# vi:filetype=perl use lib 'lib'; use Test::Nginx::Socket; repeat_each(2); plan tests => repeat_each() * (blocks() * 3); worker_connections(128); run_tests(); no_diff(); __DATA__ === TEST 1: not changed --- config location /test { override_method $arg_method; echo -n $request_method; } --- request GET /test --- error_code: 200 --- response_headers Content-Type: text/plain --- response_body chop GET --- timeout: 10 === TEST 2: changed --- config location /test { override_method $arg_method; echo -n $request_method; } --- request GET /test?method=POST --- error_code: 200 --- response_headers Content-Type: text/plain --- response_body chop POST --- timeout: 10 === TEST 3: inherited --- config override_method $arg_method; location /test { echo -n $request_method; } --- request GET /test?method=POST --- error_code: 200 --- response_headers Content-Type: text/plain --- response_body chop POST --- timeout: 10 === TEST 4: not inherited --- config override_method $arg_method; location /test { override_method PUT; echo -n $request_method; } --- request GET /test?method=POST --- error_code: 200 --- response_headers Content-Type: text/plain --- response_body chop PUT --- timeout: 10 === TEST 5: restored --- config override_method $arg_method; location /test { override_method off; echo -n $request_method; } --- request GET /test?method=POST --- error_code: 200 --- response_headers Content-Type: text/plain --- response_body chop GET --- timeout: 10 === TEST 6: method-specific (changed) --- config location /test { override_method GET $arg_method; echo -n $request_method; } --- request GET /test?method=POST --- error_code: 200 --- response_headers Content-Type: text/plain --- response_body chop POST --- timeout: 10 === TEST 7: method-specific (not changed) --- config location /test { override_method PUT $arg_method; echo -n $request_method; } --- request GET /test?method=POST --- error_code: 200 --- response_headers Content-Type: text/plain --- response_body chop GET --- timeout: 10 === TEST 8: method-specific (multiple methods) --- config location /test { override_method GET HEAD PUT $arg_method; echo -n $request_method; } --- request HEAD /test?method=POST --- error_code: 200 --- response_headers Content-Type: text/plain --- response_body chop POST --- timeout: 10 === TEST 9: double dance (blocked) --- config override_method GET $arg_method; if ($request_method = GET) { return 400; } location /test { override_method GET PUT; if ($request_method = GET) { return 400; } echo -n $request_method; } --- request GET /test --- error_code: 400 --- response_headers Content-Type: text/html --- response_body_like: 400 Bad Request --- timeout: 10 === TEST 10: double dance (passed) --- config override_method GET $arg_method; if ($request_method = GET) { return 400; } location /test { override_method GET PUT; if ($request_method = GET) { return 400; } echo -n $request_method; } --- request GET /test?method=POST --- error_code: 200 --- response_headers Content-Type: text/plain --- response_body chop PUT --- timeout: 10 --- skip_nginx: 3: < 0.8.34 === TEST 11: double dance with "off" --- config override_method GET $arg_method; if ($request_method = GET) { return 400; } location /test { override_method off; echo -n $request_method; } --- request GET /test?method=POST --- error_code: 200 --- response_headers Content-Type: text/plain --- response_body chop GET --- timeout: 10 --- skip_nginx: 3: < 0.8.34 === TEST 12: changed method passed to upstream --- http_config server { listen 8100; location / { echo -n $request_method; } } --- config location /test { override_method $arg_method; proxy_pass; } --- request GET /test?method=POST --- error_code: 200 --- response_headers Content-Type: text/plain --- response_body chop POST --- timeout: 10 === TEST 13: restored method passed to upstream --- http_config server { listen 8100; location / { echo -n $request_method; } } --- config override_method $arg_method; location /test { override_method off; proxy_pass; } --- request GET /test?method=POST --- error_code: 200 --- response_headers Content-Type: text/plain --- response_body chop GET --- timeout: 10