# vim:set ft= ts=4 sw=4 et fdm=marker: use Test::Nginx::Socket::Lua; #repeat_each(20000); repeat_each(2); #master_on(); #workers(1); #log_level('debug'); #log_level('warn'); #worker_connections(1024); plan tests => repeat_each() * (blocks() * 2 + 2); $ENV{TEST_NGINX_MEMCACHED_PORT} ||= 11211; $ENV{TEST_NGINX_MYSQL_PORT} ||= 3306; our $LuaCpath = $ENV{LUA_CPATH} || '/usr/local/openresty-debug/lualib/?.so;/usr/local/openresty/lualib/?.so;;'; no_long_string(); run_tests(); __DATA__ === TEST 1: throw 403 --- config location /lua { access_by_lua "ngx.exit(403);ngx.say('hi')"; content_by_lua 'ngx.exit(ngx.OK)'; } --- request GET /lua --- error_code: 403 --- response_body_like: 403 Forbidden === TEST 2: throw 404 --- config location /lua { access_by_lua "ngx.exit(404);ngx.say('hi');"; content_by_lua 'ngx.exit(ngx.OK)'; } --- request GET /lua --- error_code: 404 --- response_body_like: 404 Not Found === TEST 3: throw 404 after sending the header and partial body --- config location /lua { access_by_lua "ngx.say('hi');ngx.exit(404);ngx.say(', you')"; content_by_lua 'ngx.exit(ngx.OK)'; } --- request GET /lua --- response_body hi --- no_error_log [alert] --- error_log attempt to set status 404 via ngx.exit after sending out the response status 200 === TEST 4: working with ngx_auth_request (succeeded) --- config location /auth { access_by_lua " if ngx.var.user == 'agentzh' then ngx.eof(); else ngx.exit(403) end"; content_by_lua 'ngx.exit(ngx.OK)'; } location /api { set $user $arg_user; auth_request /auth; echo "Logged in"; } --- request GET /api?user=agentzh --- error_code: 200 --- response_body Logged in === TEST 5: working with ngx_auth_request (failed) --- config location /api { set $user $arg_user; access_by_lua " if ngx.var.user == 'agentzh' then ngx.eof(); else ngx.exit(403) end"; echo "Logged in"; } --- request GET /api?user=agentz --- error_code: 403 --- response_body_like: 403 Forbidden === TEST 6: working with ngx_auth_request (simplest form, w/o ngx_memc) --- http_config eval " lua_package_cpath '$::LuaCpath'; upstream backend { drizzle_server\$TEST_NGINX_MYSQL_PORT protocol=mysql dbname=ngx_test user=ngx_test password=ngx_test; drizzle_keepalive max=300 mode=single overflow=ignore; } " --- config location /memc { internal; set $memc_key $arg_key; set $memc_exptime $arg_exptime; memc_pass$TEST_NGINX_MEMCACHED_PORT; } location /conv-uid-mysql { internal; set $key "conv-uid-$arg_uid"; #srcache_fetch GET /memc key=$key; #srcache_store PUT /memc key=$key; default_type 'application/json'; drizzle_query "select new_uid as uid from conv_uid where old_uid=$arg_uid"; drizzle_pass backend; rds_json on; } location /api { set $uid $arg_uid; access_by_lua_file 'html/foo.lua'; echo "Logged in $uid"; } --- user_files >>> foo.lua local cjson = require('cjson'); local old_uid = ngx.var.uid print('about to run sr') local res = ngx.location.capture('/conv-uid-mysql?uid=' .. old_uid) print('just have run sr' .. res.body) if (res.status ~= ngx.HTTP_OK) then -- ngx.exit(res.status) end res = cjson.decode(res.body) if (not res or not res[1] or not res[1].uid or not string.match(res[1].uid, '^%d+$')) then ngx.exit(ngx.HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) end ngx.var.uid = res[1].uid; -- print('done') --- request GET /api?uid=32 --- response_body Logged in 56 --- timeout: 3 === TEST 7: working with ngx_auth_request (simplest form) --- http_config