# vi:filetype= use lib 'lib'; use Test::Nginx::Socket; repeat_each(2); plan tests => repeat_each() * (2 * blocks() + 1); $ENV{TEST_NGINX_HTML_DIR} = html_dir; $ENV{TEST_NGINX_CLIENT_PORT} ||= server_port(); run_tests(); __DATA__ === TEST 1: sanity --- config location /main { echo_subrequest GET /sub; } location /sub { echo hello; } --- request GET /main --- response_body hello === TEST 2: trailing echo --- config location /main { echo_subrequest GET /sub; echo after subrequest; } location /sub { echo hello; } --- request GET /main --- response_body hello after subrequest === TEST 3: leading echo --- config location /main { echo before subrequest; echo_subrequest GET /sub; } location /sub { echo hello; } --- request GET /main --- response_body before subrequest hello === TEST 4: leading & trailing echo --- config location /main { echo before subrequest; echo_subrequest GET /sub; echo after subrequest; } location /sub { echo hello; } --- request GET /main --- response_body before subrequest hello after subrequest === TEST 5: multiple subrequests --- config location /main { echo before sr 1; echo_subrequest GET /sub; echo after sr 1; echo before sr 2; echo_subrequest GET /sub; echo after sr 2; } location /sub { echo hello; } --- request GET /main --- response_body before sr 1 hello after sr 1 before sr 2 hello after sr 2 === TEST 6: timed multiple subrequests (blocking sleep) --- config location /main { echo_reset_timer; echo_subrequest GET /sub1; echo_subrequest GET /sub2; echo "took $echo_timer_elapsed sec for total."; } location /sub1 { echo_blocking_sleep 0.02; echo hello; } location /sub2 { echo_blocking_sleep 0.01; echo world; } --- request GET /main --- response_body_like ^hello world took 0\.0(?:2[5-9]|3[0-6]) sec for total\.$ === TEST 7: timed multiple subrequests (non-blocking sleep) --- config location /main { echo_reset_timer; echo_subrequest GET /sub1; echo_subrequest GET /sub2; echo "took $echo_timer_elapsed sec for total."; } location /sub1 { echo_sleep 0.02; echo hello; } location /sub2 { echo_sleep 0.01; echo world; } --- request GET /main --- response_body_like ^hello world took 0\.0(?:2[5-9]|3[0-6]) sec for total\.$ === TEST 8: location with args --- config location /main { echo_subrequest GET /sub -q 'foo=Foo&bar=Bar'; } location /sub { echo $arg_foo $arg_bar; } --- request GET /main --- response_body Foo Bar === TEST 9: chained subrequests --- config location /main { echo 'pre main'; echo_subrequest GET /sub; echo 'post main'; } location /sub { echo 'pre sub'; echo_subrequest GET /subsub; echo 'post sub'; } location /subsub { echo 'subsub'; } --- request GET /main --- response_body pre main pre sub subsub post sub post main === TEST 10: chained subrequests using named locations as of 0.8.20, ngx_http_subrequest still does not support named location. sigh. this case is a TODO. --- config location /main { echo 'pre main'; echo_subrequest GET @sub; echo 'post main'; } location @sub { echo 'pre sub'; echo_subrequest GET @subsub; echo 'post sub'; } location @subsub { echo 'subsub'; } --- request GET /main --- response_body pre main pre sub subsub post sub post main --- SKIP === TEST 11: explicit flush in main request --- config location /main { echo 'pre main'; echo_subrequest GET /sub; echo 'post main'; echo_flush; } location /sub { echo_sleep 0.02; echo 'sub'; } --- request GET /main --- response_body pre main sub post main === TEST 12: DELETE subrequest --- config location /main { echo_subrequest DELETE /sub; } location /sub { echo "sub method: $echo_request_method"; echo "main method: $echo_client_request_method"; } --- request GET /main --- response_body sub method: DELETE main method: GET === TEST 13: DELETE subrequest --- config location /main { echo "main method: $echo_client_request_method"; echo_subrequest GET /proxy; echo_subrequest