# vi:filetype=

use lib 'lib';
use Test::Nginx::Socket;


plan tests => repeat_each() * (2 * blocks() + 6);

#$Test::Nginx::LWP::LogLevel = 'debug';



=== TEST 1: sanity
--- config
    location /echo {
        echo hello;
--- request
    GET /echo
--- response_body

=== TEST 2: multiple args
--- config
    location /echo {
        echo say hello world;
--- request
    GET /echo
--- response_body
say hello world

=== TEST 3: multiple directive instances
--- config
    location /echo {
        echo say that;
        echo hello;
        echo world !;
--- request
    GET /echo
--- response_body
say that
world !

=== TEST 4: echo without arguments
--- config
    location /echo {
--- request
    GET /echo
--- response_body eval

=== TEST 5: escaped newline
--- config
    location /echo {
        echo "hello\nworld";
--- request
    GET /echo
--- response_body

=== TEST 6: escaped tabs and \r and " wihtin "..."
--- config
    location /echo {
        echo "i say \"hello\tworld\"\r";
--- request
    GET /echo
--- response_body eval: "i say \"hello\tworld\"\r\n"

=== TEST 7: escaped tabs and \r and " in single quotes
--- config
    location /echo {
        echo 'i say \"hello\tworld\"\r';
--- request
    GET /echo
--- response_body eval: "i say \"hello\tworld\"\r\n"

=== TEST 8: escaped tabs and \r and " w/o any quotes
--- config
    location /echo {
        echo i say \"hello\tworld\"\r;
--- request
    GET /echo
--- response_body eval: "i say \"hello\tworld\"\r\n"

=== TEST 9: escaping $
As of Nginx 0.8.20, there's still no way to escape the '$' character.
--- config
    location /echo {
        echo \$;
--- request
    GET /echo
--- response_body
--- SKIP

=== TEST 10: XSS
--- config
    location /blah {
        echo_duplicate 1 "$arg_callback(";
        echo_location_async "/data?$uri";
        echo_duplicate 1 ")";
    location /data {
        echo_duplicate 1 '{"dog":"$query_string"}';
--- request
    GET /blah/9999999.json?callback=ding1111111
--- response_body chomp

=== TEST 11: XSS - filter version
--- config
    location /blah {
        echo_before_body "$arg_callback(";

        echo_duplicate 1 '{"dog":"$uri"}';

        echo_after_body ")";
--- request
    GET /blah/9999999.json?callback=ding1111111
--- response_body

=== TEST 12: if
--- config
location /first {
 echo "before";
 echo_location_async /second $request_uri;
 echo "after";

location = /second {
 if ($query_string ~ '([^?]+)') {
     set $memcached_key $1;  # needing this to be keyed on the request_path, not the entire uri
     echo $memcached_key;
--- request
    GET /first/9999999.json?callback=ding1111111
--- response_body

=== TEST 13: echo -n
--- config
    location /echo {
        echo -n hello;
        echo -n world;
--- request
    GET /echo
--- response_body chop

=== TEST 14: echo a -n
--- config
    location /echo {
        echo a -n hello;
        echo b -n world;
--- request
    GET /echo
--- response_body
a -n hello
b -n world

=== TEST 15: -n in a var
--- config
    location /echo {
        set $opt -n;
        echo $opt hello;
        echo $opt world;
--- request
    GET /echo
--- response_body
-n hello
-n world

=== TEST 16: -n only
--- config
    location /echo {
        echo -n;
        echo -n;
--- request
    GET /echo
--- response_body chop

=== TEST 17: -n with an empty string
--- config
    location /echo {
        echo -n "";
        set $empty "";
        echo -n $empty;
--- request
    GET /echo
--- response_body chop

=== TEST 18: -- -n
--- config
    location /echo {
        echo -- -n hello;
        echo -- -n world;
--- request
    GET /echo
--- response_body
-n hello
-n world

=== TEST 19: -n -n
--- config
    location /echo {
        echo -n -n hello;
        echo -n -n world;
--- request
    GET /echo
--- response_body chop

=== TEST 20: -n -- -n
--- config
    location /echo {
        echo -n -- -n hello;
        echo -n -- -n world;
--- request
    GET /echo
--- response_body chop
-n hello-n world

=== TEST 21: proxy
--- config
    location /main {
    location /echo {
        echo hello;
        echo world;
--- request
    GET /main
--- response_headers
--- response_body

=== TEST 22: if is evil
--- config
    location /test {
        set $a 3;
        set_by_lua $a '
            if ngx.var.a == "3" then
                return 4
        echo $a;
--- request
    GET /test
--- response_body
--- SKIP

=== TEST 23: HEAD
--- config
    location /echo {
        echo hello;
        echo world;
--- request
    HEAD /echo
--- response_body

=== TEST 24: POST
--- config
    location /echo {
        echo hello;
        echo world;
--- pipelined_requests eval
["POST /echo
blah blah", "POST /echo
foo bar baz"]
--- response_body eval

=== TEST 25: POST
--- config
    location /echo {
        echo_sleep 0.001;
        echo hello;
        echo world;
--- pipelined_requests eval
["POST /echo
blah blah", "POST /echo
foo bar baz"]
--- response_body eval

=== TEST 26: empty arg after -n (github issue #33)
--- config
    location = /t {
        set $empty "";
        echo -n $empty hello world;
--- request
    GET /t
--- response_body chop
 hello world

=== TEST 27: image filter
--- config
    location = /gif {

    location = /t {
        default_type image/gif;
        image_filter resize 10 10;
        set $gif1 '';
        set $gif2 '';
        rewrite_by_lua '
            local res = ngx.location.capture("/gif")
            local data = res.body
            ngx.var.gif1 = string.sub(data, 1, #data - 1)
            ngx.var.gif2 = string.sub(data, #data)
        echo -n $gif1;
        echo -n $gif2;
--- request
    GET /t
--- stap
F(ngx_http_image_header_filter) {
    println("image header filter")
--- stap_out
image header filter
--- response_body_like: .