eval " lua_package_cpath '$::LuaCpath'; upstream backend { drizzle_server\$TEST_NGINX_MYSQL_PORT protocol=mysql dbname=ngx_test user=ngx_test password=ngx_test; drizzle_keepalive max=300 mode=single overflow=ignore; } " --- config location /memc { internal; set $memc_key $arg_key; set $memc_exptime $arg_exptime; memc_pass$TEST_NGINX_MEMCACHED_PORT; } location /conv-uid-mysql { internal; set $key "conv-uid-$arg_uid"; #srcache_fetch GET /memc key=$key; #srcache_store PUT /memc key=$key; default_type 'application/json'; drizzle_query "select new_uid as uid from conv_uid where old_uid=$arg_uid"; drizzle_pass backend; rds_json on; } location /api { set $uid $arg_uid; access_by_lua_file html/foo.lua; echo "Logged in $uid"; } --- user_files >>> foo.lua local cjson = require('cjson'); local old_uid = ngx.var.uid -- print('about to run sr') local res = ngx.location.capture('/conv-uid-mysql?uid=' .. old_uid) -- print('just have run sr' .. res.body) if (res.status ~= ngx.HTTP_OK) then ngx.exit(res.status) end res = cjson.decode(res.body) if (not res or not res[1] or not res[1].uid or not string.match(res[1].uid, '^%d+$')) then ngx.exit(ngx.HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) end ngx.var.uid = res[1].uid; -- print('done') --- request GET /api?uid=32 --- response_body Logged in 56 === TEST 8: working with ngx_auth_request --- http_config eval " lua_package_cpath '$::LuaCpath'; upstream backend { drizzle_server\$TEST_NGINX_MYSQL_PORT protocol=mysql dbname=ngx_test user=ngx_test password=ngx_test; drizzle_keepalive max=300 mode=single overflow=ignore; } upstream memc_a { server\$TEST_NGINX_MEMCACHED_PORT; } upstream memc_b { server\$TEST_NGINX_MEMCACHED_PORT; } upstream_list memc_cluster memc_a memc_b; " --- config location /memc { internal; set $memc_key $arg_key; set $memc_exptime $arg_exptime; set_hashed_upstream $backend memc_cluster $arg_key; memc_pass $backend; } location /conv-uid-mysql { internal; set $key "conv-uid-$arg_uid"; #srcache_fetch GET /memc key=$key; #srcache_store PUT /memc key=$key; default_type 'application/json'; drizzle_query "select new_uid as uid from conv_uid where old_uid=$arg_uid"; drizzle_pass backend; rds_json on; } location /api { set $uid $arg_uid; access_by_lua_file html/foo.lua; echo "Logged in $uid"; } --- user_files >>> foo.lua local cjson = require('cjson'); local old_uid = ngx.var.uid -- print('about to run sr') local res = ngx.location.capture('/conv-uid-mysql?uid=' .. old_uid) -- print('just have run sr' .. res.body) if (res.status ~= ngx.HTTP_OK) then ngx.exit(res.status) end res = cjson.decode(res.body) if (not res or not res[1] or not res[1].uid or not string.match(res[1].uid, '^%d+$')) then ngx.exit(ngx.HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) end ngx.var.uid = res[1].uid; -- print('done') --- request GET /api?uid=32 --- response_body Logged in 56 === TEST 9: working with ngx_auth_request --- http_config upstream backend { drizzle_server$TEST_NGINX_MYSQL_PORT protocol=mysql dbname=ngx_test user=ngx_test password=ngx_test; drizzle_keepalive max=300 mode=single overflow=ignore; } upstream memc_a { server$TEST_NGINX_MEMCACHED_PORT; keepalive 300; } #upstream_list memc_cluster memc_a memc_b; --- config location /memc { internal; set $memc_key $arg_key; set $memc_exptime $arg_exptime; #set_hashed_upstream $backend memc_cluster $arg_key; memc_pass memc_a; } location /conv-mysql { internal; set $key "conv-uri-$query_string"; #srcache_fetch GET /memc key=$key; #srcache_store PUT /memc key=$key; default_type 'application/json'; set_quote_sql_str $seo_uri $query_string; drizzle_query "select url from my_url_map where seo_url=$seo_uri"; drizzle_pass backend; rds_json on; } location /conv-uid { internal; access_by_lua_file 'html/foo.lua'; content_by_lua 'ngx.exit(ngx.OK)'; } location /baz { set $my_uri $uri; auth_request /conv-uid; echo_exec /jump $my_uri; } location /jump { internal; rewrite ^ $query_string? redirect; } --- user_files >>> foo.lua local cjson = require('cjson'); local seo_uri = ngx.var.my_uri -- print('about to run sr') local res = ngx.location.capture('/conv-mysql?' .. seo_uri) if (res.status ~= ngx.HTTP_OK) then ngx.exit(res.status) end res = cjson.decode(res.body) if (not res or not res[1] or not res[1].url) then ngx.exit(ngx.HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) end ngx.var.my_uri = res[1].url; -- print('done') --- request GET /baz --- response_body_like: 302 --- error_code: 302 --- response_headers Location: http://localhost:$ServerPort/foo/bar --- SKIP === TEST 10: throw 0 --- config location /lua { access_by_lua "ngx.say('Hi'); ngx.eof(); ngx.exit(0);ngx.say('world')"; content_by_lua 'ngx.exit(ngx.OK)'; } --- request GET /lua --- error_code: 200 --- response_body Hi === TEST 11: throw ngx.OK does *not* skip other later phase handlers --- config location /lua { access_by_lua "ngx.exit(ngx.OK)"; set $foo hello; echo $foo; } --- request GET /lua --- response_body hello === TEST 12: throw ngx.HTTP_OK *does* skip other later phase handlers (by inlined code) --- config location /lua { access_by_lua "ngx.exit(ngx.HTTP_OK)"; set $foo hello; echo $foo; } --- request GET /lua --- response_body === TEST 13: throw ngx.HTTP_OK *does* skip other rewrite phase handlers (by inlined code + partial output) --- config location /lua { rewrite_by_lua "ngx.say('hiya') ngx.exit(ngx.HTTP_OK)"; set $foo hello; echo $foo; } --- request GET /lua --- response_body hiya === TEST 14: throw ngx.HTTP_OK *does* skip other later phase handlers (by file) --- config location /lua { access_by_lua_file html/foo.lua; set $foo hello; echo $foo; } --- user_files >>> foo.lua ngx.exit(ngx.HTTP_OK) --- request GET /lua --- response_body === TEST 15: throw ngx.HTTP_OK *does* skip other rewrite phase handlers (by file + partial output) --- config location /lua { rewrite_by_lua_file html/foo.lua; set $foo hello; echo $foo; } --- user_files >>> foo.lua ngx.say("morning") ngx.exit(ngx.HTTP_OK) --- request GET /lua --- response_body morning === TEST 16: error page with custom body --- config error_page 410 @err; location @err { echo blah blah; } location /foo { access_by_lua ' ngx.status = ngx.HTTP_GONE ngx.say("This is our own content") -- to cause quit the whole request rather than the current phase handler ngx.exit(ngx.HTTP_OK) '; echo Hello; } --- request GET /foo --- response_body This is our own content --- error_code: 410 === TEST 17: exit(404) after I/O --- config error_page 400 /400.html; error_page 404 /404.html; location /foo { access_by_lua ' ngx.location.capture("/sleep") ngx.exit(ngx.HTTP_NOT_FOUND) '; echo Hello; } location /sleep { echo_sleep 0.002; } --- user_files >>> 400.html Bad request, dear... >>> 404.html Not found, dear... --- request GET /bah --- response_body Not found, dear... --- error_code: 404