# vi:filetype= use Test::Nginx::Socket; # 'no_plan'; repeat_each(2); plan tests => 53 * repeat_each(); no_diff; run_tests(); __DATA__ === TEST 1: set Server --- config #more_set_headers 'Last-Modified: x'; more_clear_headers 'Last-Modified'; --- request GET /index.html --- response_headers ! Last-Modified --- response_body_like: It works! === TEST 2: variables in the Ranges header --- config location /index.html { set $rfrom 1; set $rto 3; more_set_input_headers 'Range: bytes=$rfrom - $rto'; #more_set_input_headers 'Range: bytes=1 - 3'; #echo $http_range; } --- request GET /index.html --- error_code: 206 --- response_body chomp htm === TEST 3: mime type overriding (inlined types) --- config more_clear_headers 'X-Powered-By' 'X-Runtime' 'ETag'; types { text/html html htm shtml; text/css css; } --- user_files >>> a.css hello --- request GET /a.css --- error_code: 200 --- response_headers Content-Type: text/css --- response_body hello === TEST 4: mime type overriding (included types file) --- config more_clear_headers 'X-Powered-By' 'X-Runtime' 'ETag'; include mime.types; --- user_files >>> a.css hello >>> ../conf/mime.types types { text/html html htm shtml; text/css css; } --- request GET /a.css --- error_code: 200 --- response_headers Content-Type: text/css --- response_body hello === TEST 5: empty variable as the header value --- config location /foo { more_set_headers 'X-Foo: $arg_foo'; echo hi; } --- request GET /foo --- response_headers ! X-Foo --- response_body hi === TEST 6: range bug --- config location /index.html { more_clear_input_headers "Range*" ; more_clear_input_headers "Content-Range*" ; more_set_input_headers 'Range: bytes=1-5'; more_set_headers 'Content-Range: bytes 1-5/1000'; } --- request GET /index.html --- more_headers Range: bytes=1-3 --- raw_response_headers_like: Content-Range: bytes 1-5/1000$ --- response_body chop html> --- error_code: 206 --- SKIP === TEST 7: Allow-Ranges --- config location /index.html { more_clear_headers 'Accept-Ranges'; } --- request GET /index.html --- response_headers ! Accept-Ranges --- response_body_like: It works === TEST 8: clear hand-written Allow-Ranges headers --- config location /index.html { more_set_headers 'Accept-Ranges: bytes'; more_clear_headers 'Accept-Ranges'; } --- request GET /index.html --- response_headers ! Accept-Ranges --- response_body_like: It works === TEST 9: clear first, then add --- config location /bug { more_clear_headers 'Foo'; more_set_headers 'Foo: a'; echo hello; } --- request GET /bug --- raw_response_headers_like eval ".*Foo: a.*" --- response_body hello === TEST 10: first add, then clear, then add again --- config location /bug { more_set_headers 'Foo: a'; more_clear_headers 'Foo'; more_set_headers 'Foo: b'; echo hello; } --- request GET /bug --- raw_response_headers_like eval ".*Foo: b.*" --- response_body hello === TEST 11: override charset --- config location /foo { charset iso-8859-1; default_type "text/html"; echo hiya; } location /bug { more_set_headers "Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8"; proxy_pass$server_port/foo; } --- request GET /bug --- response_body hiya --- response_headers Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 === TEST 12: set multi-value header to a single value --- config location /main { set $footer ''; proxy_pass$server_port/foo; more_set_headers 'Foo: b'; header_filter_by_lua ' ngx.var.footer = ngx.header.Foo '; echo_after_body $footer; } location /foo { echo foo; add_header Foo a; add_header Foo c; } --- request GET /main --- response_headers Foo: b --- response_body foo b === TEST 13: set multi values to cache-control and override it with multiple values (to reproduce a bug) --- config location /lua { content_by_lua ' ngx.header.cache_control = { "private", "no-store", "foo", "bar", "baz" } ngx.send_headers() ngx.say("Cache-Control: ", ngx.var.sent_http_cache_control) '; more_clear_headers Cache-Control; add_header Cache-Control "blah"; } --- request GET /lua --- response_headers Cache-Control: blah --- response_body Cache-Control: blah === TEST 14: set 20+ headers --- config location /test { more_clear_input_headers "Authorization"; echo $http_a1; echo $http_authorization; echo $http_a2; echo $http_a3; echo $http_a23; echo $http_a24; echo $http_a25; } --- request GET /test --- more_headers eval my $i = 1; my $s; while ($i <= 25) { $s .= "A$i: $i\n"; if ($i == 22) { $s .= "Authorization: blah\n"; } $i++; } #warn $s; $s --- response_body 1 2 3 23 24 25 === TEST 15: github #20: segfault caused by the nasty optimization in the nginx core (set) --- config location = /t/ { more_set_headers "Foo: 1"; proxy_pass$server_port; } --- request GET /t --- more_headers Foo: bar Bah: baz --- response_body_like: 301 Moved Permanently --- error_code: 301 --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 16: github #20: segfault caused by the nasty optimization in the nginx core (clear) --- config location = /t/ { more_clear_headers Foo; proxy_pass$server_port; } --- request GET /t --- more_headers Foo: bar Bah: baz --- response_body_like: 301 Moved Permanently --- error_code: 301 --- no_error_log [error] === TEST 17: Content-Type response headers with a charset param (correct -t values) --- config location = /t { more_set_headers -t 'text/html' 'X-Foo: Bar'; proxy_pass$server_port/fake; } location = /fake { default_type text/html; charset utf-8; echo ok; } --- request GET /t --- response_headers X-Foo: Bar --- response_body ok === TEST 18: Content-Type response headers with a charset param (WRONG -t values) --- config location = /t { more_set_headers -t 'text/html; charset=utf-8' 'X-Foo: Bar'; proxy_pass$server_port/fake; } location = /fake { default_type text/html; charset utf-8; echo ok; } --- request GET /t --- response_headers X-Foo: Bar --- response_body ok === TEST 19: for bad requests (bad request method letter case) --- config error_page 400 = /err; location = /err { more_set_input_headers "Foo: bar"; echo ok; } --- raw_request GeT / HTTP/1.1 --- response_body ok --- no_check_leak === TEST 20: for bad requests (bad request method names) --- config error_page 400 = /err; location = /err { more_set_input_headers "Foo: bar"; echo ok; } --- raw_request GET x HTTP/1.1 --- response_body ok --- no_check_leak