=encoding utf-8 =head1 NAME ngx_http_stub_status_module - Module ngx_http_stub_status_module =head1 The C module provides access to basic status information. This module is not built by default, it should be enabled with the C<--with-http_stub_status_module> configuration parameter. =head1 Example Configuration location /basic_status { stub_status; } This configuration creates a simple web page with basic status data which may look like as follows: Active connections: 291 server accepts handled requests 16630948 16630948 31070465 Reading: 6 Writing: 179 Waiting: 106 =head1 Directives =head2 stub_status B I B I The basic status information will be accessible from the surrounding location. B In versions prior to 1.7.5, the directive syntax required an arbitrary argument, for example, “C”. =head1 Data The following status information is provided: =over =item C The current number of active client connections including C connections. =item C The total number of accepted client connections. =item C The total number of handled connections. Generally, the parameter value is the same as C unless some resource limits have been reached (for example, the L limit). =item C The total number of client requests. =item C The current number of connections where nginx is reading the request header. =item C The current number of connections where nginx is writing the response back to the client. =item C The current number of idle client connections waiting for a request. =back =head1 Embedded Variables The C module supports the following embedded variables (1.3.14): =over =item C<$connections_active> same as the C value; =item C<$connections_reading> same as the C value; =item C<$connections_writing> same as the C value; =item C<$connections_waiting> same as the C value. =back