# vi:filetype= use lib 'lib'; use Test::Nginx::Socket; plan tests => 2 * blocks(); #$Test::Nginx::LWP::LogLevel = 'debug'; run_tests(); __DATA__ === TEST 1: sanity (hit) --- config location ^~ /if { set $res miss; if ($arg_val ~* '^a') { set $res hit; echo $res; } echo $res; } --- request GET /if?val=abc --- response_body hit === TEST 2: sanity (miss) --- config location ^~ /if { set $res miss; if ($arg_val ~* '^a') { set $res hit; echo $res; } echo $res; } --- request GET /if?val=bcd --- response_body miss === TEST 3: proxy in if (hit) --- config location ^~ /if { set $res miss; if ($arg_val ~* '^a') { set $res hit; proxy_pass $scheme://$server_port/foo?res=$res; } proxy_pass $scheme://$server_port/foo?res=$res; } location /foo { echo "res = $arg_res"; } --- request GET /if?val=abc --- response_body res = hit === TEST 4: proxy in if (miss) --- config location ^~ /if { set $res miss; if ($arg_val ~* '^a') { set $res hit; proxy_pass $scheme://$server_port/foo?res=$res; } proxy_pass $scheme://$server_port/foo?res=$res; } location /foo { echo "res = $arg_res"; } --- request GET /if?val=bcd --- response_body res = miss === TEST 5: if too long url (hit) --- config location /foo { if ($request_uri ~ '.{20,}') { echo too long; } echo ok; } --- request GET /foo?a=12345678901234567890 --- response_body too long === TEST 6: if too long url (miss) --- config location /foo { if ($request_uri ~ '.{20,}') { echo too long; } echo ok; } --- request GET /foo?a=1234567890 --- response_body ok === TEST 7: echo should be inherited by if blocks --- config location /foo { if ($uri ~ 'foo') { } echo ok; } --- request GET /foo --- response_body ok === TEST 8: echo_after_body and echo_before_body should be inherited by if blocks --- config location /foo { if ($uri ~ 'foo') { } echo_before_body -n 'hello'; echo_location /comma; echo_after_body 'world'; } location = /comma { internal; echo -n ', '; } --- request GET /foo --- response_body hello, world