.0 --- config location /foo { iconv_filter from=utf-8 to=GBK; echo '你好'; } --- request GET /foo HTTP/1.0 --- charset: gbk --- response_body 你好 === TEST 17: iconv used together with proxy --- config location /data.txt { iconv_filter from=utf8 to=gbk; } location /proxy { proxy_pass $scheme://$server_port/data.txt; } --- user_files >>> data.txt 你好 --- request GET /proxy --- charset: gbk --- response_body 你好 === TEST 18: iconv_filter used with proxy_pass --- config location /foo { proxy_pass $scheme://$server_port/bar; iconv_filter from=utf-8 to=gbk; } location /bar { content_by_lua 'ngx.print("这是一段文本")'; } --- request GET /foo --- charset: gbk --- response_body chop 这是一段文本 === TEST 19: iconv_filter used with proxy_pass --- config location /main { content_by_lua ' local res = ngx.location.capture("/foo") ngx.print(res.body) '; } location /foo { iconv_filter from=utf-8 to=gbk; proxy_pass $scheme://$server_port/bar; } location /bar { content_by_lua 'ngx.print("这是一段文本")'; } --- request GET /main --- charset: gbk --- response_body chop 这是一段文本 === TEST 20: iconv_filter used with proxy_pass --- config location /foo { #set_form_input $data; proxy_pass $scheme://$server_port/bar; proxy_http_version 1.0; #echo $data; } location /bar { echo -n "你好"; iconv_filter from=utf-8 to=gbk; } --- more_headers Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded --- request GET /foo --- charset: gbk --- response_body chop 你好