# vi:filetype= use lib 'lib'; use Test::Nginx::Socket; repeat_each(2); plan tests => repeat_each() * (3 * blocks() + 15); run_tests(); __DATA__ === TEST 1: standalone directive --- config location /echo { echo -n $echo_client_request_headers; } --- request GET /echo --- response_body eval "GET /echo HTTP/1.1\r Host: localhost\r Connection: close\r \r " --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 2: multiple instances --- config location /echo { echo -n $echo_client_request_headers; echo -n $echo_client_request_headers; } --- request GET /echo --- response_body eval "GET /echo HTTP/1.1\r Host: localhost\r Connection: close\r \r GET /echo HTTP/1.1\r Host: localhost\r Connection: close\r \r " --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 3: does not explicitly request_body --- config location /echo { echo [$echo_request_body]; } --- request POST /echo body here heh --- response_body [] --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 4: let proxy read request_body --- config location /echo { echo_before_body [$echo_request_body]; proxy_pass $scheme://$server_port/blah; } location /blah { echo_duplicate 0 ''; } --- request POST /echo body here heh --- response_body [body here heh] --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 5: use echo_read_request_body to read it! --- config location /echo { echo_read_request_body; echo [$echo_request_body]; } --- request POST /echo body here heh --- response_body [body here heh] --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 6: how about sleep after that? --- config location /echo { echo_read_request_body; echo_sleep 0.002; echo [$echo_request_body]; } --- request POST /echo body here heh --- response_body [body here heh] --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 7: echo back the whole client request --- config # echo back the client request location /echoback { echo -n $echo_client_request_headers; echo_read_request_body; echo $echo_request_body; } --- request POST /echoback body here haha --- response_body eval "POST /echoback HTTP/1.1\r Host: localhost\r Connection: close\r Content-Length: 14\r \r body here haha " --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 8: echo_request_body --- config location /body { client_body_buffer_size 5; echo_read_request_body; echo "[$echo_request_body]"; echo_request_body; } --- request eval "POST /body " . ('a' x 2048) . "b" --- response_body eval "[]\n" . ('a' x 2048) . "b" --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 9: $echo_response_status in content handler --- config location /status { echo "status: $echo_response_status"; } --- request GET /status --- response_body status: --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 10: echo_request_body (empty body) --- config location /body { echo_read_request_body; echo_request_body; } location /main { proxy_pass$server_port/body; } --- request eval "POST /main" --- response_body eval "" --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 11: small header --- config location /t { echo -n $echo_client_request_headers; } --- request GET /t --- response_body eval qq{GET /t HTTP/1.1\r Host: localhost\r Connection: close\r \r } --- no_error_log [error] --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 12: large header --- config client_header_buffer_size 10; large_client_header_buffers 30 561; location /t { echo -n $echo_client_request_headers; } --- request GET /t --- more_headers eval CORE::join "\n", map { "Header$_: value-$_" } 1..512 --- response_body eval qq{GET /t HTTP/1.1\r Host: localhost\r Connection: close\r } .(CORE::join "\r\n", map { "Header$_: value-$_" } 1..512) . "\r\n\r\n" --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 13: small header, with leading CRLF --- config location /t { echo -n $echo_client_request_headers; } --- raw_request eval "\r\nGET /t HTTP/1.1\r Host: localhost\r Connection: close\r \r " --- response_body eval qq{GET /t HTTP/1.1\r Host: localhost\r Connection: close\r \r } --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 14: large header, with leading CRLF --- config client_header_buffer_size 10; large_client_header_buffers 30 561; location /t { echo -n $echo_client_request_headers; } --- raw_request eval "\r\nGET /t HTTP/1.1\r Host: localhost\r Connection: close\r ". (CORE::join "\r\n", map { "Header$_: value-$_" } 1..512) . "\r\n\r\n" --- response_body eval qq{GET /t HTTP/1.1\r Host: localhost\r Connection: close\r } .