DELETE /proxy; } location /proxy { proxy_pass $scheme://$server_port/sub; } location /sub { echo "sub method: $echo_request_method"; } --- request GET /main --- response_body main method: GET sub method: GET sub method: DELETE === TEST 14: POST subrequest with body --- config location /main { echo_subrequest POST /sub -b 'hello, world'; } location /sub { echo "sub method: $echo_request_method"; # we don't need to call echo_read_client_body explicitly here echo "sub body: $echo_request_body"; } --- request GET /main --- response_body sub method: POST sub body: hello, world === TEST 15: POST subrequest with body (explicitly read the body) --- config location /main { echo_subrequest POST /sub -b 'hello, world'; } location /sub { echo "sub method: $echo_request_method"; # we call echo_read_client_body explicitly here even # though it's not necessary. echo_read_request_body; echo "sub body: $echo_request_body"; } --- request GET /main --- response_body sub method: POST sub body: hello, world === TEST 16: POST subrequest with body (with proxy in the middle) and without read body explicitly --- config location /main { echo_subrequest POST /proxy -b 'hello, world'; } location /proxy { proxy_pass $scheme://$server_port/sub; } location /sub { echo "sub method: $echo_request_method."; # we need to read body explicitly here...or $echo_request_body # will evaluate to empty ("") echo "sub body: $echo_request_body."; } --- request GET /main --- response_body sub method: POST. sub body: . === TEST 17: POST subrequest with body (with proxy in the middle) and read body explicitly --- config location /main { echo_subrequest POST /proxy -b 'hello, world'; } location /proxy { proxy_pass $scheme://$server_port/sub; } location /sub { echo "sub method: $echo_request_method."; # we need to read body explicitly here...or $echo_request_body # will evaluate to empty ("") echo_read_request_body; echo "sub body: $echo_request_body."; } --- request GET /main --- response_body sub method: POST. sub body: hello, world. === TEST 18: multiple subrequests --- config location /multi { echo_subrequest POST '/sub' -q 'foo=Foo' -b 'hi'; echo_subrequest PUT '/sub' -q 'bar=Bar' -b 'hello'; } location /sub { echo "querystring: $query_string"; echo "method: $echo_request_method"; echo "body: $echo_request_body"; echo "content length: $http_content_length"; echo '///'; } --- request GET /multi --- response_body querystring: foo=Foo method: POST body: hi content length: 2 /// querystring: bar=Bar method: PUT body: hello content length: 5 /// === TEST 19: unsafe uri --- config location /unsafe { echo_subrequest GET '/../foo'; } --- request GET /unsafe --- ignore_response --- error_log echo_subrequest sees unsafe uri: "/../foo" --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 20: querystring in url --- config location /main { echo_subrequest GET /sub?foo=Foo&bar=Bar; } location /sub { echo $arg_foo $arg_bar; } --- request GET /main --- response_body Foo Bar === TEST 21: querystring in url *AND* an explicit querystring --- config location /main { echo_subrequest GET /sub?foo=Foo&bar=Bar -q blah=Blah; } location /sub { echo $arg_foo $arg_bar $arg_blah; } --- request GET /main --- response_body Blah === TEST 22: let subrequest to read the main request's request body --- SKIP --- config location /main { echo_subrequest POST /sub; } location /sub { echo_read_request_body; echo_request_body; } --- request POST /main hello, body! --- response_body chomp hello, body! === TEST 23: deep nested echo_subrequest/echo_subrequest_async --- config location /main { echo_subrequest GET /bar; echo_subrequest_async GET /bar; echo_subrequest_async GET /bar; echo_subrequest GET /group; echo_subrequest_async GET /group; } location /group { echo_subrequest GET /bar; echo_subrequest_async GET /bar; } location /bar { echo $echo_incr; } --- request GET /main --- response_body 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 === TEST 24: deep nested echo_subrequest/echo_subrequest_async --- config location /main { echo_subrequest GET /bar?a; echo_subrequest_async GET /bar?b; echo_subrequest_async GET /bar?c; echo_subrequest GET /group?a=d&b=e; echo_subrequest_async GET /group?a=f&b=g; } location /group { echo_subrequest GET /bar?