nginx HTTP redis module -- Description: -- The nginx HTTP redis module for caching with redis, The redis protocol ( not yet fully implemented, but GET and SELECT commands only. Installation: -- You'll need to re-compile Nginx from source to include this module. Modify your compile of Nginx by adding the following directive (modified to suit your path of course): ./configure --add-module=/absolute/path/to/ngx_http_redis make make install Usage: -- Example 1. http { ... server { location / { set $redis_key "$uri?$args"; redis_pass; error_page 404 502 504 = @fallback; } location @fallback { proxy_pass backed; } } } Example 2. Capture User-Agent from an HTTP header, query to redis database for lookup appropriate backend. Eval module ( required. http { ... upstream redis { server; } server { ... location / { eval_escalate on; eval $answer { set $redis_key "$http_user_agent"; redis_pass redis; } proxy_pass $answer; } ... } } Example 3. Compile nginx with ngx_http_redis and ngx_http_gunzip_filter modules ( Gzip content and put it into redis database. % cat index.html Hello from redis! % gzip index.html % cat index.html.gz | redis-cli -x set /index.html OK % cat index.html.gz | redis-cli -x set / OK % Using following configuration nginx get data from redis database and gunzip it. http { ... upstream redis { server; } server { ... location / { gunzip on; redis_gzip_flag 1; set $redis_key "$uri"; redis_pass redis; } } Thanks to: -- Maxim Dounin Vsevolod Stakhov Ezra Zygmuntowicz Special thanks to: -- Evan Miller for his "Guide To Nginx Module Development" and "Advanced Topics In Nginx Module Development" Valery Kholodkov for his "Nginx modules development"