(CORE::join "\r\n", map { "Header$_: value-$_" } 1..512) . "\r\n\r\n" --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 15: small header, pipelined --- config location /t { echo -n $echo_client_request_headers; } --- pipelined_requests eval ["GET /t", "GET /th"] --- more_headers Foo: bar --- response_body eval [qq{GET /t HTTP/1.1\r Host: localhost\r Connection: keep-alive\r Foo: bar\r \r }, qq{GET /th HTTP/1.1\r Host: localhost\r Connection: close\r Foo: bar\r \r }] --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 16: large header, pipelined --- config client_header_buffer_size 10; large_client_header_buffers 30 561; location /t { echo -n $echo_client_request_headers; } --- pipelined_requests eval ["GET /t", "GET /t"] --- more_headers eval CORE::join "\n", map { "Header$_: value-$_" } 1..512 --- response_body eval my $headers = (CORE::join "\r\n", map { "Header$_: value-$_" } 1..512) . "\r\n\r\n"; [qq{GET /t HTTP/1.1\r Host: localhost\r Connection: keep-alive\r $headers}, qq{GET /t HTTP/1.1\r Host: localhost\r Connection: close\r $headers}] --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 17: small header, multi-line header --- config location /t { echo -n $echo_client_request_headers; } --- raw_request eval "GET /t HTTP/1.1\r Host: localhost\r Connection: close\r Foo: bar baz\r blah\r \r " --- response_body eval qq{GET /t HTTP/1.1\r Host: localhost\r Connection: close\r Foo: bar baz\r blah\r \r } --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 18: large header, multi-line header --- config client_header_buffer_size 10; large_client_header_buffers 50 567; location /t { echo -n $echo_client_request_headers; } --- raw_request eval my $headers = (CORE::join "\r\n", map { "Header$_: value-$_\r\n hello $_ world blah blah" } 1..512) . "\r\n\r\n"; qq{GET /t HTTP/1.1\r Host: localhost\r Connection: close\r $headers} --- response_body eval qq{GET /t HTTP/1.1\r Host: localhost\r Connection: close\r } .(CORE::join "\r\n", map { "Header$_: value-$_\r\n hello $_ world blah blah" } 1..512) . "\r\n\r\n" --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 19: small header (POST body) --- config location /t { echo_read_request_body; echo -n $echo_client_request_headers; } --- request POST /t hello --- response_body eval qq{POST /t HTTP/1.1\r Host: localhost\r Connection: close\r Content-Length: 5\r \r } --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 20: small header (POST body) - in subrequests (location) --- config location /t { echo -n $echo_client_request_headers; } location /main { echo_location /t; } --- request POST /main hello --- response_body eval qq{POST /main HTTP/1.1\r Host: localhost\r Connection: close\r Content-Length: 5\r \r } --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 21: large header (POST body) --- config client_header_buffer_size 10; large_client_header_buffers 30 561; location /t { echo_read_request_body; echo -n $echo_client_request_headers; } --- request POST /t hello --- more_headers eval CORE::join"\n", map { "Header$_: value-$_" } 1..512 --- response_body eval qq{POST /t HTTP/1.1\r Host: localhost\r Connection: close\r } .(CORE::join "\r\n", map { "Header$_: value-$_" } 1..512) . "\r\nContent-Length: 5\r\n\r\n" --- no_error_log [error] --- timeout: 5 === TEST 22: large header (POST body) - in subrequests --- config client_header_buffer_size 10; large_client_header_buffers 30 561; location /t { echo_read_request_body; echo -n $echo_client_request_headers; } location /main { echo_location /t; } --- request POST /main hello --- more_headers eval CORE::join"\n", map { "Header$_: value-$_" } 1..512 --- response_body eval qq{POST /main HTTP/1.1\r Host: localhost\r Connection: close\r } .(CORE::join "\r\n", map { "Header$_: value-$_" } 1..512) . "\r\nContent-Length: 5\r\n\r\n" --- no_error_log [error] --- timeout: 5 === TEST 23: raw headers - the default header buffer can hold the request line, but not the header entries --- config location /t { echo_read_request_body; echo -n $echo_client_request_headers; } --- request GET /t --- more_headers eval my $s = "User-Agent: curl\nBah: bah\n"; $s .= "Accept: */*\n"; $s .= "Cookie: " . "C" x 1200 . "\n"; $s --- response_body eval "GET /t HTTP/1.1\r Host: localhost\r Connection: close\r User-Agent: curl\r Bah: bah\r Accept: */*\r Cookie: " . ("C" x 1200) . "\r\n\r\n" --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 24: small header (POST body) - in subrequests (location_async) --- config location /t { echo -n $echo_client_request_headers; } location /main { echo_location_async /t; } --- request POST /main hello --- response_body eval qq{POST /main HTTP/1.1\r Host: localhost\r Connection: close\r Content-Length: 5\r \r } --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 25: small header (POST body) - in subrequests (subrequest) --- config location /t { echo -n $echo_client_request_headers; } location /main { echo_subrequest GET /t; } --- request POST /main hello --- response_body eval qq{POST /main HTTP/1.1\r Host: localhost\r Connection: close\r Content-Length: 5\r \r } --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 26: small header (POST body) - in subrequests (subrequest_async) --- config location /t { echo -n $echo_client_request_headers; } location /main { echo_subrequest_async GET /t; } --- request POST /main hello --- response_body eval qq{POST /main HTTP/1.1\r Host: localhost\r Connection: close\r Content-Length: 5\r \r } --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 27: ngx_proxy/ngx_fastcgi/etc change r->header_end to point to their own buffers --- config location = /t { proxy_buffering off; proxy_pass$server_port/bad; proxy_intercept_errors on; error_page 500 = /500; } location = /bad { return 500; } location = /500 { echo -n $echo_client_request_headers; } --- request GET /t --- response_body eval "GET /t HTTP/1.1\r Host: localhost\r Connection: close\r \r " --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 28: ngx_proxy/ngx_fastcgi/etc change r->header_end to point to their own buffers (exclusive LF in the request data) --- config location = /t { proxy_buffering off; proxy_pass$server_port/bad; proxy_intercept_errors on; error_page 500 = /500; } location = /bad { return 500; } location = /500 { internal; echo -n $echo_client_request_headers; } --- raw_request eval "GET /t HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost Connection: close Content-Length: 5 hello" --- response_body eval "GET /t HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost Connection: close Content-Length: 5 " --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 29: ngx_proxy/ngx_fastcgi/etc change r->header_end to point to their own buffers (mixed LF and CRLF in the request data) --- config location = /t { proxy_buffering off; proxy_pass$server_port/bad; proxy_intercept_errors on; error_page 500 = /500; } location = /bad { return 500; } location = /500 { internal; echo -n $echo_client_request_headers; } --- raw_request eval "GET /t HTTP/1.1\r Host: localhost Connection: close\r Content-Length: 5\r hello" --- response_body eval "GET /t HTTP/1.1\r Host: localhost Connection: close\r Content-Length: 5\r " --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 30: ngx_proxy/ngx_fastcgi/etc change r->header_end to point to their own buffers (another way of mixing LF and CRLF in the request data) --- config location = /t { proxy_buffering off; proxy_pass$server_port/bad; proxy_intercept_errors on; error_page 500 = /500; } location = /bad { return 500; } location = /500 { internal; echo -n $echo_client_request_headers; } --- raw_request eval "GET /t HTTP/1.1\r Host: localhost Connection: close\r Content-Length: 5 \r hello" --- response_body eval "GET /t HTTP/1.1\r Host: localhost Connection: close\r Content-Length: 5 \r " --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 31: two pipelined requests with large headers --- config client_header_buffer_size 10; large_client_header_buffers 3 5610; location /t { echo -n $echo_client_request_headers; } --- pipelined_requests eval ["GET /t", "GET /t"] --- more_headers eval CORE::join "\n", map { "Header$_: value-$_" } 1..585 --- response_body eval [qq{GET /t HTTP/1.1\r Host: localhost\r Connection: keep-alive\r } .(CORE::join "\r\n", map { "Header$_: value-$_" } 1..585) . "\r\n\r\n", qq{GET /t HTTP/1.1\r Host: localhost\r Connection: close\r } .(CORE::join "\r\n", map { "Header$_: value-$_" } 1..585) . "\r\n\r\n", , ] --- no_error_log [error] --- timeout: 5 === TEST 32: a request with large header and a smaller pipelined request following --- config client_header_buffer_size 10; large_client_header_buffers 2 1921; location /t { echo -n $echo_client_request_headers; } --- pipelined_requests eval ["GET /t", "GET /t"] --- more_headers eval [CORE::join("\n", map { "Header$_: value-$_" } 1..170), "Foo: bar\n"] --- response_body eval [qq{GET /t HTTP/1.1\r Host: localhost\r Connection: keep-alive\r } .(CORE::join "\r\n", map { "Header$_: value-$_" } 1..170) . "\r\n\r\n", qq{GET /t HTTP/1.1\r Host: localhost\r Connection: close\r Foo: bar\r \r }, ] --- no_error_log [error] --- timeout: 5 === TEST 33: a request with large header and a smaller pipelined request following --- config client_header_buffer_size 10; large_client_header_buffers 2 1921; location /t { echo -n $echo_client_request_headers; } --- pipelined_requests eval ["GET /t", "GET /t" . ("a" x 512)] --- more_headers eval [CORE::join("\n", map { "Header$_: value-$_" } 1..170), "Foo: bar\n"] --- response_body eval [qq{GET /t HTTP/1.1\r Host: localhost\r Connection: keep-alive\r } .(CORE::join "\r\n", map { "Header$_: value-$_" } 1..170) . "\r\n\r\n", qq{GET /t} . ("a" x 512) . qq{ HTTP/1.1\r Host: localhost\r Connection: close\r Foo: bar\r \r }, ] --- no_error_log [error] --- timeout: 5