# vi:filetype= use lib 'lib'; use Test::Nginx::Socket; #repeat_each(2); plan tests => repeat_each() * 2 * blocks(); $ENV{TEST_NGINX_MYSQL_PORT} ||= 3306; $ENV{TEST_NGINX_MYSQL_HOST} ||= ''; #master_on(); our $http_config = <<'_EOC_'; upstream backend { drizzle_server $TEST_NGINX_MYSQL_HOST:$TEST_NGINX_MYSQL_PORT protocol=mysql dbname=ngx_test user=ngx_test password=ngx_test; drizzle_keepalive max=10 overflow=reject mode=single; } upstream backend2 { drizzle_server $TEST_NGINX_MYSQL_HOST:$TEST_NGINX_MYSQL_PORT protocol=mysql dbname=ngx_test user=ngx_test password=ngx_test; #drizzle_keepalive max=10 overflow=ignore mode=single; } upstream foo { server; } _EOC_ our $http_config2 = <<'_EOC_'; upstream backend { drizzle_server $TEST_NGINX_MYSQL_HOST:$TEST_NGINX_MYSQL_PORT protocol=mysql dbname=ngx_test user=ngx_test password=ngx_test; drizzle_keepalive max=10 overflow=reject mode=single; } upstream backend2 { drizzle_server $TEST_NGINX_MYSQL_HOST:$TEST_NGINX_MYSQL_PORT protocol=mysql dbname=ngx_test user=ngx_test password=ngx_test; drizzle_keepalive max=5 overflow=ignore mode=multi; } _EOC_ worker_connections(128); no_long_string(); #no_diff(); run_tests(); __DATA__ === TEST 1: sanity --- http_config eval: $::http_config --- config location /status { drizzle_status; } --- request GET /status --- response_body upstream backend active connections: 0 connection pool capacity: 10 overflow: reject cached connection queue: 0 free'd connection queue: 10 cached connection successfully used count: free'd connection successfully used count: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 servers: 1 peers: 1 upstream backend2 active connections: 0 connection pool capacity: 0 servers: 1 peers: 1 === TEST 2: single mode and no pools --- http_config eval: $::http_config --- config location @my_err { echo "500 Internal Server Error"; } location ~ ^/mysql(2?)$ { drizzle_query "select sum(1) from $args"; drizzle_pass backend$1; error_page 500 = @my_err; rds_json on; } location /status { drizzle_status; } location /main { echo_location /mysql cats; echo_location /mysql cats; echo_location /mysql cats; echo; echo_location /status; echo_location /mysql2 cats; echo_location /mysql2 cats; echo; echo_location /status; } --- request GET /main --- response_body [{"sum(1)":2}][{"sum(1)":2}][{"sum(1)":2}] upstream backend active connections: 1 connection pool capacity: 10 overflow: reject cached connection queue: 1 free'd connection queue: 9 cached connection successfully used count: 3 free'd connection successfully used count: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 servers: 1 peers: 1 upstream backend2 active connections: 0 connection pool capacity: 0 servers: 1 peers: 1 [{"sum(1)":2}][{"sum(1)":2}] upstream backend active connections: 1 connection pool capacity: 10 overflow: reject cached connection queue: 1 free'd connection queue: 9 cached connection successfully used count: 3 free'd connection successfully used count: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 servers: 1 peers: 1 upstream backend2 active connections: 0 connection pool capacity: 0 servers: 1 peers: 1 === TEST 3: single & multi mode pools --- http_config eval: $::http_config2 --- config location @my_err { echo "500 Internal Server Error"; } location ~ ^/mysql(2?)$ { drizzle_query "select sum(1) from $args"; drizzle_pass backend$1; error_page 500 = @my_err; rds_json on; } location /status { drizzle_status; } location /main { echo_location /mysql cats; echo_location /mysql cats; echo_location /mysql cats; echo; echo_location /status; echo_location /mysql2 cats; echo_location /mysql2 cats; echo; echo_location /status; } --- request GET /main --- response_body [{"sum(1)":2}][{"sum(1)":2}][{"sum(1)":2}] upstream backend active connections: 1 connection pool capacity: 10 overflow: reject cached connection queue: 1 free'd connection queue: 9 cached connection successfully used count: 3 free'd connection successfully used count: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 servers: 1 peers: 1 upstream backend2 active connections: 0 connection pool capacity: 5 overflow: ignore cached connection queue: 0 free'd connection queue: 5 cached connection successfully used count: free'd connection successfully used count: 0 0 0 0 0 servers: 1 peers: 1 [{"sum(1)":2}][{"sum(1)":2}] upstream backend active connections: 1 connection pool capacity: 10 overflow: reject cached connection queue: 1 free'd connection queue: 9 cached connection successfully used count: 3 free'd connection successfully used count: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 servers: 1 peers: 1 upstream backend2 active connections: 1 connection pool capacity: 5 overflow: ignore cached connection queue: 1 free'd connection queue: 4 cached connection successfully used count: 2 free'd connection successfully used count: 0 0 0 0 servers: 1 peers: 1 === TEST 4: single mode and bad request --- http_config eval: $::http_config --- config location @my_err { echo "500 Internal Server Error"; } location ~ ^/mysql(2?)$ { drizzle_query "select sum(1) from $args"; drizzle_pass backend$1; error_page 500 = @my_err; rds_json on; } location /status { drizzle_status; } location /main { echo_location /mysql cats; echo_location /mysql cats; echo_location /mysql cats; echo_location /mysql select; echo; echo_location /status; echo_location /mysql cats; echo_location /mysql cats; echo; echo_location /status; } --- request GET /main --- response_body [{"sum(1)":2}][{"sum(1)":2}][{"sum(1)":2}]500 Internal Server Error upstream backend active connections: 0 connection pool capacity: 10 overflow: reject cached connection queue: 0 free'd connection queue: 10 cached connection successfully used count: free'd connection successfully used count: 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 servers: 1 peers: 1 upstream backend2 active connections: 0 connection pool capacity: 0 servers: 1 peers: 1 [{"sum(1)":2}][{"sum(1)":2}] upstream backend active connections: 1 connection pool capacity: 10 overflow: reject cached connection queue: 1 free'd connection queue: 9 cached connection successfully used count: 2 free'd connection successfully used count: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 servers: 1 peers: 1 upstream backend2 active connections: 0 connection pool capacity: 0 servers: 1 peers: 1