$arg_a; echo_subrequest_async GET /bar?$arg_b; } location /bar { echo -n $query_string; } --- request GET /main --- response_body: abcdefg --- timeout: 2 === TEST 25: POST subrequest with file body (relative paths) --- config location /main { echo_subrequest POST /sub -f html/blah.txt; } location /sub { echo "sub method: $echo_request_method"; # we don't need to call echo_read_client_body explicitly here echo_request_body; } --- user_files >>> blah.txt Hello, world --- request GET /main --- response_body sub method: POST Hello, world === TEST 26: POST subrequest with file body (absolute paths) --- config location /main { echo_subrequest POST /sub -f $TEST_NGINX_HTML_DIR/blah.txt; } location /sub { echo "sub method: $echo_request_method"; # we don't need to call echo_read_client_body explicitly here echo_request_body; } --- user_files >>> blah.txt Hello, world! Haha --- request GET /main --- response_body sub method: POST Hello, world! Haha === TEST 27: POST subrequest with file body (file not found) --- config location /main { echo_subrequest POST /sub -f html/blah/blah.txt; } location /sub { echo "sub method: $echo_request_method"; # we don't need to call echo_read_client_body explicitly here echo_request_body; } --- user_files >>> blah.txt Hello, world --- request GET /main --- ignore_response --- error_log eval qr/open\(\) ".*?" failed/ --- no_error_log [alert] === TEST 28: leading subrequest & echo_before_body --- config location /main { echo_before_body hello; echo_subrequest GET /foo; } location /foo { echo world; } --- request GET /main --- response_body hello world === TEST 29: leading subrequest & xss --- config location /main { default_type 'application/json'; xss_get on; xss_callback_arg c; echo_subrequest GET /foo; } location /foo { echo -n world; } --- request GET /main?c=hi --- response_body chop hi(world); === TEST 30: multiple leading subrequest & xss --- config location /main { default_type 'application/json'; xss_get on; xss_callback_arg c; echo_subrequest GET /foo; echo_subrequest GET /bar; } location /foo { echo -n world; } location /bar { echo -n ' people'; } --- request GET /main?c=hi --- response_body chop hi(world people); === TEST 31: sanity (HEAD) --- config location /main { echo_subrequest GET /sub; echo_subrequest GET /sub; } location /sub { echo hello; } --- request HEAD /main --- response_body === TEST 32: POST subrequest to ngx_proxy --- config location /hello { default_type text/plain; echo_subrequest POST '/proxy' -q 'foo=Foo&bar=baz' -b 'request_body=test&test=3'; } location /proxy { proxy_pass$TEST_NGINX_CLIENT_PORT/sub; #proxy_pass; } location /sub { echo_read_request_body; echo "sub method: $echo_request_method"; # we don't need to call echo_read_client_body explicitly here echo "sub body: $echo_request_body"; } --- request GET /hello --- response_body sub method: POST sub body: request_body=test&test=3 === TEST 33: HEAD subrequest --- config location /main { echo_subrequest HEAD /sub; echo_subrequest HEAD /sub; } location /sub { echo hello; } --- request GET /main --- response_body === TEST 34: method name as an nginx variable (github issue #34) --- config location ~ ^/delay/(?[0-9.]+)/(?.*)$ { # echo_blocking_sleep $delay; echo_subrequest '$echo_request_method' '/$originalURL' -q '$args'; } location /api { echo "args: $args"; } --- request GET /delay/0.343/api/?a=b --- response_body args: a=b --- no_error_log [error]