=encoding utf-8 =head1 NAME ngx_http_secure_link_module - Module ngx_http_secure_link_module =head1 The C module (0.7.18) is used to check authenticity of requested links, protect resources from unauthorized access, and limit link lifetime. The authenticity of a requested link is verified by comparing the checksum value passed in a request with the value computed for the request. If a link has a limited lifetime and the time has expired, the link is considered outdated. The status of these checks is made available in the C<$secure_link> variable. The module provides two alternative operation modes. The first mode is enabled by the L directive and is used to check authenticity of requested links as well as protect resources from unauthorized access. The second mode (0.8.50) is enabled by the L and L directives and is also used to limit lifetime of links. This module is not built by default, it should be enabled with the C<--with-http_secure_link_module> configuration parameter. =head1 Directives =head2 secure_link B secure_link I>> B I B I B I Defines a string with variables from which the checksum value and lifetime of a link will be extracted. Variables used in an I> are usually associated with a request; see example below. The checksum value extracted from the string is compared with the MD5 hash value of the expression defined by the L directive. If the checksums are different, the C<$secure_link> variable is set to an empty string. If the checksums are the same, the link lifetime is checked. If the link has a limited lifetime and the time has expired, the C<$secure_link> variable is set to “C<0>”. Otherwise, it is set to “C<1>”. The MD5 hash value passed in a request is encoded in L. If a link has a limited lifetime, the expiration time is set in seconds since Epoch (Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT). The value is specified in the expression after the MD5 hash, and is separated by a comma. The expiration time passed in a request is available through the C<$secure_link_expires> variable for a use in the L directive. If the expiration time is not specified, a link has the unlimited lifetime. =head2 secure_link_md5 B secure_link_md5 I>> B I B I B I Defines an expression for which the MD5 hash value will be computed and compared with the value passed in a request. The expression should contain the secured part of a link (resource) and a secret ingredient. If the link has a limited lifetime, the expression should also contain C<$secure_link_expires>. To prevent unauthorized access, the expression may contain some information about the client, such as its address and browser version. Example: location /s/ { secure_link $arg_md5,$arg_expires; secure_link_md5 "$secure_link_expires$uri$remote_addr secret"; if ($secure_link = "") { return 403; } if ($secure_link = "0") { return 410; } ... } The “CsElink?md5=_e4Nc3iduzkWRm01TBBNYwEexpires=2147483647>” link restricts access to “CsElink>” for the client with the IP address The link also has the limited lifetime until January 19, 2038 (GMT). On UNIX, the I> request argument value can be obtained as: echo -n '2147483647/s/link127.0.0.1 secret' | \ openssl md5 -binary | openssl base64 | tr +/ -_ | tr -d = =head2 secure_link_secret B secure_link_secret I>> B I Defines a secret I> used to check authenticity of requested links. The full URI of a requested link looks as follows: /prefix/hash/link where I> is a hexadecimal representation of the MD5 hash computed for the concatenation of the link and secret word, and I> is an arbitrary string without slashes. If the requested link passes the authenticity check, the C<$secure_link> variable is set to the link extracted from the request URI. Otherwise, the C<$secure_link> variable is set to an empty string. Example: location /p/ { secure_link_secret secret; if ($secure_link = "") { return 403; } rewrite ^ /secure/$secure_link; } location /secure/ { internal; } A request of “CpE5e814704a28d9bc1914ff19fa0c4a00aElink>” will be internally redirected to “CsecureElink>”. On UNIX, the hash value for this example can be obtained as: echo -n 'linksecret' | openssl md5 -hex =head1 Embedded Variables =over =item C<$secure_link> The status of a link check. The specific value depends on the selected operation mode. =item C<$secure_link_expires> The lifetime of a link passed in a request; intended to be used only in the L directive. =back