# vi:filetype= use lib 'lib'; use Test::Nginx::Socket; plan tests => 2 * blocks(); #$Test::Nginx::LWP::LogLevel = 'debug'; run_tests(); __DATA__ === TEST 1: sanity --- config location /echo { echo_blocking_sleep 1; } --- request GET /echo --- response_body === TEST 2: fractional delay --- config location /echo { echo_blocking_sleep 0.01; } --- request GET /echo --- response_body === TEST 3: leading echo --- config location /echo { echo before...; echo_blocking_sleep 0.01; } --- request GET /echo --- response_body before... === TEST 4: trailing echo --- config location /echo { echo_blocking_sleep 0.01; echo after...; } --- request GET /echo --- response_body after... === TEST 5: two echos around sleep --- config location /echo { echo before...; echo_blocking_sleep 0.01; echo after...; } --- request GET /echo --- response_body before... after... === TEST 6: interleaving sleep and echo --- config location /echo { echo 1; echo_blocking_sleep 0.01; echo 2; echo_blocking_sleep 0.01; } --- request GET /echo --- response_body 1 2 === TEST 7: interleaving sleep and echo with echo at the end... --- config location /echo { echo 1; echo_blocking_sleep 0.01; echo 2; echo_blocking_sleep 0.01; echo 3; } --- request GET /echo --- response_body 1 2 3 === TEST 8: flush before sleep we didn't really test the actual effect of "echo_flush" here... merely checks if it croaks if appears. --- config location /flush { echo hi; echo_flush; echo_blocking_sleep 0.01; echo trees; } --- request GET /flush --- response_body hi trees === TEST 9: flush does not increment opcode pointer itself --- config location /flush { echo hi; echo_flush; echo trees; } --- request GET /flush --- response_body hi trees === TEST 10: blocking sleep by variable --- config location ~ ^/sleep/(.+) { echo before...; echo_blocking_sleep $1; echo after...; } --- request GET /sleep/0.01 --- response_body before... after...