# vi:filetype=perl use lib 'lib'; use Test::Nginx::Socket; repeat_each(2); plan tests => repeat_each() * (blocks() * 2); $ENV{TEST_NGINX_POSTGRESQL_HOST} ||= ''; $ENV{TEST_NGINX_POSTGRESQL_PORT} ||= 5432; our $http_config = <<'_EOC_'; upstream database { postgres_server $TEST_NGINX_POSTGRESQL_HOST:$TEST_NGINX_POSTGRESQL_PORT dbname=ngx_test user=ngx_test password=ngx_test; } _EOC_ run_tests(); __DATA__ === TEST 1: synchronous --- http_config eval: $::http_config --- config location /bigpipe { echo "(...template with javascript and divs...)"; echo -n ""; echo -n ""; echo ""; } location /_query1 { internal; postgres_pass database; postgres_query "SELECT * FROM cats ORDER BY id ASC"; rds_json on; } location /_query2 { internal; postgres_pass database; postgres_query "SELECT * FROM cats ORDER BY id DESC"; rds_json on; } --- request GET /bigpipe --- error_code: 200 --- response_body (...template with javascript and divs...) --- timeout: 10 --- skip_nginx: 2: < 0.7.46 === TEST 2: asynchronous (without echo filter) --- http_config eval: $::http_config --- config location /bigpipe { echo "(...template with javascript and divs...)"; echo -n ""; echo -n ""; echo ""; } location /_query1 { internal; postgres_pass database; postgres_query "SELECT * FROM cats ORDER BY id ASC"; rds_json on; } location /_query2 { internal; postgres_pass database; postgres_query "SELECT * FROM cats ORDER BY id DESC"; rds_json on; } --- request GET /bigpipe --- error_code: 200 --- response_body (...template with javascript and divs...) --- timeout: 10 --- skip_nginx: 2: < 0.7.46 === TEST 3: asynchronous (with echo filter) --- http_config eval: $::http_config --- config location /bigpipe { echo_before_body "(...template with javascript and divs...)"; echo_before_body -n ""; echo -n ""; echo_after_body ""; } location /_query1 { internal; postgres_pass database; postgres_query "SELECT * FROM cats ORDER BY id ASC"; rds_json on; } location /_query2 { internal; postgres_pass database; postgres_query "SELECT * FROM cats ORDER BY id DESC"; rds_json on; } --- request GET /bigpipe --- error_code: 200 --- response_body (...template with javascript and divs...) --- timeout: 10 --- skip_nginx: 2: < 0.7.46