# vi:filetype= use lib 'lib'; use Test::Nginx::Socket; #repeat_each(10); no_shuffle(); repeat_each(2); plan tests => repeat_each() * (2 * blocks() + 7); $ENV{TEST_NGINX_MYSQL_HOST} ||= ''; $ENV{TEST_NGINX_MYSQL_PORT} ||= 3306; our $http_config = <<'_EOC_'; upstream backend { drizzle_server $TEST_NGINX_MYSQL_HOST:$TEST_NGINX_MYSQL_PORT protocol=mysql dbname=ngx_test user=ngx_test password=ngx_test; } _EOC_ #no_long_string(); #master_on(); run_tests(); #no_diff(); __DATA__ === TEST 1: sanity --- http_config eval: $::http_config --- config location /mysql { drizzle_pass backend; #drizzle_dbname $dbname; drizzle_query 'select * from cats order by id'; rds_json on; } --- request GET /mysql --- response_headers_like X-Resty-DBD-Module: ngx_drizzle \d+\.\d+\.\d+ Content-Type: application/json --- response_body chomp [{"id":2,"name":null},{"id":3,"name":"bob"}] --- timeout: 15 === TEST 2: keep-alive --- http_config eval: $::http_config --- config location /mysql { drizzle_pass backend; #drizzle_dbname $dbname; drizzle_query 'select * from cats'; rds_json on; } --- request GET /mysql --- response_body chop [{"id":2,"name":null},{"id":3,"name":"bob"}] === TEST 3: update --- http_config eval: $::http_config --- config location /mysql { drizzle_pass backend; #drizzle_dbname $dbname; drizzle_query "update cats set name='bob' where name='bob'"; rds_json on; } --- request GET /mysql --- response_body chop {"errcode":0,"errstr":"Rows matched: 1 Changed: 0 Warnings: 0"} === TEST 4: select empty result --- http_config eval: $::http_config --- config location /mysql { drizzle_pass backend; drizzle_query "select * from cats where name='tom'"; rds_json on; } --- request GET /mysql --- response_body chop [] === TEST 5: update & no module header --- http_config eval: $::http_config --- config location /mysql { if ($arg_name ~ '[^A-Za-z0-9]') { return 400; } drizzle_pass backend; drizzle_module_header off; drizzle_query "update cats set name='$arg_name' where name='$arg_name'"; rds_json on; } --- request GET /mysql?name=bob --- response_headers X-Resty-DBD-Module: Content-Type: application/json --- response_body chop {"errcode":0,"errstr":"Rows matched: 1 Changed: 0 Warnings: 0"} === TEST 6: invalid SQL --- http_config eval: $::http_config --- config location /mysql { drizzle_pass backend; drizzle_module_header off; drizzle_query "select '32"; rds_json on; } --- response_headers X-Resty-DBD-Module: Content-Type: text/html --- request GET /mysql --- error_code: 500 --- response_body_like: 500 Internal Server Error === TEST 7: single row, single col --- http_config eval: $::http_config --- config location /test { echo_location /mysql "drop table if exists singles"; echo; echo_location /mysql "create table singles (name varchar(15));"; echo; echo_location /mysql "insert into singles values ('marry');"; echo; echo_location /mysql "select * from singles;"; echo; } location /mysql { drizzle_pass backend; drizzle_module_header off; drizzle_query $query_string; rds_json on; } --- request GET /test --- response_body {"errcode":0} {"errcode":0} {"errcode":0,"affected_rows":1} [{"name":"marry"}] --- skip_nginx: 2: < 0.7.46 --- timeout: 5 === TEST 8: floating number and insert id --- http_config eval: $::http_config --- config location /test { echo_location /mysql "drop table if exists foo"; echo; echo_location /mysql "create table foo (id serial not null, primary key (id), val real);"; echo; echo_location /mysql "insert into foo (val) values (3.1415926);"; echo; echo_location /mysql "select * from foo;"; echo; } location /mysql { drizzle_pass backend; drizzle_module_header off; drizzle_query $query_string; rds_json on; } --- request GET /test --- response_body {"errcode":0} {"errcode":0} {"errcode":0,"insert_id":1,"affected_rows":1} [{"id":1,"val":3.1415926}] --- skip_nginx: 2: < 0.7.46 === TEST 9: text blob field --- http_config eval: $::http_config --- config location /test { echo_location /mysql "drop table if exists foo"; echo; echo_location /mysql "create table foo (id serial, body text);"; echo; echo_location /mysql "insert into foo (body) values ('hello');"; echo; echo_location /mysql "select * from foo;"; echo; } location /mysql { drizzle_pass backend; drizzle_module_header off; drizzle_query $query_string; rds_json on; } --- request GET /test --- response_body {"errcode":0} {"errcode":0} {"errcode":0,"insert_id":1,"affected_rows":1} [{"id":1,"body":"hello"}] --- skip_nginx: 2: < 0.7.46 === TEST 10: bool blob field --- http_config eval: $::http_config --- config location /test { echo_location /mysql "drop table if exists foo"; echo; echo_location /mysql "create table foo (id serial, flag bool);"; echo; echo_location /mysql "insert into foo (flag) values (true);"; echo; echo_location /mysql "insert into foo (flag) values (false);"; echo; echo_location /mysql "select * from foo order by id;"; echo; } location /mysql { drizzle_pass backend; drizzle_module_header off; drizzle_query $query_string; rds_json on; } --- request GET /test --- response_body {"errcode":0} {"errcode":0} {"errcode":0,"insert_id":1,"affected_rows":1} {"errcode":0,"insert_id":2,"affected_rows":1} [{"id":1,"flag":1},{"id":2,"flag":0}] --- skip_nginx: 2: < 0.7.46 --- timeout: 10 === TEST 11: bit field --- http_config eval: $::http_config --- config location /test { echo_location /mysql "drop table if exists foo"; echo; echo_location /mysql "create table foo (id serial, flag bit);"; echo; echo_location /mysql "insert into foo (flag) values (1);"; echo; echo_location /mysql "insert into foo (flag) values (0);"; echo; echo_location /mysql "select * from foo order by id;"; echo; } location /mysql { drizzle_pass backend; drizzle_module_header off; drizzle_query $query_string; rds_json on; } --- request GET /test --- response_body {"errcode":0} {"errcode":0} {"errcode":0,"insert_id":1,"affected_rows":1} {"errcode":0,"insert_id":2,"affected_rows":1} [{"id":1,"flag":"\u0001"},{"id":2,"flag":"\u0000"}] --- skip_nginx: 2: < 0.7.46 --- timeout: 10 === TEST 12: date type --- http_config eval: $::http_config --- config location /test { echo_location /mysql "drop table if exists foo"; echo; echo_location /mysql "create table foo (id serial, created date);"; echo; echo_location /mysql "insert into foo (created) values ('2007-05-24');"; echo; echo_location /mysql "select * from foo"; echo; } location /mysql { drizzle_pass backend; drizzle_module_header off; drizzle_query $query_string; rds_json on; } --- request GET /test --- response_body {"errcode":0} {"errcode":0} {"errcode":0,"insert_id":1,"affected_rows":1} [{"id":1,"created":"2007-05-24"}] === TEST 13: strings need to be escaped (forcing utf8) --- http_config upstream backend { drizzle_server $TEST_NGINX_MYSQL_HOST:$TEST_NGINX_MYSQL_PORT protocol=mysql dbname=ngx_test user=ngx_test password=ngx_test charset=utf8; } --- config location /test { echo_location /mysql "drop table if exists foo"; echo; echo_location /mysql "create table foo (id serial, body char(25));"; echo; echo_location /mysql "insert into foo (body) values ('a\\r\\nb\\b你好\Z');"; echo; echo_location /mysql "select * from foo"; echo; } location /mysql { drizzle_pass backend; drizzle_module_header off; drizzle_query $query_string; rds_json on; } --- request GET /test --- response_body {"errcode":0} {"errcode":0} {"errcode":0,"insert_id":1,"affected_rows":1} [{"id":1,"body":"a\r\nb\b??\u001a"}] --- timeout: 5 === TEST 14: strings need to be escaped --- http_config eval: $::http_config --- config location /test { echo_location /mysql "drop table if exists foo"; echo; echo_location /mysql "create table foo (id serial, body char(25));"; echo; echo_location /mysql "insert into foo (body) values ('a\\r\\nb\\b你好\Z');"; echo; echo_location /mysql "select * from foo"; echo; } location /mysql { drizzle_pass backend; drizzle_module_header off; drizzle_query $query_string; rds_json on; } --- request GET /test --- response_body {"errcode":0} {"errcode":0} {"errcode":0,"insert_id":1,"affected_rows":1} [{"id":1,"body":"a\r\nb\b你好\u001a"}] === TEST 15: null values --- http_config eval: $::http_config --- config location /test { echo_location /mysql "drop table if exists foo"; echo; echo_location /mysql "create table foo (id serial, name char(10), age integer);"; echo; echo_location /mysql "insert into foo (name, age) values ('', null);"; echo; echo_location /mysql "insert into foo (name, age) values (null, 0);"; echo; echo_location /mysql "select * from foo order by id"; echo; } location /mysql { drizzle_pass backend; drizzle_module_header off; drizzle_query $query_string; rds_json on; } --- request GET /test --- response_body {"errcode":0} {"errcode":0} {"errcode":0,"insert_id":1,"affected_rows":1} {"errcode":0,"insert_id":2,"affected_rows":1} [{"id":1,"name":"","age":null},{"id":2,"name":null,"age":0}] --- timeout: 10 === TEST 16: call proc --- http_config eval: $::http_config --- config location /mysql { drizzle_pass backend; #drizzle_dbname $dbname; drizzle_query "call myproc()"; rds_json on; } --- request GET /mysql --- response_body chop {"errcode":0,"errstr":"Rows matched: 1 Changed: 0 Warnings: 0"} --- SKIP === TEST 17: bad MIME type --- http_config eval: $::http_config --- config location /mysql { default_type "text/css"; echo hello; rds_json on; } --- request GET /mysql --- response_headers Content-Type: text/css --- response_body hello --- timeout: 15