=encoding utf-8

=head1 NAME

ngx_http_gunzip_module - Module ngx_http_gunzip_module


The C<ngx_http_gunzip_module> module is a filter that
decompresses responses with “C<Content-Encoding: gzip>”
for clients that do not support “gzip” encoding method.
The module will be useful when it is desirable to store
data compressed to save space and reduce IE<sol>O costs.

This module is not built by default, it should be enabled with the
configuration parameter.

=head1 Example Configuration

    location /storage/ {
        gunzip on;

=head1 Directives

=head2 gunzip

B<syntax:> gunzip I<C<on> E<verbar> C<off>>

B<default:> I<off>

B<context:> I<http>

B<context:> I<server>

B<context:> I<location>

Enables or disables decompression of gzipped responses
for clients that lack gzip support.
If enabled, the following directives are also taken into account
when determining if clients support gzip:
L<ngx_http_gzip_module>, and
See also the L<ngx_http_gzip_module> directive.

=head2 gunzip_buffers

B<syntax:> gunzip_buffers I<I<C<number>> I<C<size>>>

B<default:> I<32 4kE<verbar>16 8k>

B<context:> I<http>

B<context:> I<server>

B<context:> I<location>

Sets the I<C<number>> and I<C<size>> of buffers
used to decompress a response.
By default, the buffer size is equal to one memory page.
This is either 4K or 8K, depending on a platform.